At least she's napping, but...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    OK, this is where I'm at with Ainsley's naps now. They both go down at 12:30, Ainsley in the PNP downstairs. She screams for 1 hr, then I go get her and she falls asleep on me most of the time. I tried skipping the scream for 1 hr part and laying down with her right away, but she wouldn't sleep. I let her get down and play, hoping she would tire out, but then she would want to get off me when I tried to get her to sleep. So, I guess this is the way it is for now. I hate the screaming part. It's so bad that I put a junky sweatshirt on her so she doesn't ruin her shirt with all the drool, tears, and snot. I can live with her sleeping on me, although it does tie me up, but at least she's napping.
    Will she ever stop screaming at naptime? I really don't understand why, she's fine with going to bed. I tried putting them back together, thinking maybe she misses Bea, but she screamed anyway and it caused Bea not to nap.
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Kelly, I have had mine "play" talk etc. for more than an hour before falling asleep for naps. My theory is that they are together and happy, so I'm good with that. BUT if she's disrupting sleep, I don't know what to tell you!!

    I'm so sorry you have these issues [​IMG]
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Can you put her down after she falls asleep on you Kelly?
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    How bizarre that she won't let you skip the "scream for 1 hour" part... [​IMG]
  5. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    Maybe she is not tired yet at 12;30. Have you tried putting her down a little late (1?), maybe that would help.
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Yep, I've tried delaying her nap 30-45 min, but still the same results.
    Last time I tried napping them together, Bea would yell "Aws!" (Ainsley) every couple minutes very irritated, like "Ainsley, be quiet, I'm trying to sleep!"

    I can't put her down after she falls asleep, she wakes up.
    I asked the doctor at our much delayed 18 month appt today, and he said either skip the nap and put her to bed 1-2 hrs early, or just keep doing this and eventually she will catch on. He said I could gradually lengthen the cry time if I'm comfortable with it, to see if she will sleep on her own, but I really can't take more than an hour.

    She's actually sort of quiet today, only a few cries here and there. I think she might be tired from the shots today.
  7. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    Gosh Kelly - don't know what to tell you. it's good at least that she's napping - and at least you get some cuddle time with her and forced rest yourself (trying to look at the positive!). i would go with what you are doing for a few weeks, and see if after some time she starts sleeping on her own again. i wouldn't be ready to skip naps today per your dr's other option suggestion.

    what were your appt stats?!?!?! [​IMG]
  8. Marian

    Marian Well-Known Member

    For some odd reason, my kids will sleep better if I put them down earlier. You've probably tried this, however. I hope things change for you...this has to be exhausting and frustrating!
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