at what point did you be become down right miserable?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by chatongris, May 18, 2010.

  1. chatongris

    chatongris Well-Known Member

    i am SOOOOO freaking uncomfortable. I'm not huge yet and I am just 24wks, but i've NEVER been this uncomfortable during pregnancy in my life. if i lay down, my hips and cervix hurt, even with the pregnancy pillow, i have a constant pain in my right side just under the ribs, and when I walk, stand, or sit there's the back pain and just this "heavy" belly feeling that's really new to me.

    i assume that i just have to grin and bear this for the rest of the pregnancy right? with my singletons I remember the 2nd tri being so great feeling..........
  2. rtj

    rtj Well-Known Member

    I'm with you! My first pregnancy was an absolute breeze- no throwing up, no pain, only a little heartburn at the end. With twins, I went straight from 14 weeks of throwing up to heartburn, back pain, out of breath all the time, insomnia, crazy itchy belly... the list goes on. I'm 23 weeks so no end in sight. Trying to remember all the blessing in this!
  3. Anneelizz

    Anneelizz Active Member

    I wish I could tell you it gets better! I feel your pain. I remember being pretty uncomfortable at 28 weeks when I stopped working. At 33 weeks I became really miserable, completely unsteady on my feet, in fact I fell down on the way to the doctors and did a number on my knee which only made things worse. I am at 37 weeks today and have been extra cranky the last two weeks. I am glad that I've made it this far but I can't do anything and I keep wondering when this will ever end. Oh and the last few days I think I developed carpel tunnel of pregnancy, real nice. Hang in there! :)
  4. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    There isn't really a second, "honeymoon" trimester though. I remember starting to show at 8 wks and BAM, by month four it was more like 6ish and by month 7 it was like month 11. You have to remember the goal, and do whatever too be comfortable. I was most comfy in a more upright, "floaty" position, by 5 mos, so we got a recliner. That's where I slept for the duration. Do what you can to feel good :youcandoit:
  5. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    My pregnancy was a piece of cake until 31 weeks and then it got a little tough. At about 34 Weeks I became very miserable. Now I am BEYOND MISERABLE. I have 8 more days til my c and I wonder how I'm gonna make it. I am done!
  6. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    Oh I all of a sudden have the freakin carpal tunnel thing too. It's just icing on the cake, isn't it Anneelizz? I drop everything and i can't bend over to pick it up!! Grrrr.
  7. HettyA

    HettyA Well-Known Member

    Sadly like someone said it may not get too much better. :(

    Hang in there though it's all worth it in the end!

    I started to be really uncomfortable around your period and it does suck. It's only gotten worse for me but I try to keep my mind off of it with little things as much as possible. :youcandoit:
  8. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    Im 32wks 2dys and am miserable day and night. It hurts to sit too long, it hurts my hips to lay down on my sides, it makes me pee to lay in a reclining position. I have to "warm up" my legs to start walking (or they feel like collapsing) when I stand up and just TRYING to stand up is oh so much fun. I have baby A in my crotch and B in my ribs and I too have also as of last week gotten Carpel Tunnel syndrome and have numb arms and hands.

    I try to keep my feet up as much as possible to keep the swelling in my feet down. I am still putting on weight which my doctor is now concerned about, so I go back on Thursday to see the OB again (weekly visits now I guess). I hope to make it to 35wks, but just not sure what is going to happen!! Hope you feel better...wish I could say it will get better!! I'm thrilled I have made it this far with healthy babies and I can only pray that I make it at least a couple more weeks and that they will still be happy and healthy when they arrive!!!
  9. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The twin pregnancy is awful. I'm very sorry that you have to do this. That being said, you might try a blow up bed. I found it to be very comfortable to lie on. Also, get a maternity bathing suit and go swimming! You won't feel hot and weightlessness (relativly) feels great.

    I feel the pp who has one in the cervix and one in the ribs- BTDT). ;)
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I've never had a singleton pregnancy, so I have nothing to compare it to... But I felt good at 20 weeks, pretty uncomfy by 24 weeks, huge and in pain by 29 weeks, and completely miserable by 32. The good news, I suppose, is that I didn't get that much more miserable from 32 to 37 weeks -- or if I did, I just don't remember. It was all just about crossing one more day off the calendar.

