at what age did you feel comfortable taking the twins out by yourself?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by someone, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    My twins are almost 5 months, i still have not taken them out alone, other than a walk when the weather has been nice.. how old were your twins the first time you took them out alone? how did you manage?

    my thought is how do I keep an eye on one twin when i'm strapping the first one into the car, in a store parking lot, ect.. that's just one basic fear - and of course what do i do if/when they both freakout and i'm alone with that.. but thati'm nopt as afraid of anymore since i am alone with them about every day.. but they tend to freak out more sometimes 9othertimes are strangely calm) in new places so. . . .
  2. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    just recently actually! i still get a lil nervous though!
  3. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cottoncandysky @ Dec 17 2008, 04:37 PM) [snapback]1114279[/snapback]
    just recently actually! i still get a lil nervous though!

    congrats!! and how was/is it when youtake them out alone?
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I think I did it first when they were 2 months. I urge you to do it so you can get used to it before they outgrow their infant seats, as it's much more work after that! It will get easier as you do it too... I always keep the stroller next to me while I strap in a baby, but I try to park a bit out of the way and so far I have yet to see anyone come even close to my car... with the infant seats it was really easy though, just unclick and snap. Mine have never freaked out when I was alone with them yet... The only times they have is when I was with dh and we were taking our time, but usually when they're in the stroller we just have to keep moving and they're fine.
  5. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Fran27 @ Dec 17 2008, 04:41 PM) [snapback]1114285[/snapback]
    I think I did it first when they were 2 months. I urge you to do it so you can get used to it before they outgrow their infant seats, as it's much more work after that! It will get easier as you do it too... I always keep the stroller next to me while I strap in a baby, but I try to park a bit out of the way and so far I have yet to see anyone come even close to my car... with the infant seats it was really easy though, just unclick and snap. Mine have never freaked out when I was alone with them yet... The only times they have is when I was with dh and we were taking our time, but usually when they're in the stroller we just have to keep moving and they're fine.

    do you know when they outgrow the infant seats?
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    At about 2 months. I would totally overpack for even a simple trip to Target. But the more I did it a routine developed and it got much easier.
  7. dnhkramer

    dnhkramer Member

    My twins are going on 6 months, and I've been taking them out since they were about 3 weeks old. It was summer time, and I was going stir crazy, so I took them out. I also have a 3 yo and a 7 yo, and they are a HUGE help to me! I too overpack the diaper bag, but I figure it's better to be safe then sorry! I would hate to run out of diapers, wipes or formula while I'm out! Good luck getting the courage to take them out on your own! It's a task, but I'm glad I started earlier then later!
  8. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi-I just recently tried this a few times. Our twins are 3.5 months old. I took them Christmas shopping. It was in nice weather (so cal) and it's a little street with small, individual shops. I fed them well, changed their diapers and headed out for shopping. They slept almost the whole time! I was a bit nervous and distracted while I was shopping, but I figured I could head home whenever I needed to leave. I was in small stores, and I could escape quickly if necessary. I was home within 2 hours. I wanted to get back and unload them before they got really hungry and started a big meltdown. It went okay!

    This morning was my first trip to the doctor alone. Of course, it was pouring rain. The parking spots were really small. I set up the stroller at the back of the car, and loaded them one at a time. I had to drag one of the carseats across to the opposite door (the parking spot was too small and I couldn't open one of the back doors-boo). I usually look for the biggest parking spot that has an empty space next to it. It's easier to wrangle the car seats that way. I almost ended up in tears today. I was totally soaked by the time I finished, but they managed to stay dry.

    I guess the good news is that I've survived two outings, and I have a bit more confidence now. I plan on trying a few more trips, but I will still keep them time limited so I can feed them at home.

    ps-It helps if I've had a decent night's sleep and have a good amount of patience and tolerance for the day....otherwise, I'm too cranky!
  9. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(someone @ Dec 17 2008, 05:45 PM) [snapback]1114290[/snapback]
    do you know when they outgrow the infant seats?

    Well, it depends. We switched ours at 8 months because DS was getting close to the weight limit. DD could probably still be in there, but to be honest I was getting tired of them anyway!

