Army Crawlers

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MMEO, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. MMEO

    MMEO Well-Known Member

    Just curious if your twins army crawled? If so, how long and did they ever actually switch to "real" crawling. I ask b/c BOTH of my boys army crawl and have been for three months. They are pros at it and are super fast. They both get do get on all fours and rock all the time...and even sometimes take a few 'real' crawl steps, but then it seems like they understand it is faster to army crawl cuz that is what they are used to. Anyone w/ similiar experiences?
  2. MMEO

    MMEO Well-Known Member

    Just curious if your twins army crawled? If so, how long and did they ever actually switch to "real" crawling. I ask b/c BOTH of my boys army crawl and have been for three months. They are pros at it and are super fast. They both get do get on all fours and rock all the time...and even sometimes take a few 'real' crawl steps, but then it seems like they understand it is faster to army crawl cuz that is what they are used to. Anyone w/ similiar experiences?
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, Emilie started army crawling 2 weeks ago and she is fast. She has been getting up on her hands and knees for at least the past 2 months. Just tonight she got up on her hands and knees and actually moved a bit doing some "real" crawling. In the past 2 weeks she has still gotten up on her hands and knees and just flopped so then she'd army crawl away. But tonight I guess something clicked with her. It will be interesting to see if she continues army crawling or will try and perfect "real" crawling. It's so cute to watch.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    My DS did the Army Crawl for a while but not 3'll all click!! Get down there and show them [​IMG]
  5. BoysInTheHouse

    BoysInTheHouse Well-Known Member

    Yes, my boys do the army crawl too (and fast)! They've been doing it for over 4 months. We've been trying to work on getting them up on their hands and knees because the Physical Therapist says that's better for them (i.e., building muscles, balance, etc.) but they're still commando-style. Peter took a couple of real crawl steps the other day but then went back to what he's used to. I agree that I think they don't feel a need to change the way they crawl because they get around just fine now.
    FYI, our PT recommended putting a rolled-up towel under their bellies or have them play on hands and knees over your calf to get used to being off their stomachs. It hasn't helped us yet but we probably don't do it enough either... [​IMG]
  6. ems9882

    ems9882 Well-Known Member

    my oldest army crawled for months on end he never crawled up on all 4's. he army crawled than went straight to walking. so i guess it all depends on the baby
  7. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    Gabe started crawling regular, never did the army crawl.
    Nate just started army crawling this week, so it's too soon to tell what will happen.
    My oldest, Anthony went strait from army crawling to walking.
  8. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    One of ours army crawled for about a month before figuring it out about a week ago. The other one was up on hands and knees rocking for about a month and then just started crawling - a tiny bit of army crawling, but not really. I don't know if this is normal, but she has only been crawling for a couple of weeks and can already pull herself up to standing! Yikes! I think our army crawler may have figured it out by watching her sister. It is amazing how much they watch what the other is doing. Stephanie
  9. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    My oldest army crawled for months and then all of a sudden he started to pull himself and walk. He was full blown walking at 11 months 2 days. He never officially crawled. THe twins look like they are going to do the same. They are army crawling everywhere and trying to pull up on things.
  10. olivia perin

    olivia perin Well-Known Member

    Ha this is so funny because my family made fun of me when I said I had an army crawler. Well he crawled like that for about 3 weeks and is now a regular crawler. my boys are 8 months.
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