are your kids loud?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kristy horner, Jul 24, 2008.


Do you consider your kids' play loud?

  1. mostly

    0 vote(s)
  2. never

    0 vote(s)
  3. sometimes

    0 vote(s)
  4. rarely

    0 vote(s)
  1. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    My kids are quiet sometimes, but a lot of times they play loudly. Talking to each other, squealing, laughing hysterically...running around, etc. THey're having a great time, but when some of our friends come over with singletons, it scares them!!! :pardon: It got me wondering, are my kids the minority or do all twins have this much fun!?!! We try shhhhing them but they just say shhhhh back and laugh and makes them giggle more. If I whisper to them, they whisper back...but then it's right back to being loud! ???
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    OMG is my house loud! They are able to calm down and play quietly if I direct them like coloring, playdough, etc. When they are in free play, the noise level just naturally rises because there are five of them and they each do things a bit differently. To me, it's just part of being in a big family.
  3. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Mine get loud every once in awhile when they tickle each other, games like that. For the most part, they're pretty quiet. When their cousin comes over, though, all you know what breaks loose! :)
  4. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I hush them if someone is trying to nap. Otherwise I don't worry about it at home. If we're out somewhere, I'll talk about "library voices."
  5. jennyj

    jennyj Well-Known Member

    I think that those with one child have quiet homes and dont know what noise is until they are around people with more that one. I was the same way with my first and then came the twins and so on, we got use to it thats why I dont hear it half the time. I would say your definetly in the majority of having kids who are load and having fun doing it..... the only time i make then be quiet is at nap time .... momma needs some silence sometimes LOL
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    It never occurred to me to stop them from being loud at home. They are playing and having fun and it doesn't bother me at all. If we are out and they are being loud and bothering other people, I tell them to use their inside voice (and use a soft voice to say it)- I have no idea why, but they actually get quieter.
  7. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    Mine are loud most of the time, I think its in part to twin talk and outgoing personalities. One has a very outgoing personality, and the other "feeds" off of it. About 90% of the time I let them play, 10% I shhhh them, mainly because Abbie has a very high pitched squeel that litterally hurts my ears. I never thought of it being because they are twins, but Im sure that does have a lot to do with it, they have someone the same age as them, into the same things to play with whenever they want and they make up there own "games" that they love to play like hiding in the ball pit or there cottage, peeking out, and the other runs away screaming! They'll do it over and over and over again lol.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I wasn't quite sure how to vote.... Anyway, mine are sometimes loud. I think it's just because they're toddlers. They're probably less loud than the average toddler, but I am very quiet, so it seems loud to me!

    I let them be loud at home, as long as they're not hurting anything. I also let them be loud in public if we're outside. If we're inside (somewhere other than home), I remind them to use "inside voices." They get this a lot at school too, so they're used to concept, even though they have trouble remembering.
  9. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    This issue has been so hard for me as a Mom. I have three boys who are very loud. The talk loudly, play loudly, etc.. Actually, my daughter is now becoming quite loud as well. I grew up in a family of girls, my parents were college professors who listened to classical music and rarely ever raised their voice. I would come home to a very quiet house. We were all readers. The change from that to my current home is so hard sometimes. By the end of the day I am done. I will often take a book and lock the bathroom door as I soak in the tub. It isn't that the boys are being naughty, they are just being boys...
  10. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    My girls normally play quietly (for now). They do get loud though. They like to run up and down the hallway and just holler. They laugh and squeal and pillow fight when they wake up. And when they both want the same toy, the sound level can get deafening. Normally they are fairly quiet though. I let them holler and play at home...unless someone is on the phone. If DH is on the phone, I'll giggle with them and say "shhh, daddy's on the phone" and give them something else to play with. It usually works long enough for a phone call. We haven't had any trouble with them being loud in public yet. They're still pretty shy in public.
  11. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My house is loud sometimes. When they do get loud I will either send them to another room or shoosh them. I walk very loudly as does my mom and I am trying not to. I can't stand the loudness it really bothers me (if it gets to loud) so I try not to let them get to loud when in the same room as me, especially since we have a small house. If we are in our basement it doesn't bother me as much since it's a bigger space. The only other time I really make them play quietly is when their brother is in his crib going to sleep.
  12. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Holy Cow, they are loud ALL the time. It drives me INSANE. 5:30 AM and they are yelling at the top of their lungs. If it weren't for the baby I'd be wearing ear plugs constantly.
  13. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    It varies- our house is noisy, but not loud.

    At times the girls shriek or yell, but generally are at 'normal' volume. Plus we dont keep the TV or radio on so that cuts out some noise.

    I think mine are noisy, but definetly quiter than many the same age!

  14. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I voted "sometimes", "loud house" - 7 people no kidding! & a variety for the last. Depends on the day, where we are, if Mommy's had enough, etc
  15. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Let's put it this way...Lauren as a baby was nicknamed "Lolo lungs" because she was so loud. She continues to live up to that name.

    Today we were at an indoor playgroup and she squealed (VERY LOUDLY) with excitement. One of the ladies in there jumped and said 'oh my'. I was sort of embarassed but it was funny also. I do try and tell her we should try and be a little quieter and she will turn around and squeal much softer. She understands what I'm trying to tell her. She is just very exhuberant!
  16. logansmommy7

    logansmommy7 Well-Known Member

    When they are quiet I have to wonder what they are doing! Usually getting in trouble! And I never knew that my kids would actually be able to disturb a softball game-but they did, the other night! Don't know when I will try that again! :eek:
  17. ehm

    ehm Banned

    Another loud house here and I didn't see a problem with it until they went to school and one of their Kindergarten teachers told me my child was moving to yellow during quiet time, not because they were doing anything 'bad' but because they were reading books out loud so loud that it was disturbing the children who wanted to sleep during quiet time. I have made concentrated efforts to keep the volume down now (usually by saying inside voice/quiet voice) but I wish I had started when they were much younger so my poor child wouldn't have been moved to yellow over something as simple as volume.
  18. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls play loud only when my son is playing with them. He has always talked loud and played loud and he does not know how to whisper ;) , so when he gets in the mix, the girls are so loud. When he goes to visit the grandparents or friends, the noise level is cut in half. The girls are loud, of course, when they are mad and screaming, but if they are getting along and playing well, they are generally not loud but very laid back.
  19. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Funny you should DS almost got us kicked out gymnastics today because he was being a LOUD maniac...My DD is the rule-follower, quiet one...
  20. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member


    Who knew 3 beautiful little girls could make so much noise.
  21. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    My boys can be loud. I don't do anything to discourage them - I don't see the harm. But when they're using quiet voices I do compliment them (they don't really talk much - mostly still noise and babbling, a few words) by saying things like "That's a cute noise!" and "You're a great talker" and then they tend to do a lot more of the talking I like to hear in an effort to receive praise. Recently I did ask them to stop yelling/screaming as they ran around like little maniacs one afternoon. It just seemed to encourage them to be louder! As far as I can tell, learning and playing are a loud business - I don't think it's a problem at this young age.
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