At what age would they benefit from the zoo?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bridget nanette, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]I'd like to take my little ones to the zoo this summer. They will be 19 or 20 months before we go. Do you think going to the zoo at that age is worth it? Where would you advise...or NOT advise me to take them for various outings?

    [/SIZE] :unsure:
  2. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    We started taking our kids to the zoo when they were young. We would use backpack carriers to take them all over the zoo, including the no stroller zones. They finally started to really enjoy seeing the animals last summer/fall. My DS remembers going on the merri-go-round with his grandpa/my dad last fall over 6 months ago. He would have been 18 months at the time. We didn't think he would remember it, but he brought it up a few months later and we were all surprised that he did. I think your kids will start to enjoy the zoo at that age and remember a lot of the animals. We read lots of books with animals, so I think they find it fun to see them at the zoo too.
  3. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    We started taking our boys to the zoo right after their first birthday. They loved it! We actually lived about a dozen blocks or so away from the San Francisco zoo, so we got a family membership and started going about once a week. The boys loved most things to do with the zoo, but they especially liked the contact area where they could brush and feed the goats and sheep. I also learned when they would do special things like drain the hippo water and the giraffe feedings, so we got to see things that not everyone did. We got to know the giraffe trainer, and one day he took us upstairs and let the boys feed the giraffes bananas.

    The other thing that seems popular with kids, is the train ride at the zoo (seems like most zoos have one).

    We moved and no longer go to the zoo every often. I really miss the outings to the zoo, although we got to go this week!

  4. Thumper

    Thumper Well-Known Member

    You can always try - at that age be ready for a fairly short attention span - you may only be able to go for a short while before they get bored/overstimulated - sometimes you can just walk around with them napping in the stroller if they're the sort to do that. But yeah, our guys loved going to the zoo and riding the train. ;)

    --> Andy
  5. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    We are actually going to the zoo tomorrow for the 1st time, I think they are going to love it! Wish us luck!
  6. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    We didn't go much last summer b/c they really got nothing out of it and didn't want to sit in the stroller. However, we just renewed our zoo membership and they will be SOOO excited to go this year! They LOVE anything and everything that has to do with animals. We turn on Animal Planet on the TV adn they scream, squeal, laugh,'s insane! Morgan cries when the commercials come on b/c ther eare no more animals. She will hand me the remote saying "Broke mommy" b/c she wants the animals to come back on. It's cute, but also annoying! I can see where the zoo might be detrimental that first trip this year b/c they will get fixated on an animal and probably cry when we walk away. We did just purchase those backpack leashes b/c I know they won't sit in a stroller for very long. We'll probably take the wagon and let them walk as much as possible with the backpack leashes.
  7. ethan&drewsmama

    ethan&drewsmama New Member

    we took our boys for the first time a few weeks ago. we also took their wagon...they only enjoyed fighting over who got to push/pull the wagon most of the time we were there! they did like the monkeys :rolleyes: hope that helps some
  8. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    We've been alot. I have two older dd's and we were primarily going for them. The little ones usually just kicked back in the stroller and enjoyed the ride and people watching. We've also gone to the local game park where you drive through to see various animal and get to feed them. The girls ALL loved it this time. Last time Natalie didn't care for it too much as a caribou stuck it's head in her window and snatched her binky. We'll be going to the regular zoo again soon. Our membership is due to run out next month and I want to get a visit in before I decide to renew or not.
  9. KatrinaS

    KatrinaS Well-Known Member

    We just took the girls last weekend and they had a great time. We only lasted a few hours, but they were intrigued seeing all the animals up close and personal. Catherine expecially loved the petting zoo, but Krista wouldn't touch any of the animals. Give it a try, they'll probably enjoy it!
  10. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We've been to our local, small zoo a couple of times, and we have also been to the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park. I have to say, that they enjoyed both equally (we did the larger zoos when they were around 15 months). When we go to the smaller zoo we bring our wagon. When we did the larger zoos we brought the strollers since we were spending the whole day there and they were able to nap.

    Like a pp said, our kids LOVE animals and anything to do with them. Now that they know the different names of the animals, it is even more fun for them!
  11. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    Bridget, my boys are 22 months and we are going tomorrow for the first time. I know you live in MD -- I live in No. VA -- and we are going to the National Zoo. If that is where you are planning to take them, I'll let you know how it goes as far as how well they can see things, times to go, etc.

    DH and I are meeting the couple there that set us up on our blind date. They have never met the boys. That might throw a wrench in how the boys act -- Ethan is going through a shy spell. Other than that, I think they will love the zoo (they love animals). We are taking cheapo single strollers I just bought to take to the beach and we have the backpack harnesses. We are going early when the boys are in the best mood.

