Babies are not getting chubby yet...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tracymcg, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm comparing apples to oranges here, but my friend brought over her little girl (4 weeks old) and she's HUGE compared to our boys (almost 4 weeks). They were 6lbs at birth and by their 2 week appt. had exceeded their birthweight, but they're not getting that chubby baby thing. They seem very healthy, eat a lot, lots of diapers etc., but they seem so long and skinny in comparison. My dh and I are both very thin (and he's 6'3").

    Is this normal for little twins? Are they just tall and lanky, or should all infants be getting chubby at this point? I guess my pediatrician will answer this question, but wondering if anyone else has experienced this at the month mark.
  2. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm comparing apples to oranges here, but my friend brought over her little girl (4 weeks old) and she's HUGE compared to our boys (almost 4 weeks). They were 6lbs at birth and by their 2 week appt. had exceeded their birthweight, but they're not getting that chubby baby thing. They seem very healthy, eat a lot, lots of diapers etc., but they seem so long and skinny in comparison. My dh and I are both very thin (and he's 6'3").

    Is this normal for little twins? Are they just tall and lanky, or should all infants be getting chubby at this point? I guess my pediatrician will answer this question, but wondering if anyone else has experienced this at the month mark.
  3. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    They are still very young. My babies took at least a few months to even fill out their skin well, let alone be chunky. Mine were 5.4 and 4.2 at birth, tiny. Sounds like your babies are doing great, gaining, feeding etc.
    I wouldn't worry. [​IMG]
  4. NYCmom

    NYCmom Well-Known Member

    We were in your shoes almost exactly. Ours were about 6 pounds at birth and were very skinny for the first month or so. Now they are little chubbers, though (seriously, they have multiple rolls on their thighs, it is so cute). They went from the 5th percentile for weight at birth to the 75th at their 2 month appointment. Not to worry -- yours will fill out!

  5. ABeeCDandE!

    ABeeCDandE! Well-Known Member

    Ours were a bit premature, but I will just tell you that they both weren't even on the growth charts until the 4 month appt, now my boy is a chunky monkey!! Our little girl is chubs too, but she looks skinny compared to her brother.
  6. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    They are still so young! They will sprout and get some chubs eventually. They'll have that newborn floppy look for awhile though. It is comparing apples to oranges too, looking at a singleton full term baby against a twin born 2 weeks early. You have to count in those factors. They catch up though. In a few months it won't make a difference.
  7. BethCiv

    BethCiv Well-Known Member

    I think genetics have a lot to do with it. They may get chubby or they may not. One DD has monster thighs with rolls and everything. Other DD is a string bean and always has been, no rolls on her.
  8. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I would say you are comparing one kind of apple to another kind of apple. They are similar but different kwim? It took a couple of months for my girls to fill out and even then, one just got a little meaty and the other one could try out for the Sumo Wrestling team. To this day I don't really know why one baby is so much bigger than the other but it's just the way it is. I also agree with pp that genetics plays a part. I swear, one of my girls not only looks like DH but has his body type...long, slender, cute little tushy. Our other dd not only looks like me but has my body type...shorter, chunkier, and a big butt [​IMG] . So it's very possible that your kids would resemble your features.
  9. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I know how you feel, my boys were skinny minis when they were born and are still pretty lean. A lady at church has a singleton who is 1 week younger than my guys and that baby is as big as my two put together! I've noticed that twins are generally leaner at first, then they get chubbier.[​IMG]
  10. Mommyof 2tg and 1ds

    Mommyof 2tg and 1ds Well-Known Member

    My girls both went down to 5lbs 8ozs after birth and they are still skinny at 6 months. They are 50th percentile for weight, but 90th percentile for height and they are no where near the chunk butt my ds was. They have some chubbs on their cheeks, but you would think they were like 3 months if you just saw their thin bodies. As long as they are gaining weight don't worry, despite the comments you are sure to get about how tiny they are.
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