    Now when I go out I don't even always remember to take a diaper bag, but I really make only one stop usually. I've never had to change the babies anywhere yet. I'd just start with something fast, like the bank or something...
  10. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dnhkramer @ Dec 17 2008, 04:50 PM) [snapback]1114303[/snapback]
    My twins are going on 6 months, and I've been taking them out since they were about 3 weeks old. It was summer time, and I was going stir crazy, so I took them out. I also have a 3 yo and a 7 yo, and they are a HUGE help to me! I too overpack the diaper bag, but I figure it's better to be safe then sorry! I would hate to run out of diapers, wipes or formula while I'm out! Good luck getting the courage to take them out on your own! It's a task, but I'm glad I started earlier then later!

    Same here...I was nervous at first but I just dove in and did it. We go out together everyday---to meet up with friends, the park, the mall, etc... It's second nature now.:)
  11. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    right from the get go! dont be afraid to go out alone with the two at 5 months they are able to handled longer trips to the market/mall--bring a few stroller toys and your essentials and have fun!
  12. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    "Mommy up!" and get you and the kids out of the house :lol: !!! It only gets easier with practice. I have to admit that my twins are 3&4, and I just didn't have time to worry about taking them out! (I'm sure other mothers of older singles or twins will agree with me)

    Cute story... My DH didn't believe me that I could get all of my kids out of the van and ready to roll in under 1.5 minutes (not hours :lol: ). He timed me at the library about five months ago (the twins are almost 9 months now). I opened all the doors, opened the stroller, loaded the twins and had the other kids (ok, cheating, my eldest is 15 lol!) ready to roll in 1 minute 15 seconds!!! Whoop!!!

    Seriously, we are in and out of the house all day. We just do it when we have to, and sometimes we even go out for fun! (They love the babies at Starbucks!!)
  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MamaD @ Dec 17 2008, 06:35 PM) [snapback]1114445[/snapback]
    (They love the babies at Starbucks!!)

    DH has been taking the twins out since 3 months when I went back to work (I used to work every Friday night) - he would take them to Barnes and Noble (they have a Starbucks coffee shop) and the barista's LOVE my kids - they know their names and that they want a sugar cookie and a milk!
  14. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    Just do it!! I would guess you've built it up in your head to be much harder than it actually is - I know I did. I started taking the boys out around 2 months and I was so nervous at first. After I got used to it I tried for every other day. Now that I'm working we get out one day a weekend for running around.

    Depending on your schedule get everything ready while they were napping and as soon as they wake up put them in the infant seats and hit the road. If I did that and took bottles with me I could get a few hours of running around in. At 5 months they started to really like being out and about (and still do) before that they just slept most of the time. By then though they loved all the people, lights and colors. It'll be good for you and for them. Now they are better out than at home. If we are having a particulary fussy day we pack up and go to the mall or Target.

    I just didn't go very far for awhile and if they both melted down we would just come home :) Usually one or both would fall asleep in the car.
  15. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    It does get easier they older they get - IMHO. I did not take the babies out on my own until they were like 8months old! And even to this day I only do it about once/week, the other times I have someone with me to help out. And, yes it does get easier the more you do it. I always have the attitude now, if they scream I take them home. But, I have now learned tricks to keep them happy/occupied while we are out. I used the mesh feeders and put grapes in them - that buys me 20minutes of happy time, or a rice cracker also can buy me 20min of happy time, or playing kids songs in the car, etc, etc.

    Don't be hard on yourself, do it when you are ready!
    When my babies were younger they hated their carseats and being in the car, so it wasnt as easy for me to get out with them, unless I wanted to listen to screaming, so I just avoided going out. But around 6-7months they started to like their carseats and being out of the house in general.
  16. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(someone @ Dec 17 2008, 12:45 PM) [snapback]1114290[/snapback]
    do you know when they outgrow the infant seats?

    There is usually a weight/height limit on your car seat but thats not completely accurate as all babies are built differently. Your baby could have a very long torso or legs etc.
    They are too small for their infant carriers when their heads are within 1" from the top of the carseat or when they reach the weight limit.
  17. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Dec 17 2008, 04:47 PM) [snapback]1114295[/snapback]
    At about 2 months. I would totally overpack for even a simple trip to Target. But the more I did it a routine developed and it got much easier.

