B/G-how long to share rooms

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by infinity62202, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. infinity62202

    infinity62202 Well-Known Member

    Ok, so Parker and Sydney will be 3 on March 21st. They currently share a room(have since they were born)are still in cribs but we will be changing their cribs into the toddler day beds very soon.
    We have an extra room which is their shared playroom.
    My question is whether or not be should give them their own rooms.

    I personally like them in a shared room and also like them having a room where they can just play in.
    I ask them what they want and of course I don't think they really understand. Sydney says she wants her own room and Parker says he wants to share. But I know that Sydney would actually be the one missing him.

    Is it easier to do it now or later??
    Selfishly I want them to be together. I feel it is good for the brother/sister bond. So its not all MINE...ya know??
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two are sharing a room until they both ask to be separated. One of my friends has triplet girls and a singleton brother, the trips are 4 years old and the boy is 6, and they share a room for sleeping and have a room for toys. It works out best that way for them.
  3. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    Mine shared a room until they were almost three. The only reason we split them up is because DS is a night owl and DD is an early bird! They kept each other up and made me crazy! If you don't mind and they don't either I think it is fine whatever you decide.
  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are still sharing a room at almost 5 years old. I am thinking we will probably separate them some time in the next year or so. Then Nolan will share a room with Liam and Meghan will be all alone. I am actually nervous about it because she is so attached to her brother.
  5. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    We separated ours early because they were causing sleep problems with one another. A friend that has b/g twins separated hers a few months before they turned three and did the crib to toddler bed switch then too, mainly because they moved into a different house at that time and she didn't want to decorate/paint a shared room only to have to do separate rooms a year later or two later. She made it a big deal how they each had their own rooms and they got to pick out bedding for their "big boy" and "big girl" rooms. The boy picked John Deere tractor stuff and the girl picked pink princess stuff.

    If they want to be together, I don't see any problem with it. When they're 6, 7, 8+, they might want the privacy that their own room would provide. But at 3, they probably still love sharing.
  6. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    We have a 7yr old girl, and two boys 5 and 4 sharing a room. They'll be sharing until the 7yr old is comfortable to go downstairs by herself. The duo have the other room upstairs. (FYI their toys are in their room WITH them also - not able to use our basement yet).

    Anyway - we have no issues with sleeping - they all go to bed well and our DD is allowed up 1/2hr longer than the boys. She just sneaks in when her time is up and there is no disturbance. They have learned to go to the bathroom for definite privacy, and that if the bedroom door is closed they are to knock first just in case someone IS changing. I say unless there is a definite reason to seperate like others have mentioned - keeping each other awake etc - they are just fine sharing.
  7. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I say let them share as long as they (and you) want! My grandmother was a twin, and she and her twin brother grew up sharing not just a room but a bed. (Things were different back then...) I think they shared a bed until puberty. At her funeral, her brother/my great uncle reminisced about how they'd play games before falling asleep like tracing letters on each others' backs. Pure innocent fun.
  8. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    I have no plans to separate them until they both ask. Our 3rd bedroom is TINY and would barely fit a bed. So, for now we use it as a playroom. I don't want to lose that until necessary!!! I have no problem with them sharing as long as they want. My DH shared a room with his sister until he was 16.
  9. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Naomi and Luke are still sharing a room and they're almost 6. They just got bunkbeds a couple of months ago (which they were super excited about) so no plans to seperate in the near future.
    I agree with pp's-if they are happy and you are happy then why change things.
  10. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I have a boy/girl and they still share room. They sleep well for nap/bed time, thankfully! I am the one want to separate them just because I want each of them have their own space. But then my father-in-law stay with us every once a while using the 3rd bedroom (could have been a nice playroom) I still can--if I can find those couch/fold out that would be comfortable for my FIL. He is a BIG guy that what worries me. I asked myself how often does he comes out per year--I'd say 4-5 times a year. I am SO wanting to get rid all of the toys on our main floor of the house. We have unfinished basement; not ready yet.

    They are happy in a shared room anyway :)
  11. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    We moved when mine were almost 3 1/2, so we did it with the move. My DS was ready but not my DD, even though we preapred them for it she still wasn't thrilled about being alone - and she was the one keeping him up at night and naptime. ;) In any case, they got used to it, and it has worked out well. Personally, I like them having their own room. Once they started playing more than sleeping in their room (when it was bed time) then we knew it was time.
  12. milki

    milki Active Member

    We shared a room until we were 10 years old. We wanted to have our own rooms WAY before that, but our Mother couldn't afford it. I'd just keep them together until they express in their own words that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

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