avent bottles - feedback on easy use

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by alexafaeh, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. alexafaeh

    alexafaeh Well-Known Member

    Dear all,

    I am trying to figure out what brand of baby bottles to go with, I know it will depend what babies like, but I need to register for something to start with.

    I decided to go with avent, just wanted to see if you gals liked them, pro’s and con’s, also I am planning on breastfeeding and pumping.
    So I wanted to know to how easy they are to use in combination with the medela breast pumps.
    I know avent has breastmilk storage container’s, I wonder if they work with medela too, and if not, if it’s still easy to use them in combination with medela breast pump.

    Here the links with the storage containers:


    Also, should I just start with a “starter newborn set” and then see if they like it and get then more bottles? they also have a set called "infant set", wondering if only difference is probably the nipples?

    Thanks for your help!

    alexa :)
  2. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    I ended up buying one bottle of each and trying them before we found what our girls' would take (turned out to be a Dr. Brown's bottle), then getting more of those. If you want to register, I'd register for the smallest nipple and smallest amount of bottles, otherwise, if they won't take them, you'll have a bazillion of one type of bottle around that you won't use.

    I don't know about the Avent storage system. I use the Medela pump and store bags; they work well for us.

  3. samiam1229

    samiam1229 Well-Known Member

    I think the Avent storage containers are on the expensive side, I used Glad reusable containers and they're just as good. Both of those containers take up a lot of space in a frig/freezer and I ended up switching to bags and I like the Gerber the best of all of them (the bag fits into a drop-in bottle when you thaw them).
    The only complaint I have about the Avent bottle (& I still use them, so it's obviously not that bad) is that you have to put the nipple cap on just right (not too tight, not too loose, sometimes even that isn't enough...) or else it leaks. There has been more than 1 occasion that I have, with some sleep deprevation, hucked the damn bottle across the room cause I had done the cap just right and then I had milk leaking all over me and the babies.
  4. knorts

    knorts Well-Known Member

    I use Avent bottles for our twins and they love them. I also breast fed and pumped...but only used the disposable storage bags for bm. They were easier for me to store (I was producing a ton of milk) and easier to thaw IMO. I bought the Medela freezer storage containers and never used them either.
  5. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    If you like the style of the Avent bottles go with the new Gerber Gentle Flow bottles instead. Exact same design but made from "safe" plastic. Clear, hard plastic (like the Avent bottles) contain dangerous toxins which can leech into the milk. I know some people don't believe this or aren't worried, but since you're starting from scratch I'd say it's better to be safe than sorry.
  6. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I bought the Avent but had to buy Dr. Brown for DS. He likes it because it is closer to the breast (nipple wise) and it has so much less air than Avent and the smaller bottles of Dr. Brown fit right onto the Medela breast pump thing so you can pump right into the bottle!
  7. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Just my two cents, no scientific study or anything, but my LC said Avent's slow is actually one of the fastest slow flowing out there, so when we were trying to breast feed and supplement (NICU issues) she suggested we avoid Avent to make it as hard as possible for them to "like" the bottle better. FWIW, we went w/ the drop ins (mainly due to the fact I don't have as many bottles to wash at the end of the day- just a bunch of nipples :good:

    Best wishes!
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