Baby A dropped?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Tyneka, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Tyneka

    Tyneka Member

    So I had my 28 week u/s today, both babies are at a really good weight... 3lbs each (exact same weight..) So that's good. My biggest concern though is that baby A's head is literally IN my cervix... isn't it a little early for her to be so low? has she dropped or is this just a "twin thing" because there is no where else to go? and I'm assuming this is why I've been getting sharp pains "down there" ugg, my dr. won't get the results for at least another week and I don't have an appt. for another 2 weeks. Is this something I should be worried about?
  2. atruluck

    atruluck Member

    I'm 33 weeks and baby A dropped around 29 weeks i am having the same sharp pains, but the doctor says the sharp pains is due to the fact that my uterus can't expand that much more....... I am having the same concern, but I am still completely closed with no dialation so i don't think you should be concerned that much it's just painful..
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    completely normal IMO. those babies are getting big and somebodies head needs to go somewhere! At least its going vertex. Once my baby A went head down they just kept growing bigger and there was no where else for them to go- yay! That helped guarantee my chance to try a vaginal delivery. I distincly remember those sharp pains down there because I literally thought I was having shock impulses or that I was going to pee my pants when it happened! :)
    Be sure to take lots of breaks, keep your feet up, drink your water and listen to your doctor. You're in the homestretch!!!
  4. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    I am fairly sure mine have dropped as well. It feels and looks lower. I swear, one is arm wrestling my colon.... which makes for incredibly urgent bathroom breaks! LOL.

    32 weeks 2 days
  5. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

  6. jrtchr

    jrtchr Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mollyelizabeth @ Jun 10 2009, 10:45 AM) [snapback]1348634[/snapback]
    I am fairly sure mine have dropped as well. It feels and looks lower. I swear, one is arm wrestling my colon.... which makes for incredibly urgent bathroom breaks! LOL.

    32 weeks 2 days

    OMG - totally know what you mean - between the jumping jacks on my bladder and my colon I feel like I am in the bathroom constantly. lol
  7. Tyneka

    Tyneka Member

    Thanks so much, sounds like it's nothing to worry about. I'm assuming my dr. will get the results and call sooner if it's an issue.
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