baby coughing with runny stuffed nose

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by atinar, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member


    One of my sons has been coughing deeply and has stuffed runny nose. My sister in law who has 2 big girls now, said that since he does not have high temperature then this is due to teething and therefore we should not be worried and give him coughing medication. Could teething cause such similar symptoms to flu?

    I look forward for your input.

    Many thanks in advance.
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys have never coughed during teething; if it's a deep cough I would take your DS to the ped, or at least give them a call. My guys both had a horrible upper respiratory infection a few weeks ago, and it started with a cough.

    I hope he feels better soon!
  3. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    No. Your sister-in law may have lucked out that her daughters didn't get pneumonia or bronchitis from colds, but she is dead wrong-I've never heard something so silly. Teething can sometimes cause a mild fever. It can cause tooth pain and a little bit of a runny nose. But teething never causes a cough, and never more than a mild runny nose (from irritation). Kids can get colds, or other respiratory infections most of the time WITHOUT a fever, or with a low grade fever. This is much more common than a runny nose or low grade fever with teethign!

    Sounds like your little guy has a cold. I'd check in with your pediatrician. Doesn't necessarily need to go in if he's not having breathing distress or a serious cough, but you probably want to see if you can at least check in by phone. RSV is still going around and infections can start from colds, so at the very least you need to get a timetable for how long symptoms should last, describe the coughing to the dr. office, and they should tell you warning signs to watch for repiratory distress just in case.)
  4. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Just FYI... my guys get sick a LOT and also probably have allergies. Please call your pediatrician, But this is what they’ve told us to watch out for to bring them in for our boys:

    Coughing that makes them throw up, or ANY wheezing (if hasn’t happened before),

    ANY fever for 5 days (even low grade)

    Fever over 101 for 3 days

    Respiratory symptoms: Bluish or grayish or pale skin around the mouth,(or toes or fingers- very bad) seeing any indentation on the chest when breathing in (AT ALL) just under the ribs- this is VERY VERY important, seeing any indentations in the neck breathing in, any gasping noise, breathing faster than normal, especially over 60 breaths a minute, any wheezing or whistling noise when breathing, any symptoms that look like that look like there is difficulty breathing.

    If your child doesn’t have asthma, use a humidifier several times a day to ease breathing support.

    Very important to suction nose out frequently. Sleep with head in an elevated position.
  5. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much. I really appreciate very much your valuable replies.
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