Article on infant deaths w/cold medicine

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cmharper, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    Article on Infant deaths being linked to over the counter cold medicines. It doesn't say whether or not the parents gave the babies infant medicine or adult medicine, but regardless, they say even the dosing is not reliable in the infant variety. It states that no over the counter remedies for colds should be given to children under the age of 2. Mods, can you link to 1-5 year board? Thanks!

  2. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    Article on Infant deaths being linked to over the counter cold medicines. It doesn't say whether or not the parents gave the babies infant medicine or adult medicine, but regardless, they say even the dosing is not reliable in the infant variety. It states that no over the counter remedies for colds should be given to children under the age of 2. Mods, can you link to 1-5 year board? Thanks!

  3. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    How scary! Thankfully we have been spared of colds so far(Eli did have a sinus infection)and haven't had to use anything. I do remember asking my Pedi what he could take for congestion when he had his sinus infection and she reccommended to take no type of OTC meds. She said he could have saline spray and humidi but that was it.
  4. daniellecic

    daniellecic Well-Known Member

    great my kid just got a double ear infection and we are giving hom dimetapp on my peds recomendation. super , just great!!
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I've been giving my kids stuff for a long time (not consecutively, but since around 7 mos. I think from time to time)!! [​IMG] very upsetting!!

    (p.s. there is already a separate thread in 1-5 about this topic)
  6. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    I read this too, but it's my understanding that in the case of the 3 deaths, the babies were given 11x the normal dose for 2-5 yr olds, and they were all under 1 yr old. Obviously, overdosing the kids isn't a good idea. I thought the artical went overboard with the scare tactics.
  7. expectingtwo

    expectingtwo Well-Known Member

    This is very interesting, but it seems clear it was people who didn't understand dosing. I really blame the OTC drug companies for this, who to cover themselves put no dosing amounts for children under 2, yet they are clearly marketing them when they put infant in the name and the proper OTC for 2-year-olds says children instead. I know when my babies have been really sick, I've resorted to finding dosages on Dr. Sears' site if I don't want to call a doc at 2 a.m. For the poor, going online isn't an option late at night when a baby is miserable.

    The buried part of the story that I really found interesting is that studies show they have no more affect than placebos on children under age 2. If so, why even use them? And why even produce "infant" cold and cough medicine if it serves no purpose and it's dangerous. (hmmm... to make a buck, perhaps?)

    Anyway, thanks for sharing the article!
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