At what point do you take them in?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sharerc, May 23, 2009.

  1. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    My sitter's kid was sick this week. Now her DH and her other DS. It's all going around at my school, where her DS goes as well. Fever, vomiting, and diahhrea (sp?). Sam has puked once and has had a low grade fever, highest 99.5. Mal has NOT puked, has not had the runs, but has had a high fever that keeps coming back since Thursday afternoon. So Thur it was 103.2 around 4:00 pm. Friday it was 104.1 around 3 pm. Today it was 103.7 around 5 pm. I really was thinking it would have broken by now. I'm alternating Tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours. It will go down but creeps back up close to the 4 hour mark. I know viral things need to run their course but 3 days of high fever? I'm thinking that if it's high again tomorrow, I'm going to take her in to either the Urgent Children's care place or the Children's ER. She is not grumpy, she is eating normal, she is drinking normal, and she is making good diapers. Any suggestions?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd wait until tomorrow. If the only symptom she's showing is the fever and the grouchiness that goes with running a fever, it sounds like she's like my Royce. Hanging on to a fever for way longer than you think they should. Have you given her a cool sponge bath, try to evaporate some of the heat from her body?
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If the fever is still high tomorrow and has not broken by tomorrow, I would definitely take her in. Keep us posted and I hope she feels better soon!
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I would call your pedi's office tomorrow and speak to the doctor on call. They'll be able to advise you about when/if they need to be seen. GL. Mine had a high fever and horrible congestion all last week so I can relate :hug:
  5. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    If they temp is over 38.4 (don't know F!) then I always take them in straight away. Elliot this week had a temp of 38.9 one eve before bed - I gave him brufen and in the night and morning. He was coughing a bit. Took him in the next day - he had double ear infection and bronchitits! He was happy and eating normally!
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Out doctor's office usually says to wait 72 hours and then come in if they still have a fever. I use my own judgment. Usually I will follow this, but if it is over 103.5 or so, I will usually take them in sooner.

    :hug: Having sick kids is so hard!
  7. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Well she was down to 102.7 this morning. I'll check her again when she wakes up from her nap. She is still relatively happy. But now DH and DD1 are puking. Fun times at my house right now!
  8. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    :hug: :hug: it is awful to have everyone sick!
    I hope that everyone starts feeling better soon. As far as the fever goes I usually take the kids in if the fever is 104 and will not come down with rotating Tylenol and Motrin.

    Best Of Luck & Hope the sickness goes away soon!
  9. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear everyone is feeling so bad! For us more than 3 days is time for a visit. If it is really high, probably more than 103 I would call the pedi before then.
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