Babies are sick and not eating

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by marleigh, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    Both babies came down with the Rotavirus on Sunday/Monday. Poops have been loose and smelly. Jocelyn doesn't keep things down well (on top of the reflux he already has). My concern is that they are not eating well at all. The eat ok in the a.m. after not eating all night (about 4 to 5 oz of formula) and about 2 tbsp of rice cereal and apples. That isn't their normal amount, but at least it's something.

    Other bottle feedings have been aweful (every 3 to 4 hours normally)...they don't want more than 1 or 2 oz max. I tried giving them Pedialyte, but they HATE it (flavored or unflavored) and won't even open their mouths for the bottle. They are wetting diapers, but obviously not soaking them...they are barely wet. They still have a couple loose poops a day. I'm afraid they are not getting enough to drink. They are very sleepy. Naps come sooner at like 1 1/2 hours from last wake up (usually about 2 to 2 hrs. 15 min) and they sleep longer somewhere between 2 to 3 hours long nap. I know they are sick and need more rest, but I'm kinda worried about it. It's been going on for about a week now. They act 'ok' once they wake up...smiling and stuff, but after a while, they are tired again. Nights have been very restless for them. They are constantly waking up for their paci. I resorted to putting them in their swings, which they haven't slept in since they were like 3 months old, but at least they sleep at night in them better. I dunno. Having 2 sick babies sucks.

    I talked to my pedi who says as long as they are wetting diapers (even if just a little) that is better than none. I wish they'd eat least drink the pedialyte. Basically, when they eat they usually throw it up or just clamp their mouths down and not open.

    Any suggestions. Did I say this sucks already?
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Aww :grouphug: sick babies are no fun! I would try a syringe or dropper and diluted juice, plain water or the Pedialyte and try to get a tsp or so in every 15 or so minutes while they are awake. That will help with the hydration at least. Let them get as much sleep as they want and just keep working on liquids and feedings. If they keep having scant output or it gets less, definitely take them in. Odds are pretty good you'll all get through this okay.
  3. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    My babies just got over this too. My ped told me to take away all formula for 24hrs to help with the diarrhea and give them pedialyte every hr. I too was concerned about the lack of eating but even small sips of pedialyte helped them stay hydrated. My babes guzzled the pedialyte because they were so hungry not having formula for 24 hrs.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: We went through this about a month ago! I ditto taking away the formula and just giving pedialyte and the rice cereal if they will take it! The pedialyte (even a tablespoon every 15-20 mins) will help them stay hydrated, and the rice will help with upset tummy/diarrhea. BRAT diet once they start feeling better, Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast.

    Both my babies were off for over a week before they got back to eating normal. Although they are a bit older so it was their solids they were refusing. My ped said the same as yours, as long as they are still wetting their diapers then they are hydrated. In fact, Kaelyn wasn't peeing much and he said her body was probably just storing up the fluid so she didn't get dehydrated, because she was well hydrated when I took her in.

    He also said if they won't take pedialyte or gatorade, try clear juices like white grape or apple juice, and you can cut them with water if you want! :hug:

    Also sleep is good, sleep helps their body focus on getting well, and not having to worry about anything else! Do whatever you have to do to help them (and you) get some rest!
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If they are waking so much at night, (& dehydration is still a concern), I'd go in with a syringe of the Pedialyte, squirt it in, give the paci back, then put them back to sleep. It's not ideal, but maybe necessary just until they turn the corner?
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