Baby A and Baby B - Personalities

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Lydia, May 28, 2009.

  1. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    This is just a curiousity of mine that I think all of you can help me satisfy. My baby A(Annika) was calm in the womb. Baby B(Ezra) was constantly kicking and rolling. However, now that they are born and old enough to define their personalities, my baby A is definitely the louder, more demanding, constantly on the move baby who is developmentally ahead and my baby B is the complete opposite. Ezra is very patient and laid back in all he does, except when it comes to eating! I am curious what yours are like. I don't want to classify them this young but it seems that I have type A and B personalities emerging already!
  2. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    Here is what it was like for me.

    In the womb:
    Baby A in the beginning was vey quiet. I could not feel him move because my placenta was between us. Towards the end, was movable and kicked the mattress when I layed down; he was on my left side.

    BabyB in the beginning was my little rebel. I felt him all the time because he was very high up in my rib cage. Towards the end, he calmed way down. In fact, I went to L&D because he would not move unless I poked at him.

    In the real world:
    Baby A (Jonathan) is a man of his own. He is louder, bigger than David and eats good. He can be a bit stubborn, but he comes by that quite naturally.

    Baby B (David) is a go with the flow kind of guy. He is quiet, smaller and does not really care when he eats.
  3. saraf0716

    saraf0716 Active Member

    Baby A moved a lot when he was in my belly. He was always flipping around :babyflips: (I think to get away from his brother).

    Baby B wanted to be close to his brother in my tummy. He never stayed on *his side*.

    Now that I have been able to watch them for a year, I can tell why Ayden (baby A) was born first. He is always pushing Bryant (baby B) out of the way :bump: and wants to be in control. At first Bryant always wanted to be close to his brother, in fact when they were about a week old Ayden got fussy one day b/c Bryant kept touching him, so I moved him out of Bryant's reach. Believe it or not, at 1 week old Bryant rolled over to be closer to his brother. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes :eek: . Now Bryant is content to play alone, in fact he would rather play that way. Ayden is more dominant and has done everything first, sit up, crawl, walk, etc. It is really neet to see the difference as they grow and develop. :itwins_boys:
  4. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Both babies were active in the womb...I'd say Amelia a little more...both are very active now!
  5. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    A (jacob) was hard to feel because he sat way down low and towards the back. as he got bigger and his feet pointed up towards my ribs i started to feel him more. but B (owen) was my active baby. he rolled around and shifted places and when we did fetal monitoring he was all over the place and we could never keep his monitor placed right. after our second ultrasound i remember calling my family and announcing, "baby B is going to be the stinker."

    jacob (A) is warm and friendly and always has a smile. he's content to hang out and he's gotten very good at soothing himself. he's happy with whatever toy he has in his hands and he doesn't have big goals like reaching that toy way over on the other side of the mat. if you smile at jacob he'll instantly smile back and duck his face behind his hands like he's just so tickled to be noticed. he wiggles, he giggles, and he loves to shout "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!" which he finds endlessly hilarious.

    owen (B) is funny and adventurous and ambitious. he wants this toy and that toy and the one way over there, and if that means figuring out how to roll over and scoot, that's what he's going to do. he's also a thinker, so if you hand him something he'll get very serious and contemplate it and work it over in his hands while he's working out the details. he's also very serious with people, sometimes. he doesn't give you an easy smile, you've got to win him over. he'll stare very quietly and seriously until he's convinced of your character, and once you've won his confidence he's sunny and happy and funny.

    where Jacob is content to play with things in his immediate area, owen's drive to be mobile dominates all of his floor time. in the beginning during tummy time jacob would put his head down while owen was trying to stretch and reach and push up as far as he could. what's interesting is that in the first 4 months i would have said jacob was more physical and owen seemed more interested in language. but now they've switched and owen hits all of the physical milestones first and jacob is making verbal noises that owen hasn't tried yet.
  6. melissa26

    melissa26 Well-Known Member

    both were active while I was pregnant with them.Its hard to tell which was more active because they changed positions baby A to baby B and Baby B to Baby A.But now Chloe my baby A is the little clown.Shes laid back but laughs about everything.Leah baby B is more high maintnence and gets very jealous if you are playing with Chloe and not her.Chloe is faster on milestones than Leah
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Liam was baby A for most of the pregnancy. He was much quieter and laid back inside, and he's the same outside too! He's slower to smile, but stronger and rolled over at 5 wks old.

