At the end of my rope...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by skovarik, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. skovarik

    skovarik Active Member

    So I did the 3 day potty training method and it worked awesome. My boys are peeing in the potty like champs! But that's all they are doing in the potty. We have yet to poop in the potty. It happened once for one of the boys and never for the other. They just go in their pants and then tell me afterward to change them that they pooped or sometimes one doesn't tell me at all!! I'm so completely tired of buying new underwear since they poop daily! What am I doing wrong? I need help! How can I get them to go in the potty. W says he's scared and Z just doesn't care!
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I'm having the same issue with Jack. <_< Actually, Nate is sort of doing the same thing; he won't tell you he has to poop, but he winds up so much when he has to go (hopping on one foot, holding his butt), that it's easy to catch him and put him on the potty! :lol: Jack is my "stealth pooper". He's so quick and quiet it's almost impossible to catch him in the act. Funny thing, my nanny has no problems; he tells her he has to go, and he goes! I've only gotten him to poop on the potty once, and that was because I happened to be looking at him and noticed his face was turning red. I grabbed him, sat him on the potty, and he cried his head off for 60 seconds until the poop came out. :rolleyes:

    I'd say your best bet is to catch them in the act if possible, and sit them down on the potty. Threats have no effect on Jack ("you'll get kicked out of school if you poop in your pants!"), and rewards aren't motivating him.

    I'm hoping there will be other posters with some good suggestions as well! :)

    Oh, and I wouldn't buy new underwear. Just get tighty-whiteys and bleach the heck out of them. :good:
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also agree with Valerie in doing your best to catch him in the act and get him on the potty but also, have him help clean the mess and/or find his currency...stickers worked really well for both of my kids to encourage them to poo on the potty. I know my DS was scared to do it for a bit but he did come around. DH and I assured him that it's normal and poo is supposed to go in the potty.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Also, try talking them to see if they are scared of something. Kids can be scared of the most irrational things. Are they scared of falling in? Of it flushing? Of getting sucked down it? Are they upset that "part" of them is getting sucked down it?? We did a lot of talking with my older kids about how we eat food to grow, but our body doesn't use all of it, it only takes the good stuff. The yucky stuff, the poop, is leftover, and we have to get rid of it. We don't need it, it isn't part of us it's bits of yucky food (like veggies if they don't like veggies ;) ), and going to the bathroom keeps our body nice and healthy to grow.
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