Babies over 6mnths who are not STTN

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sbcowell, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I know there are many people whose babies have sttn since like BIRTH! Well, mine aren't anywhere close to that. I really thought by 6mnths they would be sttn, I kept telling myself only a little bit more time before it will happen, well here I am at 6mnths and they seem to be getting worse not better.
    Now on the good side they go to bed at 530pm and usually without much fussing. And,when they do feed they go straight back to sleep afterwards.

    We dreamfeed at 9pm, and usually they only wake up once to eat (somewhere between 1-4am), but last night dd woke up twice to eat (12 and 4am), and I am SOO frustrated, we are moving backwards not forwards!

    Please tell me there are others out there whose 6mnth olds still wake to eat at night? I feel like we have done everything right but yet still I can't get them to sttn.
  2. mmbadger

    mmbadger Well-Known Member

    Mine still wake up twice - down at 7p, feed at 1a, feed at 4a, and up at 7a. I was hoping that by 6 months we would at least be down to just one feeding... :(

    This week, though, they've been getting up every 2 hours. Growth spurt?! Let's hope, because I don't know how much longer I can handle this massive sleep deprivation!
  3. dlphin99

    dlphin99 Member

    my girls are almost 7.5 mths and still don't STTN. Thats probably why I'm up online at They STTN for about 2 weeks and I thought we had finally made it through a rough phase,then about 5 nights ago the one baby has started waking again around 1-2 am for a bottle. Most nights one or both will wake around 3 and play which turns into whining then turns into screaming. No matter what, come 5:30 they're ready to wake up for the day. Naps are no better, no consistency at all. one day they may nap for 2 hrs, the next day maybe only 20 minutes. Im pulling my hair out as to what else I can do. I'm exhausted and I thought by this age they would be sleeping alot better. Im convinced I have the worst sleepers ever. Nice to know Im not the only one with horrible
  4. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    Mine just turned 10months and they get up at 1130pm and 4 am. They are not up for long, but they are not STTN :)
  5. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    we had issues at that age....we didn't have consistent STTN until 13-15 months (but some of that was our fault).

    Also, didn't you just move? that is a HUGE adjustment.
  6. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Mine are 7 mos. (6 mos. adj.) and they are down between 6:30 - 7:00 and wake up once to eat around 3:30/4:00. I have to say I've been thrilled with this b/c my older DS was still up every 3 hours at this point to eat. He was one of those babies that always wanted to nurse (back to sleep). These 2 seem to wake up to eat and then go right back down - maybe b/c they are used to bfing and bottles....?

    Hang in there - you aren't alone! :)
  7. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    My little guys sleep is so inconsistant!!! They will be up every two hours one night, then sleep through the next night, then up every two hours the next night... it's just crazy!

    Hang in there, they won't be waking at night forever. :)
  8. ldwa

    ldwa Well-Known Member

    definitely shouldn't have read this post. mine have just crossed the 4 mo. line and I thought we'd be reaching STTN status soon. but now I'm feeling sleep will not be my friend for some time yet. ugh. maybe we need to keep our doula a while longer yet (she's been coming 3x week for about 2 months now).

    sigh. wish I had some encouraging words for you but I'll just offer a groan to the universe in commiseration instead, okay?
  9. caryanne07

    caryanne07 Well-Known Member

    Daniel is still not STTN and he's 8 months adjusted. Ben's been STTN for about a month now. So no, you are not alone!

    BTW, have you considered dropping the dreamfeed? I always found that it did us more harm than good.

  10. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    My girls sporatically sttn from about 6mo until 8mo when I did CIO and it took 1 night! So for 8months I was up every single night atleast once! You will know when they are ready and then it will be easy.

