baby circumsized penis'

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by E&Msmom, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    This past week we went on vacation with my in-laws to Hawaii. the babies spent a great deal of time either naked or just in diapers.
    My son was circumsized at birth. The pedi checks his parts at all our well baby visits and says they look great. She takes 2 fingers on either side down by his groin and kinda pushes the fat back so his penis will pop out and she can see if any skin is adhering or anything liek that. Ive never thought anything of it.

    While on vacation my MIL asked if his penis was ok. She said her boys never looked like that. She said it looked like he had an "inny" because it goes back in and you cant see the head without pushing back along the shaft.

    Does this sound normal? What do baby parts look like?? I have 1 boy and 1 girl so not alot to compare as their plumbing is completely different! :p
  2. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    It can be if the circ is not done properly.. which IS the case with BOTH of my boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We have been through a lot w/ the whole situation and saw Urologist after Urologist and ultimately cancelled the Re-circumcisions cuz it just didn't seem worth it to me to put them under general to mess w/ that area AGAIN.. stitches etc.

    I'm not worried about it. It is VERY common to have this happen and I have been told it WILL work itself out as baby grows.

    Don't worry!!!

    FWIW: I wish I had NEVER circ'd my boys. It was a stupid stupid move on my part and probably the ONLY regret I have so far.. Poor guys.

    DH is not circ'd. I caved to peer pressure and did it and hate myself for it but whatever. Try not to worry :)
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    You said the ped checks and pushed fat back--totally common, especially in a chubby baby. You will see the difference as it grows. Both of my neighbors' boys were like that.
  4. JLF518

    JLF518 Well-Known Member

    Yes, this is totally common in a chubby baby. One DS is like this; I worried about this at first but its just because he is chubby. My nephew was the same way; my sister in law asked the pedi about this and he said its because he's chubby. They will grow out of this.
  5. KellyJ

    KellyJ Well-Known Member

    All 3 of my boys looked like that until about 2. Now they look perfectly "normal" and not at all too small or like there is too much skin. My doctor explained this is not the wrong way to do a circ as previously mentioned. They often leave more skin now than they used to to allow for enough skin for a comfortable, full erection, especially as they age. I would say it is the way most circs I've seen are done with the exception of a Jewish Bris, where the Rabbi did a more traditional circ. Whenever my boys do have an erection, or have in the past as chubby babies, there is no extra skin and it looks just as normal as the rest of the boy's penises I've seen. I'm not saying I've seen a ton, just the ones on my friend's little boys during play dates and such over the past 5 years. All of my Mom friends have had this conversation, so it's not unusual to wonder if your boys are "normal". I would not worry one bit.
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My son is a thin baby and is circumcized, I do have to push the fat back to clean his penis. The pediatrician usually checks him out and says everything looks great, so I'm not worried about it. I imagine things will even out when he gets older.
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    One of my good friends sons had an 'innie'. He was a chunky baby, and now that he is older, it looks normal.
  8. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    My oldest was the same way, the twins were not. He was always more chubby than the twins ever were. Perfectly normal!
  9. tiggrrl72077

    tiggrrl72077 Well-Known Member

    My DS2 is like that. He's just chunky. My friend's son was the same way. Her son's is now "normal"

    It's not that the circ was done wrong it's just he's chunky so there's more fat around the penis.
  10. z mommy

    z mommy Member

    Absolutely agree with the other posts. My 8 month old son is like that, but my 1st son was not. Our pedi explained that it was due to the baby chub. It reminds me of the time I heard Dr. Oz on Oprah say that if a man loses 30 pounds, he will gain an inch of length. I guess that area can be bulky... :)
    Don't worry!
    Becca, mom to-
    Zander 12/24/03
    Zack & Zoe 5/15/08
  11. annagloth

    annagloth Well-Known Member

    I agree with the other posters as well, one of my sons has the same thing. We were just at the peds office and asked the doc and he said that it was simply b/c he was a chubby baby and that it will resolve itself, nothing to worry about!
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