babies getting bored in jogging stroller

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by elhardy26, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    I used to LOVE to run before the kids were born, it was such a stress reliever for me, so DH got me a BOB jogging stroller last year. As the weather has gotten warmer we have started to get out again, but unlike last year, this year the girls get very antsy and bored in the stroller. I want to be out for 45 minutes, and they start to fuss and cry and kick after about 8 minutes!!!!!

    I have toys attached to the straps, and I let them each take their comfort item (ball or coin (fake :) ) to hold but they just don't want to be strapped in.

    We usually go after then wake up from am nap, but before lunch. I don't want to take them during nap time when they might sleep b/c then they would only sleep for less than 45 min while we're out, vs. the 90 min or more they might do in their cribs.

    I don't know what to do, I have no one to watch them while I run by myself so I have to take them with me if I want to go during the week. Any ideas????? TIA
  2. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I really don't have any good suggestions, but I wanted to offer some :hug: of support. It's really tough when they start getting antsy in the stroller.
  3. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    Have you tried giving them a snack cup. That might entertain them for a little bit longer. Also what about letting them nap in the stroller instead of moving them when you get home, or do they wake up? I've left my kids in there to nap once I got home, and they'll sleep for another 45 minutes or so sometimes. If I try to move them to their cribs when we get home they wake up and refuse to go back to sleep, so I'll just leave them in the stroller.
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I offer a snack and a drink. Usually keeps them busy.
  5. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am in the same boat. I take my girls out for a jog and one of them is bored within 15 minutes. I try to put a couple of different toys in the basket under the stroller but usually they just throw the toys out so each time I go around the block I find another toy that they threw out the previous time I came around. It's so annoying, I'm hoping that if I keep bringing them out in it eventually they'll like it.
  6. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i don't have a jogging stroller yet (and you're scaring me! lol), and i know that you have no one to watch the kids so you can go alone... could you maybe go when dh gets home from work (i don't know what he does, and what his hours are) ? that's what i do. and i go to the local junior high track and run all my frustrations out :)
    sorry if my advice was useless... but i know what you mean about running being a huge stress reliever!
  7. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    Yep, us too! snacks and drinks help sometimes.
  8. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    Maybe the timing is off? Like after a nap they want to run around themselves? Maybe some time running around outside, then when they are tired, a rest in the stroller with a light snack before lunch? My kids never liked extended time in the stroller, but a friend of mine use to walk her daughter around for 45 minutes everyday (kind of like a power walk).. so I guess it just depends on temperament.
  9. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    mine started getting that way until i realized it just had to coincide w/their afternoon (shorter) nap. now they are in that stroller for at least an hour, but usually longer, to allow for an hour nap..... afternoons are bad because it's sometimes hot, and we sometimes have activities, so we can only go about 3 or 4 days/week. but that's the only way we can do it cuz mine get antsy, as well, otherwise.


    i have to add that i'm scared as heck of when we go down to one nap! i'll never be able to jog when that happens (cuz they don't sleep once the stroller stops).
  10. danachang

    danachang Well-Known Member

    I have a BOB too and had to suck it up and buy the snack tray, I hate that the accessories cost so much. I usually take them out after nap when it is snack time. Make sure to get cup attachments that velcro to the sippy cup so you arent stopping every 5 mins to pick up the cup someone just tossed. I als have an arsenal of "stroller car seat" toys I rotate through. So make sure you give them variety. Finally, I have begun singing to them while we run and even bouncing the shocks....this helps keep my pace correct and gives the arms a workout.

    Good luck and work on the timing of when you run.
  11. cacorsi

    cacorsi Active Member

    I suggest "Snack Trap" snack cups. They hold snacks but the kids are not able to spill the snack. Google it if you want to check it out. I love mine and it enables me to keep them in the stroller...just a little bit longer!

    I take a "Stroller Fit" exercise class with the kids and they get antsy also. So, I feel your pain!
  12. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    What about some music or playing the I Spy game? Can you guys find the school buses? Do you see the squirrels?

    I don't jog with the girls, but when they get antsy in the stroller on walks this is what I do. GL. I'm so impressed at how many of you jog!!!
  13. alechiac

    alechiac Well-Known Member

    I have a BOB too that I go jogging with at least 3 times a week (45 min-1hr). the nanny take sthem for a 30 min walk on the day's I'm at work. They do seem to get antsy sometimes, but I just push through the wining and it usually calms down after 10 min or so. We go in the AM before their morning nap, I have found that the afternoon is tougher for them in the stroller.

    I haven't bought the snack trays yet--with BOB's you have to buy the infant carrier accessory to get them, but I bet they'd be useful.

    GL and keep on jogging--even if they whine a little!
  14. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    i think I'll have to get the snack trays, I can't believe it's $90 for the BOB, but I guess we'll use it for as long as we use the stroller....

    maybe I will try to let them wake up from nap and play a little and THEN put them in the stroller after they've used some energy up...
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