    Same here...I used to completely overpack the diaper bag (which is crazy b/c I nurse, but the first time I brought EBM on ice just in case LOL). Now I just grab a few diapers and go. We go out a lot, to visit friends, to get mommy a treat, etc. So far we only had one minor meltdown at the grocery store...DS started crying so I just pushed the cart a bit faster until he calmed down and then I cut the trip short. They actually get really happy now when we go to the car. I love using the double snap n go with the infant seats. It's so quick! I agree with pps...just try it! GL!
  18. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I took them out for the first time by myself around 3 months. I got better and better at it with each outing and gained more confidence each time. I almost found it empowering to accomplish things like grocery shopping or getting errands done with them I didn't think I'd be able to do. I could have always done them when my husband got home or on the weekend, but sometimes I'd just go to get out and see if I could actually handle it. Plus, I think they liked being out and looking around. It got pretty easy. But now two things have changed and I find it a big big pain again and find myself dragging my feet in taking them out. 1) The weather has changed and it's been cold and snowing for the last month or two and 2) they outgrew their infant carseats and I find it such a pain bundling them up in their fleece jackets, (remembering to warm the car up in advance) getting them into their seats while freezing my butt off outside, unfolding the stroller, taking them out of the carseats and buckeling each of them into the stroller with the wind blowing and snow falling all around us. Not to mention they've constantly been sick, we started 3 meals (which means less time to work with) and they're finally on the same nap schedule that I don't want to mess up! It's as if I've regressed! I guess I have to force myself to get out more and hopefully I'll get back into the groove again.

    Hopefully you're from an area where it's warmer and it's not as big of a pain. But I agree with the others, to just get out and do it and it will get easier, especially if they are still in those infant seats!
  19. fudgens

    fudgens Member

    The first trip alone was to costco at 5 weeks and boy did people stop me and I didn't get too much done. It was a little work but okay nonetheless. The difficult part is taking all 3 kids out alone! now that is a challenge.
  20. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    The girls were about three months old when I took them out for the first time alone. Prior to that I always had a "helper" either my DH, Mom or MIL. I was too nervous about having to feed them at the same time and not being able to do that in public. Now, no problem. It does get easier, I promise. :)
  21. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    You should try it! It does seem daunting, but once you do it, it gets easier each time!! I used to be soooooo nervous they would both have a meltdown. However, they rarely do- luckily! Lots of people will stop you- or they will stare. I try to not make eye contact w/ people.
  22. mmbadger

    mmbadger Well-Known Member

    I've been doing it from the start, and typically with my 4-year-old in tow. I just figured there was never a better time than the present (and honestly, it's easiest when they're tiny, before they can move in separate directions!).
  23. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    I've been taking them out since they were a week old or so. I have a 5 year old and she doesn't want to sit at home all day. We were at the pool the whole summer this year. Babies did great in a bouncer in the shade!
  24. derbyqueen

    derbyqueen Member

    I've been taking them out since they were 4 weeks old. The first time I left when my husband was at home and could come bail us out if we needed backup. Like the others have said, I think you definitely have to get in there and practice - don't do more than one errand at first. I also like to park where there is space on both sides, or next to a handicapped spot, so I can maneuver the stroller better. Just be prepared to pack up and leave if there is a melt down. People are very understanding.

    Ooh - I have one trick that helps me get through stores unhassled (and it's easier to move the shopping carts this way). I wear one twin in a baby bjorn and then put the other one's carseat in the shopping cart. I find that most people assume that the baby that I"m wearing belongs in the carseat and I'm not stopped for the "twin thing". It's so nice to be able to get things done relatively quickly and to keep strangers away from us!

