Attempted feeding both at the same time

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newjersey_mom, May 27, 2009.

  1. newjersey_mom

    newjersey_mom Well-Known Member

    So this past weekend I actually attempted to bottle feed both my girls at the same time. I managed it and both girls handled it very well. The first round of burping they were not so patient, but as they got more in their bellies they sat contently and waited their turn. However the thing that prompted me to try it was my father one-upped me and did it the other day when he was babysitting them for me! I come home from work and he tells me he fed both at the same time that afternoon. I was impressed since he's never had twins before and it was his first time alone with them for an extended number of hours! So Poppy showed me up and I decided since he said they handled it well I would try it. Anyway, I'm pleased I can cut down feeding times when I'm alone with then and my dad is that comfortable being with his granddaughters!
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    That is great news on both counts! The more you feed them together, the easier it gets!
  3. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Way to go on the successfull feeding mission!! :clapping:

    You'll find that many mommies on here have fed their babies at the same time during the first 'survival' months and had it work out perfectly. I, for one, could not do that. It took a LOT longer to do feedings [not to mention the fact that they finished 4 oz every 1.5 hrs until 4.5 months]. I remember 'trying' to feed them both at the same time in their car seats and they both vomited during the feeding. I felt horrible and didn't try it again until about 7 months. That's just me though. You'll get lots of great advice from other mommies on here.
    It Is Possible! :D
  4. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I tandem nursed for the first month or so. I couldn't imagine nursing them separately. I would have been feeding a baby all day long. When I switched to formula, I continued to feed them together. I used bouncy seats. I just propped the bottle with a receiving blanket. It's all I ever knew. I was so overwhelmed with having twins that I said from the beginning that they had to be on the same feeding/sleeping schedule. I know when my mom would come, she'd feed one at a time, which she preferred doing. It didn't matter to me, as long as they got fed and were happy. You'll figure out a system that works for you. I actually wished I had used Boppy's instead. As they got older and didn't use the bouncy seats anymore, they loved drinking their bottle in the Boppy, especially once they started holding it themselves. Good luck.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :banana: Major time saver!
  6. newjersey_mom

    newjersey_mom Well-Known Member

    I put one of the girls in the bouncy seat and the other on the love seat in a boppy. I sat on the floor and popped bottles in their mouths. As I said earlier, they did beautifully. My dad said when he fed them both he had one in a boppy and the other in his lap. It is a major time saver, I've probably gained back at least an hour in my day!
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Can I suggest something to you to try too? :D

    I have an overstuffed couch so if your couch arms are smaller it may not work for you, but what I do is sit right up against one arm of my couch. I have one baby in the crook of my right arm there, with their back resting against the couch arm and their butt on my leg. Then I put a pillow by my left knee and prop the second baby's head there (took me a few tries to find the right size pillow, not too big and not too small), with their legs underneath my left arm, and I rest a small pillow on their legs to rest my elbow on. Feed baby on the right with my right hand, my arm is curled either around the top of her head (with her head resting on the couch arm), or just under her neck/shoulders if she's being wiggly. And I feed the left baby with my left hand.

    I hope that makes sense, anyways that's how I do it, I have an end table beside the couch to put bottles, paci's, cloth's....etc on it within easy reach ;)

    Great job on figuring out what works for you, survival mode is amazing!! :D
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