Asking to go to bed, but then not sleeping?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Slackwater, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. Slackwater

    Slackwater Well-Known Member

    So, the girlies (19mos), have been super fussy recently - combination of being sick, teething, general tempermental clinginess - but it's thrown the nap and sleep sequences out of whack. Now, mid-morning, they actually "ask" to go to bed - walking towards the stairs, asking to be picked up (arms up, not verbal) when I ask if they want a nap (if they're not tired, they "run" away), laying down on the floor - but then, when I put them to bed, they spend 1-2 hours jabbering away at each other before they start fussing and I go in and get them. The jabbering before the afternoon nap and at night has reduced, but I don't get this "asking" to take a nap and then not sleeping b/c they're just playing. Am I to take this to mean that they just need "down" time? Because if that's the case, they're only up for 2hrs before the morning "nap,", another 2 hours before the afternoon real nap, and then 2 more hours before bed - that's only 6 hours out of their rooms when they are awake and not *supposed* to be sleeping and not "asking" to sleep. Is this normal? Is it a twin thing? Please, some inputs requested...
  2. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    It's probably a phase. Honestly, if my kids asked for downtime, I'd be ecstatic. Enjoy that down time while you can.

    Lately, my girls like to lay on the couch w/ blankets and pillows and "pretend" to rest.

    My girls are already trying to give up naps. They play and jabber before naps and before bedtime. They seem to like it, so it's ok w/ me.
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    They may be ready for one mid-day nap? (I think I read that right - they have 2?)

    Otherwise, down time is great!!! :hug99:
  4. Slackwater

    Slackwater Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Apr 24 2008, 02:43 AM) [snapback]736467[/snapback]
    They may be ready for one mid-day nap? (I think I read that right - they have 2?)

    Otherwise, down time is great!!! :hug99:

    They've only been taking one nap - from about 1-4PM. But now they are "asking" (and that's in quotes b/c they're still relatively non-verbal) to go to bed at about 10am relatively consistently - and then not sleeping. That's what has me confuddled!
  5. KimberlyF

    KimberlyF Well-Known Member

    Mine have done that off and on quite a bit. I don't get it either, but as long as they're just fartin' around and not cranky, I roll my eyes and leave them for an hour or two.
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