
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by kristie75, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    My ILs came for Thanksgiving and stayed for 5 days. As if it isn't hard enough to deal with them, they had to bring their little 10 lb Yorkie who isn't neutered (when I have 2 dogs), and he lifted his leg all over my house and patio. Almost every piece of furniture has pee stains on it, including the cribs and my babies' dresser. He also peed all over my babies' exersaucers, their quilts, and their carpet. We have pee in our bathroom, against the side of our tub. I told my dh I didn't want the dog to come but they brought him anyway. Now I have pee all over my house.

    When they were here I found pee on one exersaucer, and I told them, causing a major upheaval. My dh insisted that I not say anything, but I did anyway, very nicely to my FIL, because I knew my MIL would take it the wrong way, like I was trying to hurt her feelings or something, which is ridiculous. My FIL told my MIL and she still acted like I was trying to hurt her feelings. If only I discovered the true extent of it when they were here!

    I just needed to vent this somewhere. I have worked so hard to get the house nice. We just put in all new flooring and have lots of new furniture and rugs, and now everything's covered with pee. I am so upset. My dh will probably never tell his parents what their dog did. And, they'll never get him neutered because they don't want to pay for it and don't think it's necessary, and probably think it's "mean."

  2. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    My ILs came for Thanksgiving and stayed for 5 days. As if it isn't hard enough to deal with them, they had to bring their little 10 lb Yorkie who isn't neutered (when I have 2 dogs), and he lifted his leg all over my house and patio. Almost every piece of furniture has pee stains on it, including the cribs and my babies' dresser. He also peed all over my babies' exersaucers, their quilts, and their carpet. We have pee in our bathroom, against the side of our tub. I told my dh I didn't want the dog to come but they brought him anyway. Now I have pee all over my house.

    When they were here I found pee on one exersaucer, and I told them, causing a major upheaval. My dh insisted that I not say anything, but I did anyway, very nicely to my FIL, because I knew my MIL would take it the wrong way, like I was trying to hurt her feelings or something, which is ridiculous. My FIL told my MIL and she still acted like I was trying to hurt her feelings. If only I discovered the true extent of it when they were here!

    I just needed to vent this somewhere. I have worked so hard to get the house nice. We just put in all new flooring and have lots of new furniture and rugs, and now everything's covered with pee. I am so upset. My dh will probably never tell his parents what their dog did. And, they'll never get him neutered because they don't want to pay for it and don't think it's necessary, and probably think it's "mean."

  3. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Ugh, I would have been lit!!! I mean seriously they must know their dog pees everywhere, why in the world would they bring it to someones home. You are nicer than me I so would have had it out by now and you better beleive I would insist they pay to have the carpets and everything else cleaned

  4. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    Believe me, I am so angry right now. I keep finding more and more of it. I just checked the guest room, and the dog peed all along the side of the bed. There is tons of it all along the white bedspread, dust ruffle, and the carpet.

    I called my dh this morning and told him, and he's not happy about it, but he'll never say anything to his parents. He's more concerned about their feelings. I could never tell them myself either. Coming from me, they'd take it the wrong way. Never mind that I go out of my way to accomodate them, the minute I say something, they'll see it as "going against the grain" and me trying to hurt their feelings. This is a recurring theme with his parents. Whenever we see them, there is always something they want to do or do that I don't agree with (with the babies, our house, or whatever) and my dh wants to go along with them, and he says I am going against the grain.
  5. Merijo

    Merijo Well-Known Member

    How about a gift certificate for a neuter at a local vet clinic for Christmas!?! [​IMG]?!?!
    If you live anywhere near Kalamazoo, Michigan, I'd be happy to do it for a discount!! I spay and neuter at the local humane society 1-2 days a week. Heh heh, I'd love to get that little dog alone for just a few minutes and he'd be "fixed".

    Actually I'd be totally pissed off (sorry for the pun) and probably tell them if they ever plan to visit again NOT to bring that rotten little dog. They should really be ashamed.