    You can try to think of it as "My job is to grow these babies." That was about the only thing that helped me -- at least feeling like I was doing something productive. :hug:
  11. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    With my son, never. With the twins my last 3 weeks.
  12. happybearsfan

    happybearsfan Well-Known Member

    I stopped working at 31 weeks (I was a teacher and school was out.) I felt pretty junky those last few weeks. For the next 3 weeks, I didn't even like walking across the room because the stabbing crotch pain made me cry!
  13. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    37 weeks today and I am feeling very uncomfortable. My stomach hangs so low (I am amazed what the body can do)- I really don't know how I am going to make it the next 6 days before my scheduled c-section. I really can't remember when this pregnancy was comfortable - each week/month has been a new and different challenge. I am just very happy that things have gone smoothly and the last few days are non-eventful.
  14. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    Around 26 weeks, I became down right miserable!! Little did I know I still had 12 crappy weeks left. But once you have the babies, it all becomes a distant memory and you forget how uncomfortable you were. Once I had them and was sleep deprived, I just kept telling myself 'at least you aren't pregnant anymore' and that helped. I just do not enjoy being pregnant.
  15. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    Hate me, but never. I mean maybe after 36 weeks. I had to work until that point to be home for the rest of the year with vacation time and maternity leave, so I just did it. Never even thought about it.
    Once I was home... I wanted the babies out. The nights were pretty bad by then.
  16. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I didn't get miserable until 36w and i had them 3 days later. My pelvis has separated and that was why I became so miserable all of a sudden. Before then I was doing everything I normally was doing, just at a little slower pace.
  17. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    I'm at 34, and very uncomfortable. I feel like every time I get used to some pain/ache/ailment, something new pops up. This week its my swollen feet, rib pain, groin muscle spasms. But I feel like at this point, there are 26 days or less to go, and that makes it more tolerable.

    Hang in there, don't push yourself and remember you get two babies at the end!
  18. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    I've become pretty uncomfortable too. It seems like in the last two weeks I've grown exponentially. Even though I've had a big belly and sore hips for a while, now I get tired so quickly from just walking. Getting up out of a chair and standing upright takes me a while. Bending over to pick something up from the floor is still possible but takes effort. I'm usually ok in a sitting position, especially if I can put my feet up, but there are times when it seems so hard to get comfy while sitting or laying down. I keep reminding myself that this is only temporary.
  19. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    32 week! I remember because it was right before 4th of July and my friends were in town and we were driving around and I started growling because I was so uncomfortable. I had them 1 month later
  20. browneyedgirl

    browneyedgirl Well-Known Member

    I'm almost 32 weeks, and I'm about to lose it. LOL! I just keep reminding myself that they are way better off inside than outside right now!
  21. kizynyer

    kizynyer New Member

    I'm not happy about everyone’s misery, but I'm so happy I'm not alone. I'm 25 weeks and I think I've been miserable from the day I found out I was pregnant. I already have 4 children and thought I was pretty much done. I can handle morning sickness pretty well but with twins the nausea was overbearing, and when I got over that at week 12 the cramping started to prepare me for the round ligament pain I would have next. Now, at 25 weeks I feel stretched to capacity, my hips hurt, I can barely get through a shower without being short of breath, and I have spontaneous sciatic nerve pain in my right leg.....can I be any more dysfunctional? :unsure: This experience has forced me to question the mental status of women who choose to have 8 babies at goodness! :woah: The human body is full of wonderful mysteries but this is one mystery I could have continued to wonder about. In the end, (after I get passed the possible c-section recovery and sleep deprivation) I will be happy with my two bundles of joy.
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  22. Double Vision

    Double Vision Well-Known Member

    33 weeks for me. I did A LOT of swimming and that took a lot of weight off. It was amazing to get out of the pool and feel gravity pulling me downward.

    Best of luck to you!
  23. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thankfully, I'd forgotten about this. Oh man, I could not shower past a certain point. So I'd take a bath, but that was hard, too, because the idea of me getting out of the tub terrified everybody else.

    Take heart- it's terrible but will be over once they're baked.
  24. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    The last 9 weeks were lousy (29-38 weeks). Partly from bedrest and partly from just being so uncomfortable (ok, it was downright painful some of the time), swollen, etc. BUT, just keep your eye on the goal. I met a couple the other day who have 18 mo old twin girls. One was 12 OUNCES at birth and spent the first 8 months in the hospital. As awful as I felt during those last couple of months, I'm so grateful I was able to go almost 38 weeks and go home 3 days later with both my girls.

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