At least the worst culprits for buying too many toys are taken care of...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Stacy A., Nov 22, 2009.

  1. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Between my mom and my best friend we could open a toy shop. They just love to spoil my kids and they always go overboard at Christmas. Plus, we have a ton of other people that buy for them every year. :3: This year, I think I have at least the clutter issue in hand for a few of them.

    My best friend is buying them bikes, so I can keep them in the garage and not clutter up the house. This also provides the perfect gift for my sister because the helmets are right in her price-range. That's two people taken care of!

    Then, my mom is buying them bunk beds. Not only will this not add clutter, it will free a ton of floor-space in their bedroom! And, my grandma is going to buy them new bedding since we don't have bedding for twin-size beds (they are in toddler beds right now). That's two more people taken care of! :smilie_xmas_116:

    Now, if I could just convince everyone else that they don't need a bunch of toys. But, alas, I can't even convince my own DH! :pig: :headbang:
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a good plan!

    I have just resigned myself to the fact that every birthday and Christmas they will receive a ton of toys. I usually go through and weed out their toys after such events and donate/hand them down to people with younger kiddos.

    That is great that you found a way to take care of the worst culprits! :ibiggrin:
  3. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    Wow! Not only are the gifts practical/needed the kids will love them!

    I too pretty much resign to the fact that their going to get more than they need..especially since their only 2 1/2! I rotate their toys often and send some to my parents and brothers' houses for them to play with when we visit, rather than toting some along each time.

    April :)
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We're having that same struggle right now and I wish I could resolve it so neatly! The worst culprit already bought whatever and never asks what they need/want so I can't offer feedback :headbang:
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