    Sorry this happened. Try Resolve for pet odors, vinegar, and other pet stain and odor removers. What a complete drag for you to have to clean up their mess. If you get to the pee while it's wet on a carpet stand on a big (old) towel and then wet it with odor neutralizer and put another clean (old) towel or two over the area, then stack a bunch of heavy books on it overnight so most of the pee will get soaked up into the towels. Then clean with a steam cleaner or something!

  6. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    What?? THEIR feelings are hurt? You are the one with pee all over your house!! You showed way more restraint than I would have. Why does Dh feel the need to protect them from the reality of the situation? It is what it is...meaning your not saying you just don't like the dog. Pee everywhere is a fact. Personally, I would take a ton of pictures and ask them to foot the bill for the clean up. [​IMG]
  7. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I would be livid!!! They should be going out of their way and applogizing to you and helping you by cleaning it and paying for things rather than you worrying about hurting their feelings. WOW! I'm so sorry. I would be beyond angry.
  8. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you all agree with me so I am not being completely out of line! My dh and I talked about it last night, and he apologized over and over again for allowing them to bring the dog. I don't think he realized the extent of it until I told him every place I cleaned up pee, every place that still needed cleaning, and how much the babies' things were targeted. He said he'd tell his parents if I wanted him to. I don't want to make them feel guilty, but I still think they should know. That dog is probably lifting his leg everywhere they bring him.

    Merijo, I think the gift certificate is an EXCELLENT idea! I'd love to take you up on your offer, but since you're so far away, I'd even be willing to do the nueter myself with a pair of scissors (he's a small dog, so a little snip snip would be all that is needed). But, I'd rather not deal with all the blood, so the gift certificate is the way to go. [​IMG]

    I've been cleaning it with Oxy Clean, which has been pretty good on the stains. I am going to strip all the bedding and wash it in a bleached wash, since it's white. I'm also getting new carpet in all the bedrooms. I've wanted new carpet anyway, and the pee is the last straw.

    I really wish our visits with my dh's parents went better. They are good people, but it seems something like this happens every time we see them. Before the dog, it was always some home project gone awry. Things would go so much better if my dh would just consider what I want too when we see them. My dh keeps saying things will be different next time, but they never change.
  9. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Man! I think you should tell them, they need to know about their stupid dog. I mean, comeon, how could anyone take a dog somewhere when it pees everywhere. They cant seriously be that blind to the dog, if thats the case they have no right owning a pet! There is a reason you get a pet fixed...its an animal, not a person!!!!! Can you tell Im not an animal person HA. If they get their feelings hurt then maybe you will be lucky enought to never have them over again [​IMG] Seriously why is it that everytime you say something to an IL it hurts their feelings and you dont like them [​IMG]???? Its the same freaking thing here, which is exactly why I have not spoken to my ILs in several months now...I finally let MIL have it and her feelings got hurt
  10. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    OMG. You have such a right to be angry. They disrepected you from the beginning by bringing the dog when you asked them not to. Your DH should grow a backbone and talk to them. I would tell them never agian to visit if they insist on bringing the dog. Seriously, that's disgusting!
  11. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member

    How horrible! I would definately tell them - I would want to know if my dog was doing that at other's homes!
  12. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    I am an animal person, but I wouldn't put up with that for one minute. if DH or you decide not to say anything this time, I'd certainly make a deal that if they come back for another visit, that peeing pooch stays home or outside!
  13. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    The dog will definitely never be back here ....

    Just when I thought this was over we argued about it again. This morning, I was cleaning more stuff, and asked my husband for help. He just sat there and ignored me, which made me angry, which made him angry back. My point is, I have a right to be angry. They brought that dog here against my wishes, it destroyed my house, and now I am left with all the cleanup and my husband hasn't lifted a finger. My husband says I need to drop it already. Okay, but at least help clean it up!

    Argghh! This is the worst fight we've had since his parents visited last summer and they all had the bright idea to stain our deck, and now it looks like crapola.

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