B/G twins sharing room

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cajuntwinmom, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    We have a 3 bedroom house and right now the twins still share a room. The other is our office/spare bedroom for my family when they come visit. I don't really want to seperate them right now, because they don't seem to nap or sleep as well when the other isn't there. Plus I think they take comfort knowing the other is right there.

    Right now they are still in their cribs that are converted to toddler beds, but we are thinking of getting twin beds. I have thought about getting one twin bed for the time being (short term) and letting them sleep together (which they often do anyway) or maybe getting a trundle bed which will still come into use later once we get another bed.

    If we seperate them, we will lose that other room for when dad and mom come and moving isn't an option at this point and lose a spot for the computer. Our house is fairl

    Any suggestions, when do you think it is just too weird or inappropriate for b/g twins or siblings to share a room.
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have 3 bedrooms here, too. My twins share one and the baby is in what used to be my office. We are thinking we will separate the twins at around 4 years old. Liam will then be 2 and ready (or close to ready) for a toddler bed. Meghan will get her own room. I think my cutoff would probably be 6 and then I would think it was weird......that's just for me though.
  3. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I think until they are a bit older it is fine for them to share a room.
  4. Twinnerz

    Twinnerz Well-Known Member

    Hi, my twins will be 3 in March and they still share a room. I think I will seperate them after the summer. I also have 3 bedrooms and my spare room is set up as a guest bedroom. I am not sure how they will take being apart, since they have shared a room since they were born.
  5. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    We are considering of separating our twins earlier the better to let them have their "own" room. That just my opinion, but if you're afraid to lose "guest" room. We have a 3 bedroom home too. I am putting Justin into his own room w/his crib and 2 twins bed in there. We already have the twins bed in one of the guest room and the queen bed in the other room before having our twins. Anyhow, their Papa (father-in-law) will be sleeping in Justin's room when he is in town with us. The con with our house is that they both share bathroom (in between) like Brady Bunch. If Papa need go to bathroom, I just have to hope Justin can sleep through it. Justin is a very light sleeper since he was born.

    Rianna will have her own trunkle bed (for her friends to stay over night) when time come. At this point, she is still sleeping in her crib and will put our queen bed (move out of the guest room) in her room for now.

    The reason why I say to separate them the earlier is to learn how to sleep at night than playing with each other all night. That why I was afraid of but then again I really don't think they'll be bother if they have their own room. They usually talk and play in their own crib until one of us get them every morning.

    Question is -- how often do you have guest staying over night? Can the grandparents or other spouses sleep separately? I am sure they'll be very understanding under the circumstance of the situation.

    I am hoping we will MOVE and find a new house with in-law suite when the market get better. My goal is to move before the twins start full-time school. We still have 5 years to go and it will be our last house. This time we will get a 4 bedroom house. We will convert the 4th room to a guest/den office.

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Mine still do!!
  7. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Elliot and Clarissa are almost 3 and we just moved them back INTO the same room so we could reclaim our guest room. I plan to keep them together for as long as it seems to be working . . . I don't see any reason to force a separation until they hit puberty at least, but I imagine they'll want their own space long before that.

    I have a friend whose boy and girl were 3 years apart and shared a room up until they were 12 and 9 (and they finally got a bigger house!) I don't think that was ideal, but it didn't cause any major problems.

    Mine are actually sleeping better now that they are together - I almost never have to go in during the night, whereas I used to have to go in to one or the other several times a week. If they are happy, and they are sleeping, they can stay in one room as long as they like.


    p.s. - I do still have them nap in separate rooms, otherwise they don't let each other sleep.
  8. Dani J.

    Dani J. Well-Known Member

    We have 4 bedrooms, and only the twins, so the space is not an issue. However, they do okay sleeping in teh same room and will continue to share for a little longer. Possibly thinking of separating them by their 4th bday in March.

    eta: wrote the wrong bday month LOL
  9. sitkamom

    sitkamom Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how long ours will share a room but I ran into a woman this summer whose b/g twins were ten and still share the same room. She says they are still the best of friends but I'm not sure if I'll have our kids share that long...who knows.
  10. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    Mine share a room. We have a small 4 bedroom. One is for guests. DD1 has her own room and the twins share. When the twins move out of their cribs, we're thinking of moving all 3 together in bunks, full size bottom, single size on top. Probably the twins on the bottom until we feel they won't fall out of bed and then putting both girls in the full and DS in the top bunk. We'd like to have more kids so we'd like a room for the baby(s). I see no problem letting b/g sleeping in the same room. Unless we move or decide to expand the kids into the 4th bedroom, our b/g twins will be in the same room until around age 6 or 7. I'm from a big family and I always had at most 2 sisters in my room with me. The first time I roomed alone was after college when I lived by myself for a year. I hated it--too lonely.
  11. ehm

    ehm Banned

    Older than 6 and still sharing................the only other choice is for me to share my room and I think they would much prefer to be with each other!
  12. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine do and probably will for several more years
  13. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Just wanted to add....my sister has her son and daughter in the same room. They are 9 and 7 and she is just getting ready to do some work on her house to break the room into two rooms. (They live in a Cape which technically has 3 bedrooms, but one of those is a room downstairs which they use for the TV room).
  14. c0nfuzd_drumr07

    c0nfuzd_drumr07 Active Member

    I don't think it's weird or inappropriate until the kits get old enough to maybe hit puberty or start realizing that they need their privacy.
  15. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    Mine still share a room. We have a 4 bedroom and 4 kids. We plan to move in a couple years and then will separate them into their own rooms. I think it would be okay for the next few years. They still sleep well and get along well. I just want to finally decorate a boy's room!!!