    Do it! It's worth it to get out of the house and interact with the outside world. :D
  25. bebedoc

    bebedoc Well-Known Member

    I starting taking them out at 4-5 weeks alone to their pediatrician appointments. It's alittle more difficult for me as I have a toddler as well. So at the time, I had 2 preemies and an 18 month old. Eek!! It gets easier but I don't go out often or for fun. Only necessities. LOL
  26. erwelch

    erwelch Well-Known Member

    I have been taking my twins out by myself since they were born, I also have a 2yo to take. My DH works 12-14hr days so I don't have much of a choice. I have to get stuff done during the day and my 2yo would not stay in the house all day without getting very antsy. I think once you do it a few times you will feel more comfortable, it is just the same as taking out any baby. My problem is more once I am in the store where am I going to put everyone?
  27. Sarah74

    Sarah74 Well-Known Member

    I was going out from the time they were a couple of weeks old. I have an 8 year old and 5 year old also who were out for the summer and I couldn't keep them cooped up all the time. It's probably easier than you think it is. When they were younger they almost always slept the whole time we were out. The worst part is getting them loaded/unloaded.
  28. totalee001

    totalee001 Well-Known Member

    My boys are 3months old and I have not taken them out by myself yet. I always take someone with me. :blink:
  29. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I had to take them in the car to daycare (by myself) starting at 8 weeks, so I got used to that in a hurry. When they're in infant carriers, it's no big deal -- you just set one on the sidewalk between you and the car, and lean over her/him while you snap the first one in. It gets a little trickier when they outgrow the infant carriers!

    But I never really took them anywhere other than daycare or for a walk until they were practically 9 months old. On our walks, we stop in cafes. When they were babies, I'd leave them strapped in. When they got a little older and wanted to look around, I'd take one at a time out of the stroller and hold her on my lap. I didn't start letting them both out at once until they were both walking.

    Like everything, it gets easier with practice!
  30. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    The first time I went out with them by myself they were probably about 3 weeks old and we went to Target. Before they started daycare we went to Target about once a week, I would always take them for walks when I could, we would visit family and I did all our grocery shopping with them in the middle of the day. I personally think it was easier then than it is now. Then they were content to hang out in their carseats and sleep while I pushed or pulled them around the store. Now they need much more entertaining to get through a quick trip.
    I always put one baby in the car first and try to keep my foot or hand on the cart or stroller so I can feel right away if someone is there and so it doesn't roll away. I always time our trips for when I think they will tolerate it best. For example Target is dead at 8 am on a Saturday when it isn't the holidays so I would always go early and then if they did freak out there weren't a lot of people. DH and I take them everywhere with us though so that helps in the store or restraunt because they know more what to expect.
  31. christencameron

    christencameron Well-Known Member

    My girls are 6 weeks old and I took them out the first time by myself the first time about two weeks ago. I have a 2 year old also, so sometimes that can complicate things a little more. DS gets bored if we stay at home all the time, since he's used to going with me everywhere. I just figured there was no time like the present to start getting out on our own. It's not bad right now, the girls basically sleep the whole time we're gone. I try to time it so that I don't have to feed the girls while we're out. I guess my thought was that I'd have to do it sometime, so I might as well practice now.
  32. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    I got them out on my own as soon as I could walk straight. Now, getting out with the three youngest (which would include my DD who is now 2 years) was a little bit harder. I ordered a Valco Trimode Twin and that got us out easier.

    Honestly, getting out with my kids doesn't scare me. It just wears me out getting them all in and out of the car somedays.
  33. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Emily@Home @ Dec 18 2008, 06:00 PM) [snapback]1115724[/snapback]
    I got them out on my own as soon as I could walk straight. Now, getting out with the three youngest (which would include my DD who is now 2 years) was a little bit harder. I ordered a Valco Trimode Twin and that got us out easier.

    Honestly, getting out with my kids doesn't scare me. It just wears me out getting them all in and out of the car somedays.

    Agreed - that is the most annoying part is loading and unloading the stroller, the infant seats, the bag, etc. We started going out at about 6 weeks and ever since then I usually take them somewhere on the weekends and don't even think twice about it nowadays - other than to whine to dh that my back hurts if we go multiple places that requires in and out of the car!
  34. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    I've been taking them out alone since they were two months old. They had to come along to the story hours, playgroups, and music class that my two year old goes to. The snap-n-go saved my life.
  35. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    Since their birth. You gotta just do it!! ;)
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