baby bjorn or any carriers, do you use them

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Bradysmom1002, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. Bradysmom1002

    Bradysmom1002 Well-Known Member

    With my son I never got a good one until he was too heavy. Do you use your carriers. Is there one that is better with twins, heck is there one out there where you carry both of them?

    Just wondering if I should invest in some. What are your thoughts?
  2. Bradysmom1002

    Bradysmom1002 Well-Known Member

    With my son I never got a good one until he was too heavy. Do you use your carriers. Is there one that is better with twins, heck is there one out there where you carry both of them?

    Just wondering if I should invest in some. What are your thoughts?
  3. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    The Maximom is designed for twins. They are about $150 new. We got ours off ebay and it is pretty easy to use. I mostly use the Bjorn carrier. We have one baby that prefers to ride in the car seat, where the other one likes to be carried.

  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We bought two snugli baby carriers. I used them maybe 2 times. It was just so difficult to get them in & out of it. I guess if I were to do it again, I'd learn how to use a sling. If you are interested, I'd send them to you for the cost of shipping! [​IMG]
  5. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    we enjoy using the front carriers with my dh when we go walking with the girls. They instantly fall asleep so we get to talk. Can't see using them if the weather is too cold or too hot though. I saw there was one on the web for twins but it looked impossible to me.
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I may be in the minority here, but I hate the Bjorns. They hurt my neck, shoulders, and back if wear them longer than 10 minutes. Soooo...I went in search of a different carrier. Here is the one I found. I LOVE it! It is so comfortable, nothing like the Bjorn, they feel more secure and it distributes their weight better, so that your neck and shoulders don't hurt. I highly recommend it. is a site to give you tips on wearing them both! Hope this helps you!! Good luck with your pregnancy! [​IMG]
  7. Jello717

    Jello717 Well-Known Member

    I have two snuglis and a sling. I use one of the snuglis when I go out if I can't have them both in the carriers. We haven't used the other one yet, but plan to when we go somewhere where we can't take a stroller. The sling I've only used when I can't get one to fall asleep. He'd fall right asleep in the sling but would wake up as soon as I stopped moving.
  8. LisaJB

    LisaJB Well-Known Member

    We have two Bjorns and we've loved them. If I had it to do over again, I would have purchased a good single stroller that would accomodate an infant right from the start, so I could go out with one baby in the stroller and the other in the Bjorn. As it is I didn't get my act together and so I only used the Bjorn carrier when DH and I were out together with the babies, or on the occasion when I went out with just one of the babies and the other was with DH elsewhere. I mean, it's not that I didn't use the carrier, I just wish I'd been using it more. There is also some kind of leg/foot cover thing available for the Bjorn for use in cold weather; I saw some moms with it recently and thought about getting it for a second and a half, but it doesn't make ($) sense for me to get it this late in the game, with the babies at 21 and 22 pounds already.

    As a PP noted the Maximom is designed for use with twins. I looked at the website but frankly I knew right off it just wasn't for me. Too complicated, for one thing, and for another...too unwieldy and too heavy for me and my back, period!

    If you're going to get a Bjorn I would first check out something like your local parents of multiples club (if you have one near you); they usually have big sales once or twice a year, and you can get a much better deal on something like a Bjorn if you go that route. They're not cheap, but unless someone has used them for several kids, they can usually be picked up in good/great used condition for much less money.
  9. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    The bjorn was ok when the babies were 12 lbs and under, but after that it really hurt my shoulders and back. I most often now use a pouch from kangaroo corner and do hip carry since they are older:

    Check out the ergo carrier and the baby trekker. These are my most recent purchases that I'm still practicing with.

    Good Luck,
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I've never liked the Bjorns -- they always hurt my back. We had three different slings, but never got good at any of them. And when they were newborns, the babies seemed to prefer either being cuddled in our arms, or sitting in the bouncy seat or swing. When they were older (~4m) they liked the Bjorns, but by then they were getting too heavy for me.

    I've heard great things about the Ergo, but I dont think it's as good for newborns.
  11. Ellensgirls

    Ellensgirls Well-Known Member

    I used Snugli carriers with dh when the girls were little. It started to hurt my back as they got bigger so I stopped using it.

    Sometime around 5-7 months I got a sling and never looked back. I loved it and so did my girls. I got the New Native Baby Carrier Sling? I think it is called off ebay for $20 and I still have it. I just popped them in and out with no fuss. Very easy to use. I used it daily up until 18 months when they just got too heavy. Plus their shoes made it difficult to just pop them into the sling anymore.

    I still occationally use it now that the girls are older when they are sick and it still works like a charm. Now they fight over who gets to go in it. At about 26 or so pounds now, I rarely use it, but can't yet part with it.

    I've also heard good things about the ergo carrier, though I've never used it myself.

  12. sami & madi's mom

    sami & madi's mom Well-Known Member

    we went and bought a hiking back pack carrier for the girls and I love it so do they it cost $150 dollars but I found it better than the snuggly we bought if offers you more support and is built with the padding were you need it and it is actually light weight. it is good up until the child is 40lbs. whenit gets to much for me, the daddy can pack it, lol. I used it all summer and then used an umbrella stroller, you will get way less twin comments and it is easier to get around
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