
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by three_precious_girls, Aug 7, 2007.

    Im sure by now most of you know that Ashley is my SIL...she will update when she is able to get home, but she went into the hospital this morning with contractions a couple minutes apart. They are trying to stall her labor, but those kiddos are pretty persistant so we will see if she comes back on with or without the babies! Be thinkin about her....
    :unknw: :friends:
  1. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update (no, I didn't know she was your SIL, lol, how cool!) I thought since she was on yesterday, that things must have been stalled for her. She is in my thoughts! She made it longer than I did with my pregnancy, and we avoided the NICU. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she experiences the same thing should those babies arrive soon.
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I hope everything turns out ok. :hug99: Please tell her we are thinking of her.
  3. Lcoots

    Lcoots Well-Known Member

    thank you for the update..sending her prayers..hope those babies cook a bit longer
  4. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    Sending some good thoughts her way!!! I know she was just saying they'd be "coming any day" but I don't think she meant today!
  5. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i'll send prayers her way! and hope those babies stay put just a little longer!
  6. She received shots and was released... she is at home resting because she is wiped out after all the craziness!!!
  7. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I am TIRED!! Woke up DH at Midnight in a bunch of PAIN.. Off to L&D.. We got there and my contractions were 2 mins apart!! :blink: I was also dialated 1 CM, without effacement. They gave me a shot a Terb (awful stuff!!) and 30 mins tlater the contractiosn broke thru at 4 mins apart.. Then they gave me another shot of Terb... and contractions broke thru not even ten mins later.. Still 4 mins apart then they were getting closer.. I thought we would be having babies!! Then they gave me a Terb pill about 6:30 am and then i was trying to get comphy to get some sleep.. (hahaha sleep....) after relaxing for about 4 more hours.. still no more dialation and i was sent home with contractions about every ten minutes. It was 11am before they let me go and i was starving.. I am still not feeling well from the Terb and I am still shakey.. but at least i am not in pain like i was last nite!

    No babies yet!! We still have to wait for another week or 2 (hopefully!)
  8. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(AshleyLD @ Aug 7 2007, 06:06 PM) [snapback]361210[/snapback]
    I am TIRED!! Woke up DH at Midnight in a bunch of PAIN.. Off to L&D.. We got there and my contractions were 2 mins apart!! :blink: I was also dialated 1 CM, without effacement. They gave me a shot a Terb (awful stuff!!) and 30 mins tlater the contractiosn broke thru at 4 mins apart.. Then they gave me another shot of Terb... and contractions broke thru not even ten mins later.. Still 4 mins apart then they were getting closer.. I thought we would be having babies!! Then they gave me a Terb pill about 6:30 am and then i was trying to get comphy to get some sleep.. (hahaha sleep....) after relaxing for about 4 more hours.. still no more dialation and i was sent home with contractions about every ten minutes. It was 11am before they let me go and i was starving.. I am still not feeling well from the Terb and I am still shakey.. but at least i am not in pain like i was last nite!

    No babies yet!! We still have to wait for another week or 2 (hopefully!)

    glad to hear everything is better! hope you can keep those babies in just a little longer!
  9. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    good luck! been thinking about you and wishing you well.
  10. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    Good luck! Keep 'em in just a little bit longer....
  11. Mama Mia

    Mama Mia Well-Known Member

    Oh gosh ~ what a crazy day for you! I am sure that you were just ready to have them since you were there!

    Well, my thoughts are with you and I hope that you ate something wonderful and are getting some rest!
  12. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    That is great that you got the steroid shots, and that you are able to hold out a bit. Even an extra day or two, to give those shots a chance to work, would be wonderful. Glad you are home, and hoping to get another update when you get the chance. And the terb will wear off, promise!
  13. Susiepie

    Susiepie Well-Known Member

    UGh those terb shots are the worst!! I'm glad that you are home and those babies are still hanging in there. If you can make it another couple weeks that would be awesome!! Take it easy and try to get some rest.
  14. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    I am glad the shots helped and you are home. I will keep my fingers crossed that you can keep thme in a little bit longer.
  15. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ashley, I am glad that you are home and the shots helped. Take it easy and I am sending good thoughts your way.
  16. pgwithtwins

    pgwithtwins Well-Known Member

    I am glad you are home...I hope those babies stay in just a litlte bit longer for you!
  17. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you are home and I hope you can make it another week or two!!

  18. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Glad you are home...have to say I'm surprised at the interventions taken at 35 weeks... It's more ideal to deliver after 36 weeks, but just surprised they were concerned enough since you were at 1cm and seemed to be sticking there. I went into L&D at 35 weeks after having a bout of the stomach flu... I had ctx coming on every 2 minutes or so and I was at 2cm...they did nothing but observe me for like 4 hours, then I finally convinced them that it was due to dehydration, so PUHLEEZE give me an IV so these things will stop...they finally gave me an IV and watched me for another 4 hours... the ctx petered out A BIT, then they sent me over to the perinatal center to get a NST and BPP done...and from there they sent me home... No terb shots or anything.. thank God...they sound like they aren't much fun!! But regardless my docs were pretty much sitting around just waiting to see if this was the real thing....if it had been they would have given me my c/s that day without arguing over it. But maybe my docs were bored that day..and yours were busy! LOL!
  19. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you and the babies are home safe and sound...and ready to cook at least a bit longer :)
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AshleyLD Pregnancy Help Aug 29, 2007

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