    Let me know if you want more info :)

  12. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I took my kids to a small zoo last week (if you are in MD, it was the Catoctin Zoo...very small). They LOVED it. I think the wagon is a great idea and much better than strollers bc they want to get out and look at the animals so much!! Have fun!
  13. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Oh Bridget! GO TO THE ZOO!!! We started around 11 mos. and they didn't get anything out of it, but now they LOVE it and they discover new stuff all the time!!! After 12 mos. it's totally worth it!! One time I brought our "Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do you Hear" book and showed them the real animals and the pictures so they could make the connection. I think at 19-20 mos. they would make the leap! You'll enjoy and so will they!

    If you have an aquarium, go there!!
  14. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    We started going to the zoo when N & G were 14 months old. We've been to a couple of small zoos and to an aquarium since then. They loved it at 14 months and love it even more now. I say go for it... they will have a blast!

  15. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    We just went to the zoo last weekend and mine are just 19 months now. They loved it! They did all the animal sounds and really took it all in. We went last year when they were only about 10 months old. They enjoyed it, but didn't "get" it. This time they did. Of course, their older sister was there to make sure they saw everything. lol
  16. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I brought the twins to the zoo last summer by myself (with a group of other mothers) and it was a waste. They were just about 11 months. At Easter we were on a farm and they loved the animals, so I would imagine at that age, it would be worth the zoo! Have fun!! :D
  17. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    We first took them to a zoo at around 11 months and it was a nice day out. Then last Spring when they were about 20 months we LOVED the Bronx zoo, even though we went on a rainy day. And a couple months later, we went to the Central Park Zoo -- a trip they still talk about (the other trips weren't remembered). I can't wait to take them back this Spring and Summer. I say do it. Zoos are great for just strolling and if you happen to stop and watch a polar bear or some sea lions or tigers, how exciting if they actually grasp it.
  18. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    we took the girls to the zoo at 14 months, they loved it but they loved it even more at 23 months. your twins are at the age when they are probably making all kinds of animal sounds so going to the zoo is going to be great for them.. my girls still talk about their most recent visit 2 wks ago.
  19. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    The first time we went was right around Thanksgiving last year, so they were just under 21 months old. They LOVED it! We are fortunate to be so close to the National Zoo because it is FREE, so we go pretty often. We even went a few times during the winter if it was going to be in the high 40s. My advice is to go in the morning because most of the animals get fed between 10-11ish, which means you'll actually SEE more animals and they'll be active, etc. The girls can name pretty much any animal they've seen, even pretty obscure ones like the oryx and emus and vultures. They love pretty much all the animals but I'd say their faves are: elephants, hippos, tigers, panda bears, cheetahs, orangutans, gorillas, otters, and flamingos. Every time we go now they are interested in more and more things. I think yours are at a good age to start introducing them to the zoo -- they would probably love it!
  20. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls love the zoo.
    There first zoo trip does not count since they were about 3 or 4 months olds. Since then we have been to 4 or 5 different zoos. As they get older, they enjoy different parts of it. In fact today we took them to an aquarium for the first time. Dani was busy saying mammal. Sydney reached right in to the touch tank to fell the horse shoe crab.
    I can't wait to take them again.
  21. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We've been a few times. The first was when they were 8 months (for the local Twinstuff meet-up) and I can confidently say that they appreciated nothing, except having a nap in the stroller. :D

    But at 12 months, they enjoyed the things that they could see up close -- the aquariums and the animals that were inside their "houses" (it was really cold, so the animals wanted to be indoors as much as we did). They really liked watching the tiger pace back & forth in front of the viewing window.

    At 15 months they mostly enjoyed getting out of the stroller and running around, but they also watched the monkeys and a few other things. At this age it is still hard for them to notice animals unless they're right there -- not at the back of the enclosure or hiding under a bush or something. But I bet the next time we go they will notice more than they did last time, and more the time after that!
  22. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We started to going to our local little zoo around 15 months. we have not made it to the bigger zoos yet.
  23. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We started to going to our local little zoo around 15 months. we have not made it to the bigger zoos yet.
  24. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    We took the twins when they turned 2 last year and it was Wonderful!! The look on their faces when they saw the Elephants and Giraffes was Priceless!! I plan on taking them again soon.
  25. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    We just went to the zoo about a week ago and our boys loved seeing the animals. I was actually really surprised because i thought they'd be no interest. - They're 16 months
  26. BooBoo +3

    BooBoo +3 Well-Known Member

    Hey Bridgette! I've recently started visiting here again, and found myself wondering about you.

    I can't speak for the girls, but we did take DS to the zoo at ~18 months. He enjoyed things that had movement. The penguins, seals, polar bears, giraffes, elephants. The animals that just layed around were not as interesting to him, in fact, because of their natural camoflage, he even had a hard time picking some out. Does that make sense?

    Other things? Any place you can manage them simultaneously. My girls love the library and the local children's museum.

    Good luck!

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