Avocado tastes aweful!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by marleigh, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    I never in my life ever had Avocado, but I've read almost in every baby food reference material that it great first goods because of all the good fats in it...so I researched and bought one. I cut it up today, scooped it out, took a bite and it was NASTY...how on earth would I feed this mashed up to my babies as their first food...yuck! Bleh.

    Is it me or anyone else think it's nasty...maybe I'm not buying a good one? I dunno...am I missing something?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Avocados are yucky if they're not ripe or too ripe (or they may just be yucky because you're not used to them). I love avo, but I don't eat it straight up, although my kids liked it that way.

    If it's perfectly ripe, it should be soft enough to scoop with a spoon, but still just firm enough to keep its shape until you mash it. If it has brown spots, it's overripe (though if there are just a few, you can cut them out), and if it won't mash easily with a spoon, it's not ripe enough. Unfortunately if you cut into it before it's ripe, it's too late -- once it's open it will just rot, not ripen.

    Another hint -- keep them on the counter until they feel soft (kind of like a ripe peach) and heavy, then put them in the fridge. That will halt the ripening for at least a few days until you're ready to use them.

    If you think you've got a good one but you just don't like the taste of it, don't sweat it -- babies like a lot of things their parents may not like! (For instance, one of my kids likes canned olives -- blech.) :ibiggrin:
  3. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    I LOVE avacado! Its not for everyone though. ;) As pp said was it over or under ripe?
  4. Pitbullzz

    Pitbullzz Well-Known Member

    I LOVE em...

    We made B.A.L.T.s at our Cafe...one of the Best Sellers, and nothing taste better than home made Guacamole
  5. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    I looked at pics on line of ripe avocado's and according to the pics and online descriptions I got at good one...oh well...not for everyone....I was thinking it'd have a "tropical" sweet flavor, but to me it tasted kinda olivey/nutty/buttery. :unknw:
  6. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    If you were expecting a tropical flavor, I'm not surprised that you hated it! DH hates avocados and I love them! The girls like them okay, but prefer carrots or squash. I didn't use it as a first food, but imagine it would work well. It doesn't have a strong flavor. It takes babies awhile to get used to even their first food. It took 10 days for my girls to like peas. We did sweet potato for their first food and I liked that.
  7. Pitbullzz

    Pitbullzz Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah...mangos they are not...lol

    Yeah, different strokes for different folks

  8. perfekticon

    perfekticon Member

    Just because you do not like avocadoes does not mean that your kids will. It is always best to try new things either for yourself or your kids. I also find it had to believe that you are just now trying them. Have you never been to a Mexican restuarant? Have you never had Guacamole? I personally love them. I even cook with them.
  9. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    yeah, I can't stand them either. I don't like it plain or in guacamole. But, I did offer it to my kids and they did like them. It was great b/c my DS really like them and he needed extra cals and fat. They don't like them now, but they don't like anything green. lol I always have tried to give my kids stuff even if I don't like it to get them used to the flavor and let them make up their minds about it. My Mom never got chicken as a kid b/c her Mom hated chicken and wouldn't cook it.
  10. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I LOVE avocado's and made some fresh guacomole for lunch today, YUM!!!

    I have to agree that even if I don't like I still feed it to my kids. Such as peas, my kids LOVE peas yet I can't stand them, I can hardly stand the smell of them, yuck! Not to mention cooked carrots, EWW... but they are top 2 favorites for my kids, go figure.
  11. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not, I hate Mexican food and don't like guacomole either.

    I served it today (a little on the spoons with a little cereal which they've been eating for 2 weeks) and the babies didn't seem to like it (they made funny faces and crinkled their noses). I'll keep trying, but I wouldn't blame them if they didn't like it :)
  12. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    I personally think they are HORRIBLE!!!! I've never liked them nor do I like them now. My DH loves them though! Everyone is different and likes different things. I tried my babies with them at 8mths or so and they LOVED it!!!! I figure just because I don't like something doesn't mean I shouldn't at lease let them try it and see if they do like it!
  13. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    You could try mashing them up with banana, i know it sounds crazy, but it is actually delicious, and every single one of my boys love it[​IMG]
  14. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    My boys devour it this way. They will eat a whole avocado and a whole banana in one sitting.
  15. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I love avocado! Have you had guacamole? I would start there first for you (not the babies!). Just mash it up, add some salsa or cut tomato, add some salt. And if you want to get fancy add a little sour cream. Dip tortila chips in-yum! (You may want a margarita to go with it too:))

    Seriously, like previous posts, depending on how ripe or not it is can make all the difference in the world. I just bought one the other day and it ended up being too ripe-gross!
  16. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I LOVE avocado!!! It is worth a try with babes as it is really really good fat for them. A couple brown spots are fine...no need to cut out - or just scrape off the top. If it is mostly brown though definitely scrape off the top or don't use. One thing that is handy is we take them on the go and you can just scrap them out all the way to the peel with a spoon - no need for a bowl. Good luck with whatever you choose. Seems like you love them or hate them but they are really good for kids if you want to give them a shot.
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