    Good luck!!
  11. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    Natalie did not start STTN till 9 mo. old and Nathan still will get up to breastfeed at 11 mo. old. Natalie will still get up every once in a while for a bottle.
  12. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    I have one who STTN and another who wakes 1-4 times per night. In 9 months, I have STTN about 7 times. I feel sorry for me.
  13. BeckiAllen1130

    BeckiAllen1130 Well-Known Member

    NO!!! You are NOT the only one!!! My girls HAD been down to getting up once a night each, but they've recently been getting up twice a night!! I'm so frustrated & upset about this b/c I was sure they would be STTN by now. UGH!!!
  14. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    my older ds did sttn until he was 9m and i resorted to cio because i was going crazy w/ out sleep
  15. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't STTN until 8 months old so I feel your pain.
  16. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Mine are 2 and still don't STTN. :huh: I never did CIO and now I just can't so I deal with it.
  17. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    No, you are not alone. Just when we thought we were there - they backtracked. It's not like it was, but at least one is usually up each night at some point. We did finally try to quit feeding them when they wake up unless its DS2 and it's after 3:30 or so.

    There's no predictability either, other than if we stay up late they are up all night :)
  18. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    I think that if they are STTN sometimes and then not other times, they are capable of doing it. I would suggest just giving a little bit of water when they wake up rather than a real feed. I think it's more of a habit then them actually needing the nutrition at that time. I also do feel strongly that some kids are just born good sleepers and some aren't. For us, we were very fortunate and they have all STTN early on. I always attributed it to having a nighttime routine that we always stick to regardless of what's going on, but I'm realizing now it could also be genetics. Good luck, I don't know how you do it. You women are amazing to juggle everything on little sleep.
  19. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    I think that if they are STTN sometimes and then not other times, they are capable of doing it. I would suggest just giving a little bit of water when they wake up rather than a real feed. I think it's more of a habit then them actually needing the nutrition at that time. I also do feel strongly that some kids are just born good sleepers and some aren't. For us, we were very fortunate and they have all STTN early on. I always attributed it to having a nighttime routine that we always stick to regardless of what's going on, but I'm realizing now it could also be genetics. Good luck, I don't know how you do it. You women are amazing to juggle everything on little sleep.
  20. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(ladybenz @ Aug 7 2008, 06:44 AM) [snapback]918280[/snapback]
    My little guys sleep is so inconsistant!!! They will be up every two hours one night, then sleep through the next night, then up every two hours the next night... it's just crazy!

    Hang in there, they won't be waking at night forever. :)

    This is mine-I hate to even mention when the STTN because the very next night they dont!
    You are not alone girl!
  21. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    We were STTN at 10 months old. We had about a month of STTN then they got ear infections. They havent been STTN since. I hope they get back to it.. I am tired!!!

    I let them get to STTN on their own. I didnt have the heart (well DH didnt) to let them CIO. They eventually did STTN.. But they need to get back to it.
  22. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    I didn't have the heart to CIO, either. Plus my DD just ecalates when she gets upset, and CIO would have been really hard on her especially.

    She wakes up once most nights, and sometimes it takes awhile to comfort her. My DS is so active during the day that he usually sleeps through the night every night.

    We put them to bed kind of late, usually between 9:30-10:30 PM (we're working on getting it earlier), but then other than 1-2 wake-ups by DD, they're usually asleep until 8 AM.

    All babies are different. Hang in there!!! :hug99:
  23. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    At 6 months Derek was waking twice a night to eat and Tyler once. They did not drop all bottles and STTN until they were 9 months old. It will come, I promise!
  24. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    all babies are different. mine are almost 5 months adjusted, but they are nearly 8 months actual, and nowhere near sttn. we don't push it, because we feel that babies have needs and they are just respondeding to their own bodies right now but waking so frequently. one of ours gets ebm and wakes about 3x/night. the other nurses and i don't even keep track of how often he wakes, because i just roll over and nurse him. we would have hoped to get longer periods of sleep by now, but we've done everything we can as well. so, we are not really concerned about it. don't let anyone pressure you (unless you're exhuasted! in which case, have you read the no cry sleep solution?).

    best of luck, jl
  25. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    Mine just started STTN last week. We are on Day 8 of them going from 7:30AM to 6AM. I am nursing too.
    However, it was strange because right before that DD was waking up 3x a night! Then all of a sudden, she started STTN with no CIO or anything. Must just have been ready.
    It will happen soon!
  26. Anne2571

    Anne2571 Well-Known Member

    You are definitely not alone! If someone would have told me that both babies wouldn't be sleeping through the night by this age, I would have looked at them in shock (and horror).

