Augh, ear infection woes

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Amy A, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    Joshua got his tubes a year ago and has been very blessed to have no ear infections since. Noah got his ear tubes this past Jan, and just got his first ear infection with tubes. I brought him to the clinic and we started on omnicef. 5 days later his ear continues to drain yellow gunk . . . so we have an apt tonight. I am guessing we will have to do IM Rocephin. I really hate those shots, they are so painful and to have to do them 3 days in a row . . . But I thought this might happen, as before tubes neither Josh or Noah could get rid of their ear infectons with oral abx, they always required IM Rocephin or IV abx (Josh had pneumonia once with his ear infection, so he got IV abx in the hospital). Wish me luck, I don't care for my son's getting shots!
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Oh, I am so sorry that his has to go through the Rocephin. Our DD had pneumonia over the Spring with EI's too and that was so hard to watch. Both of the boys got tubes in July so I know all about EI woes. Good luck!
  3. navywf757

    navywf757 Well-Known Member

    Both of mine have had tubes due to EI woes. Of course they continued to get infections after the tubes and the tubes always got clogged so they were on antibiotics sometimes for a month before it went away. Those drops never did cure an infection in them. Right now the tubes are out of their ears but ds is going back in for his 2nd set of tubes and adenoids removed as well on Monday due to reinfections. Plus he keeps fluid in his ears and is behind in speech. We are hoping this will help him get on track with his speech therapy. He has been in early intervention since Jan and we have not seen enough of an improvement so far with his speech developmet. Guess we will see.

    I know it's hard to see them get shots. I dread ds getting put back under it's so sad to see them come out of anesthia and scared. But it's for the best I think.
  4. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Oh no, I hope he starts to feel better soon.

    Morgan had chronic ear infection her first 2 years, but after she hit 2, she quit having them. We were on the verge of doing tubes, but never had to. It wasn't affecting her hearing, oral abx took care of them and I caught them right at the beginning, so she was never getting very sick from them. But, I feel your pain with all the trips back and forth, etc. I hope the Rocephin works for him (even though it's not fun)
  5. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    My girls had lots of fluid on their ears and lost a lot of their hearing while it was there so they were delayed in speech. They had tubes which got their hearing back. They also have allergies to dairy, wheat, eggs, beef, squash and bananas. One of the sypmptoms of food allergies are ear infections and/or fluid on the ears. One of them was in the hospital for an allergy related episode and a doctor brought in a bunch of students on rounds. He was explaining to them that if they have kids that come in with fluid or ear infections and their parents are willing to try...they should have the kids eliminate all dairy for 2 months and the fluid or infections will clear up in about 20% of the patients they see. If it doesn't clear up after being dairy free then they should go the route of tubes. If it does clear up than have the child eliminate dairy until after age 2 when most children out grow a dairy allergy. The weird thing...we didn't know the girls had a dairy allergy at 12 months. We started them on yogurt and cheese. They immediately both got double ear infections plus some other weird things so we eliminated dairy. The ear infections cleared right up. 6 months later their allergies were officially diagnosed so we were in the 20% but didn't know it at the time.
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