    Rylee was baby B. She was much more wiggly and liked to do flips inside! She's more high maintenance, but also more smiley than her brother! Part of her drama-queen-ness is from her reflux I'm sure, she can't help it when it hurts.
  8. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    Baby A (little girl) in the womb-VERY active; in the real world...VERY active, developmentally ahead, louder, pushes her brother, climbs all over everything (including her brother), trouble maker :)
    Baby B (little boy) in the womb didnt move as much; in the real world...pretty laid back but can be demanding, eats very well, developmentally "normal" I guess, can be whiney...particularly when his siter is trying to climb on him
  9. MelinaS79

    MelinaS79 Well-Known Member

    Baby A (Brandon) was very quiet in the womb, didn't move very much.. but when he did. I FELT it. He kicked hard!!

    Baby B (Katelyn) was a mover and a shaker! She NEVER quit moving, and always had the hiccups!! She was always wedged in my ribcage, too! (In fact my OB had to dislodge her leg while trying to deliver her. LOL!)


    Brandon is still.. very quiet.. but when he needs something, he most certainly lets you know in his own forceful way. ;) He still kicks those little legs though.. Hehe!

    Katelyn is my diva girl. She is very vocal, very busy, and loves to be heard and talked to. She still always gets the hiccups. ;)
  10. newjersey_mom

    newjersey_mom Well-Known Member

    In the womb...

    Baby A: was very quiet and didn't move around a whole lot. For most of the pregnancy she sat with her head nestled in my right hip and was quite content. She was hard to get good ultrasound picture of.

    Baby B: was very active and moved around alot. She also enjoyed performing for the ultrasound. You always caught her moving, looking, blowing bubbles. She seemed like a big ham.

    Now they are only 3 months old, but I can see personalities beginning to come out in each of them.

    Baby A: Abigail Leigh is a little quieter, more patient, and it takes a bit to get her upset. She always looks like she's thinking about something. When she looks around she focuses on objects and studies them.

    Baby B: Samantha Grace is loud, impatient, and gets very mad and you know when she's mad! She looks around and tries to take everything in at once. She is a little more outgoing, she looks like she wants to talk to you all the time!
  11. nicinthebu

    nicinthebu Well-Known Member

    A: Lincoln is all boy. loud impatient and soooo charming!
    B:Teagan is all girl delicate, patient, quiet.

    I love they are starting to form who they are -mine are 10 weeks!
  12. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    For me, Baby A (DS) was pretty active but Baby B (DD) was so quiet that at times I wondered if she was OK. However, when DS gave her a kick in utero she soon responded quite fiercely! Today, at one year old, they are still the same way. DS is a livewire whereas DD is the quieter baby though she soon lets you know if she´s had enough!!! :lol:
  13. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    I the womb: Baby A was pretty quiet. I wondered a lot if he was OK cause he didn't move much, but when he did, YOUCH! I knew he was strong. :) Baby B: moved much more; hated U/S, would shake her head back and forth and try to crawl under my rib cage to get away from it. I never got a good face shot of her.
    On the outside: Baby A was easier. He self soothed better, slept better, and loved to cuddle. Baby B was definitely more high maintenance. She had tummy problems, colic, reflux, so she spent most of her time screaming.
    Now: He's still pretty laid back, as long as he's not hungry. He's a lot stronger, and loves if you help him stand, and he actually likes tummy time. He loves his paci, and has just learned to suck his thumb. He coos and giggles at old ladies that talk to him. ( Not good if you want to make the "oh, are these twins?" bit short.) She has gotten a lot more fun to be around. :) If you bend down to pick her up, she gives you the biggest smile and wiggles all over. She squeaks and gerbles and makes all sorts of sounds in her effort to communicate. She is very chubby and is not that into exercising. She is much more sensitive and aware of her surroundings.
  14. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Baby A (Kalia) was always more active in the womb. She was always kicking Jordyn in the face and stretching out and Jordyn was curled up in the fetal position. Now, Kalia is definitely more active and Jordyn is happy and content to sit on my lap and watch. So cute how they are the same in the womb as they are out of the womb now. :)
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