Babies arrived! 36 w 3d!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Kimkessenich, Nov 16, 2007.

  1. Kimkessenich

    Kimkessenich Well-Known Member

    Hi all! Abigail and Rylee made their appearance at 11:05 and 11:06pm via C-section on 11/13. Abigail weighed 6.3, 17 inches and Rylee weighed 5.14 17.5 inches. Here is my birth story...I'll try to keep it brief but I'm pretty chatty lately!

    I went in for my routine non-stress test on the 13th. I was having contractions (which I always have) so my husband decided to go with me so I wouldn't have to drive myself. When they hooked me up to the monitors, the babies were doing great (as usual) and it was showing that I was having some contractions but nothing consistant (also as usual). My doctor hadn't checked me before because she didn't want to stir up any early labor, but since I was 36 weeks she decided to check and I was 3-4 cm!

    She then decided to send us to L & D but told us it was just to make sure that my contractions subsided and didn't progress into anything. After going over and being on the monitors for about 1 hour, they surprisingly started to become more consistant and intense. They then had a resident doctor do a quick ultrasound on me to make sure both babies were head down before proceeding with Pitocin. The doctor confirmed they were head down but they decided just to let me labor for awhile to see how I progressed. After a few hours I got up to go to the bathroom and suddenly felt a huge bump right under my ribs! I had been feeling little feet and now I felt either a butt or a head. My doctor then came to the hospital, did another ultrasound and baby B had flipped to breech again! At that time my doctor decided it would be best to do a C-Section since Baby B was still flipping around in there. There was no telling what position she was going to decide to be in and I didn't want to risk having both a vaginal and C-section delivery.

    At first I felt fine but suddenly I started to panic and started freaking out. I had planned on a vaginal since that's how I delivered my daughter and I made myself so nervous that I started to throwup (totally embarrassing). I panicked and threw up once again before they put in my catheter, then again before the spinal, then again right before they started cutting. I felt like such a dork! It was like a series of mini panic attacks. Then, after I was able to hear my babies first cry and got to see them, my nervousness all went away. They are so perfect and beautiful...I couldn't be any happier.

    Recovery has definitely and will continue to be more challenging than with a vaginal delivery, but I'm still very happy and wouldn't change a thing.

    I hope that wasn't too long!

    Thanks to everyone who has helped me get to this point by providing support and answering questions - I appreciate all of you!!!
  2. blueeyez553

    blueeyez553 Well-Known Member

    :birthday: beautiful princesses!!! cant wait to see pics, congrats sounds like a good labor minus the vomit(lol) i have panic attacks to so i hope that isnt me in a couple months. i love hearing good storied and u made it a long way good birth weights too. did they have any nicu time? just wondering? again CONGRATS!!
  3. TwinMama6

    TwinMama6 Well-Known Member

    Congrats!!! Love the names!!!!!
  4. PJ

    PJ Well-Known Member

  5. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member


  6. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

  7. Jberman

    Jberman Well-Known Member

    Congrats and like a PP, love the names.
  8. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    WTG! Congrats! Can't wait to see pics!
  9. navywife2bmom

    navywife2bmom Well-Known Member

  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations on your babies!! Enjoy them!
  11. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your little ones! I'm glad everything worked out. Sounds like you have a little gymnist in there: I can't believe she was flipping around right up to that point :lol:
    :birthday: to your babies adn we'll see you on fY!
  12. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Aww, congratulations! I would feel panicky, too, if I were having an unplanned c-section. Can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful babies!!!!
  13. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

  14. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Congrats...don't feel bad about the puking...that may not have been nerves as much as a reaction to the medication you were receiving. I dry heaved repeatedly after getting my spinal in the OR... would've been puke, but it was scheduled c/s so I hadn't eaten in over 12 hours....
  15. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your babes.
  16. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    First of all CONGRATS on your babies! :birthday: sweet little ones. Second, you sound exactly like me right before my section. As soon as they started prepping me I freaked. Then when they wheeled me into the OR and I couldn't comprehend how they were going to get my big 210lb butt from the bed to the operating table I actually wanted to "change my mind" about the whole thing, TOO LATE! I felt like I was going to throw up the whole time and kept telling everyone that I was going to. It was such a strange experience until I heard my babies cry, then that's all I could think about. Anyway take care of your self too!
  17. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your beautiful little girls!!! I LOVE their names...those are 2 of the names we have been considering for our next little girl too :)
  18. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    oops disregard my other post those are adorable names:) I get the same way; when im super nervous;anxious i throw up too :blush:
  19. rasheedad123

    rasheedad123 Active Member

  20. Gumberly

    Gumberly Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your new little ones. I thought I was having a panic attack and mine was scheduled. :rolleyes:
  21. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    Congrats and welcome Abigail and Rylee! Very cute names. Where did you deliver. I delivered my oldest and the twins at St Joseph's and my 11y @ Sainai Samaritan( it doesn't exsist anymore but it was on 12th and kilbourn). I had always lived in Milwaukee county up until 8/5/06 when me and dh bought a house here in Janesville. Cheaper bigger houses.
  22. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your little girls!!! I think I will be just as nervous as you were. You did it though!!!!
  23. asahlin

    asahlin Well-Known Member

    how exciting. sorry the planned vaginal delivery didn't work out. I am currently recovering from an emergency c section and I know how it feels!! Congrats on the babes
  24. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member


    MARYLANE Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! and don't feel bad about the puking. You've done a great job carrying those babies, don't forget that!
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