    I say if it's not broke, don't fix it.
  16. dizzyhay+2

    dizzyhay+2 Well-Known Member

    I also have a 3 bedroom house. One room is set up for my grandmother whom i take care of...one bedroom for the oldest b/g twins and the other is mine and the youngest twins until they hit old enough to need a bedroom then im to the couch. Lol
    But i plan on letting mine sleep in the same room until the law states i have to move them into same sex rooms which i think is at 6 or 7 years old. And then i wish i didnt have to. till they were ready.
  17. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    We have 5 bedrooms and my b/g twins share a room. I don't think it's wierd or inappropriate! I use one of the extra bedrooms as a playroom and the other as a guestroom. When they're a bit older I'll separate them. Probably when they go to Kindergarten. The bedroom that I use for a guestroom has a steep flight of winding steps that go down to my kitchen, so right now I'm too scared to let one of them sleep in there! My b/g twin siblings also shared a room until kindergarten.
  18. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 4 in 10 days and they still share a room. They probably will for a couple more years since it is working just fine for us. I Don't see anything weird or wrong with it. I shared a room with my sister and brother until I was 14. We each learned respect for each others space and would take turns having the room to ourselves when we needed to study or just chill. We are exceptionally close to this day.
  19. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    We only have a 2 bed house so mine are going to have to share a room untill we can build another one!! Which will not be for a good couple of years x
  20. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Ours still share a room and probably will until Kindergarten. I figure that, at that age, they may want friends to sleep over. FWIW, though, my DH shared a room with his sister who is 9 years younger than him until he was 16. They didn't have another bedroom and couldn't afford a bigger house, so they made do. He eventually "converted" the basement into his room just for some privacy.
  21. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine just turned 4. They shared a room at our old house. When we moved a few weeks ago, they each got their own room. But the preferred sleeping arrangement seems to be Timothy sleeping in Sarah's room on her trundle bed and Sarah in her day bed. During the day, they'll play in either room, but at night they want to be together.

  22. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dizzyhay+2 @ Feb 4 2008, 09:48 PM) [snapback]605781[/snapback]
    But i plan on letting mine sleep in the same room until the law states i have to move them into same sex rooms which i think is at 6 or 7 years old.

    Is there really a law? Is that only is Kentucky, or have you heard of it elsewhere? I've certainly never heard of anything like that up here in the northeast. Definitely seems like something the govt. has no business interfering with!

  23. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    Mine are 3 and still share a room. I have yet to move them into beds though. ugh. But I don't want to lose my guest room yet! So I plan on letting them share until they tell me they want their own rooms!
  24. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(RachelJoy @ Feb 6 2008, 01:31 PM) [snapback]608736[/snapback]
    Is there really a law? Is that only is Kentucky, or have you heard of it elsewhere? I've certainly never heard of anything like that up here in the northeast. Definitely seems like something the govt. has no business interfering with!


    I live in Kentucky and have never heard of this law (see my pp about my DH and his sister). However, I do know that if you live in government housing they regulate how many people can share one room and the age opposite-sex siblings have to be separated. I'm not saying that the person who posted this is in the situation, just that this is the only time I've heard of this.
  25. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    I was wondering about the law thing too. I googled it, but can't find anything on it.
  26. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    Mine are in the same room and will be for a longtime. This one will also room with them once they sleep through the night. Our third bedroom is the playroom and I cannot give it up.
  27. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    We too don't want to lose our spare room and office but I am learning that the kids may make the decision for us. My kids are 19 months and they share a room. We plan to keep them in the same room until 3 or 4 but if we have another child, that will change or if we find they are playing too much (esp. when they move to big bed). I would say that after 5 is probably the cut off... that's just my personal opinion because at 5 they'll really be opinionated with what they like and how they want their bedroom to be. I am sure it still happens at 3/4 but maybe not as bad? At least that's my hope.
  28. Joyful

    Joyful Well-Known Member

    My kids still share and probablly will for awhile. Our third bedroom is also a guestroom for when people come to visit. I don't think there is anything wrong with sharing a room with siblings. I shared a room with my two brothers through juniorhigh and off and on even in high school (we lived overseas in small houses). Privacy is really nice, but not a necessity :)
  29. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Joyful @ Feb 7 2008, 11:13 AM) [snapback]610635[/snapback]
    My kids still share and probablly will for awhile. Our third bedroom is also a guestroom for when people come to visit. I don't think there is anything wrong with sharing a room with siblings. I shared a room with my two brothers through juniorhigh and off and on even in high school (we lived overseas in small houses). Privacy is really nice, but not a necessity :)

    Just think of all the families who, up until about the 40's lived in a one room house or one bedroom house. I agree that it isn't necessary. People lived like that for thousands of years! We have just become so used to having privacy that it seems strange not to. However, our kids don't know the difference.

    I actually had someone tell me that I was cruel for not giving my kids their own room! She said all kids need there own space and no child should have to share a room. Ridiculous!
  30. mom2znl

    mom2znl Well-Known Member

    I shared a room with a younger brother well into grade school. No big deal, though I was excited when we added on to our house and I got my own room.

    I know a family with b/g twins and two older daughters. They have put on hold plans to move the girl twin and next older daughter into a room together and give boy twin own room. Why? Because those twins (early grade school) still really want to share a room.
  31. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    We are looking to buy a new house, and only plan on getting a 3 bedroom, but with a bonus/playroom. I am in no hurry to separate them, and DH and I feel that they should be the ones to decide when the sepatation happens. My thinking is that if they have their own space in a playroom then they won't want to be separated so soon. That way I still get a guest room that we have to have.
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