
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by nateandbrig, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I know I'm not supposed to compare but neither one of my babies are babbling!! They are 7 and half months old and do a lot of screaching and squacking but no mama, dada, baba or anything what so ever that sounds like an actually word. At their last doctors visit the ped was a little concerned and has us coming back in 2 months and if they still aren't then we'll have some hearing tests done. But now I'm paranoid, I would love to hear of others that had late babblers :)
    I talk to them all the time, I sing to them all the time, but what else can I do? Now I'm also paranoid with their hearing so I'm going around making loud noises to see if they turn their head, which they do... then my dh comes in and laughs at me :rolleyes:
    My dd has been late in doing most things, she's just now gotten rolling over down pat, and she can't sit on her own yet. DS can sit unassisted but will sometimes fall back if I'm not there, so we're still working on it.
    Would love to hear any advice or similar stories,
  2. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    We were just talking about this at our MOMs lunch this week. My babies seem to be ahead in gross motor (like crawling, and standing), but way behind on the verbal stuff. We, too, have lots of squeeling, and still the ah's and uh's that they started with, but no d''s b's, or m's like others. And several of their kids have been doing those since 3 1/2 months or so. I have also seen their kids do amazing jobs trying to mimic them. My two aren't the least bit interested - they just want back in the floor to steal each others toys. I know some of the consonants are on the 6mo checklist. I somehow don't see us getting those checked off this visit...
  3. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost 9 months and they just started the mama, dada babble about a month ago. right now it's only dada and occasionally they throw in a mama :D

    No worries, I bet your babies will skip all that babble and go right into talking :D
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(beemer @ Aug 14 2008, 01:35 PM) [snapback]930285[/snapback]
    We were just talking about this at our MOMs lunch this week. My babies seem to be ahead in gross motor (like crawling, and standing), but way behind on the verbal stuff. We, too, have lots of squeeling, and still the ah's and uh's that they started with, but no d''s b's, or m's like others. And several of their kids have been doing those since 3 1/2 months or so. I have also seen their kids do amazing jobs trying to mimic them. My two aren't the least bit interested - they just want back in the floor to steal each others toys. I know some of the consonants are on the 6mo checklist. I somehow don't see us getting those checked off this visit...

    Mine don't mimic at all either!
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(bday111707 @ Aug 14 2008, 01:41 PM) [snapback]930303[/snapback]
    Mine are almost 9 months and they just started the mama, dada babble about a month ago. right now it's only dada and occasionally they throw in a mama :D

    No worries, I bet your babies will skip all that babble and go right into talking :D

    That would be nice :D I'm glad to hear I'm not alone! Thanks
  6. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    My older ds never cooed in his life (I was all giddy when the twins did it early)… and he didn’t really try to talk or babble until well after 1… he didn’t “talk” until he was 3 (he was late going to preschool because of it) I never had him tested because he was SOOOO advance physically… he was at a full run by 10m among other things (i know the twins wont be)… and now you can’t get him to shut up and he has a very advance vocabulary (has from about 5 on)… it is like talking to a 17 year old at times… so I wouldn’t worry too much… I say that but I was a wreck those early years…

  7. BeckiAllen1130

    BeckiAllen1130 Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad that there are other babies around my girls' age who are a little behind in reaching milestones!! My girls are just now rolling over (both ways) and sitting up. I'm getting depressed reading about all of these early crawlers!! My girls squawk and screech/squeal, but no babbling yet either. Mine were 6 weeks early though, maybe that has something to do with it. Were yours early at all??
  8. jkendall

    jkendall Well-Known Member

    My DS has been doing it for several weeks now, but my DD still isn't doing it either. My doctor didn't seem too concerned. She said that if she isn't by the next visit, then we can worry. She really isn't rolling much either. I try not to compare them, but it is hard. My DS is crawling while my daughter just sits in the swing and watches...

    MARYLANE Well-Known Member

    I sometimes ask myself the same question. They do seem to do everything later than their sister did. But I'm not too worried about it. As long as they interact with you, smile, and progress at their own pace, you shouldn't loose sleep over it. I used to look at the milestones what to expect the 1st year" book for DD, but for the boys I never really had the time and I'm not even that interested. If your husband is laughing, they probably seem fine to him ;)
  10. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Both of mine were later babblers. I remember bringing it up at their 9 month WBV that we have the occasional stringing consonant-baba, gaga, dada etc. She was not concerned at that point at all. It took them awhile to catch on maybe to about 10 months or so. They were 8 weeks early but never delayed in any other milestone. Our Ped is also of the thought that babies that work on gross motor skills will often lag behind in vocab and then vocab will take center stage and gross motor will take a backseat. That proved true with all of my kids so far. Dont worry it will come. :)
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