    One DD has been a wonderful sleeper and started STTN at 4 months. My other DD had gotten down to 1 bottle a night but she seems to have backtracked lately (I think she's teething). I'm usually up 1-2 times a night. The good thing is that she goes right to sleep but we're now starting CIO because I'm just exhausted all of the time.

    Hang in there ... we'll all get through this somehow! :)
  27. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    mine didn't sleep thru the night till they were 7 1/2 months old
  28. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I am glad to know that I am not alone. I just can't help this overwhelming feeling of being "unlucky" that our babies are not yet sttn. I mean I LOVE sleep - I use to sleep 8-10hrs/night before kids! I LOVED SLEEP. If someone had told me when I first had babies that at 6mnths old I would still be getting up to feed them I would have laughed and said not my kids!
    Last night they regressed even further, instead of waking up twice to feed, my dd woke up twice to feed and then was awake from 5am onwards crying and fussing. So I think I got a total of about 4hrs of sleep last night - argh!
    I mean I am doing everything "right", we keep everything quiet, dark, no fun during feedings, we feed and put them straight back to bed, we don't let them sleep in the bed with us, we put them in their cribs to sleep, we have whitenoise going all night, we have them in separate rooms so they don't wake each other, we don't use pacifiers, we give them a lovey blanket to hold, and we don't go to them right away when they cry we make them wait 5-10min to make sure they are really hungry.

    I feel so helpless, I am trying to do everything I possibly know to do - nothing works!
  29. ChanceKathleen

    ChanceKathleen Well-Known Member

    Were they born early? My girls were born 2 months they may not do things a 6mnth old would do until 8 mths.

    Just practice with them a little more, when you hold them hold them in a sitting position on you lap...prop them up in the corner of the couch and put a couple of pillows on either side..just make sure you're there of course for when they start leanin! :banana:
  30. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My bigger twin started STTN around 6 1/2-7 mos. He'd wake up maybe once a week around that time until he finally dropped it & slept ALL the way through somewhere a little after 7 mos. My smaller twin was still doing ONE feeding around 7 mos, but it varied from 2oz-8oz & the time varied from midnight to 4am. We did ONE night of CIO & we were done with that! It was so easy but I think it's because he was truly ready. By the 7 1/2 mo timeframe, we were FINALLY getting sleep at night (of course, then we had early wakings, but that's a WHOLE different thread)!!!!
  31. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    :hug99: You are not alone, and your babies aren't abnormal at all! My DS started sleeping through consistently around 1 yr, and DD has been STTN for a little over a month now. (The deck was really stacked against her before, though - we lived in a much smaller place and her crib was right next to her bed. She started STTN almost immediately after we moved and she got her own room.) I could have done CIO with them, but I just wasn't comfortable with that. And though I'm a big sleep lover too, I really adapted over time - I'd nurse DD 1-2x/night and wake up rested and feeling good most of the time. It was hard sometimes, but I'm glad I let them get to the point of STTN when they were ready.

    Are your babies teething? You could try giving Tylenol (or ibuprofen, if they're old enough) and see if that helps. Oh, also, though I didn't want to do CIO to eliminate feedings, as soon as I was sure all needs were met (fed, diapered, burped, medicated if necessary), it was straight back to bed and I didn't care what they had to say about it. They almost always went down without a peep, but if something happened like your annoying 5 am wakeup, I'djust ignore it.

    Also, can you get DH on board? You shouldn't have to do all the feedings yourself. Even if he took over just one, it would be a big help.
  32. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    At nearly 9 months (7 months adjusted) one sleeps all night, the other still wakes up to feed around 4 AM on most nights, but occasionally will STTN.
  33. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    Mine are totally erratic. I don't think they've ever STTN - the best I've gotten is an 8-hr stretch from one at a time! But, when they wake up, they are hungry; they aren't just waking up to play. So, I figure that, physically, they still for some reason can't go long stretches without eating.
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