Babies dropped

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twins2008, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    I was just wondering how many of you have had your babies drop already and for those of you who already had your babies, how long it usually takes for labor after that. I have been having increased contractions and cramping since they made their decent. It is also more uncomfortable to walk and move around.

    I also wondered if everybody has had leaking of breastmilk. I haven't had any really, just a small amount once. I keep forgetting to ask my OB if this is ok.


  2. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Hi Jen :icon_biggrin: I never really dropped, I was so large maybe I just didn't notice! I leaked a LITTLE breastmilk around 36/37 weeks but it was only a tiny bit when I got out of the shower. I also was not a big leaker once they were born and I was bfing.....which I was happy about, lol!!
  3. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I never have really noticed a drop cause my Baby A has been right by my cervix for as long as I can remember. When I was checked last week he was at -2 station, I'm thinking he probably won't go much further until I'm in actual labor. I've also heard that you usally drop a few weeks early with your first but can not drop until right before labor in your second..not sure about twins though. As for the leaking..I leaked pretty early with my first but with the preganncy I haven't. I can get a little out if I squeezed but that's it.
  4. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(blended6 @ Apr 11 2008, 09:07 PM) [snapback]717620[/snapback]
    I never have really noticed a drop cause my Baby A has been right by my cervix for as long as I can remember. When I was checked last week he was at -2 station, I'm thinking he probably won't go much further until I'm in actual labor. I've also heard that you usally drop a few weeks early with your first but can not drop until right before labor in your second..not sure about twins though. As for the leaking..I leaked pretty early with my first but with the preganncy I haven't. I can get a little out if I squeezed but that's it.

    Mine have been breech and usually in my rib cage the whole time. These are babies 3 & 4 so I don't really know how that will play out. It has been a while so I really don't remember much. All I know is it is getting pretty darn uncomfortable. The babies are moving around a lot tonight and I really can't tell what they are up to tonight. It feels like A is back up in my ribs again sometimes. I guess only time will tell. Thank you and good luck.

  5. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(excitedk @ Apr 11 2008, 04:30 PM) [snapback]717237[/snapback]
    Hi Jen :icon_biggrin: I never really dropped, I was so large maybe I just didn't notice! I leaked a LITTLE breastmilk around 36/37 weeks but it was only a tiny bit when I got out of the shower. I also was not a big leaker once they were born and I was bfing.....which I was happy about, lol!!

    Maybe I will be lucky too and continue my no leaking experience when I bf. That would be great!!

  6. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    I couldn’t tell if I dropped or not because my tummy is a freak show… but my peri went on how they are both head down ready to come out… to bad… I have no plans for a VBAC…
    I have leaked maybe a drop (never did w/ ds) and that’s only if someone is “messing” with them :spiteful: … I would leak after he was born if I pushed feeding times

  7. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    You're lucky, last we knew they were still breech, but my belly is definitely lower siince then. I really didn't want to have a c/s. Thanks for the reassurance about the leaking, I was beginning to worry that maybe I wasn't doing something right in that department. I don't remember leaking before with my other two, but after I did a little. I didn't bf long with DD and not at all with DS. I will attempt with these two. I am sure there will be leakage this time around.

  8. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    The dropping thing has never been an indicator for my labors as far as I've noticed!
  9. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    I've never noticed a big drop but I do remember feeling like they head was in my pelvis and it was hard to walk around etc. I always leak a little milk while pregnant. It's normal. Just the gals starting their engines. LOL
  10. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I carried my babies low the entire time so I never really noticed a drop. I just remember not being able to sleep the night before I had them. I can remember being horribly uncomfortable and feeling as if I couldn't go on another day, then the next day I had them.
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