Are we WAY behind?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by [email protected], Feb 20, 2010.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My girls are 13.5 months old. How are we doing?

    -no real words yet (not even mama or dada) but lots of jibberish
    -one walks great, one walks on her knees but is starting to take more steps
    -one has 7 teeth, one has 4. I rarely remember to brush their teeth
    -we do actual baths about once a week, or if they get really dirty. Otherwise, sponge baths
    -they don't self-feed, except for finger foods
    -they still take 3 bottles per day
    -tantrums are a regular occurance; throwing themselves on the floor to cry, trying to bite whoever is in reach
    -they do some signs (more, all done, I love you (like blowing kisses))

    After reading others' posts, I am worried that we're way behind! Or are we normal? All in all, they're happy girls, so I am thankful for that and they sleep GREAT, which is a God-send. But otherwise, what do you think?
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i think it sounds like they're right on course and you have nothing to worry about. at that age my girls didn't say ANY words, neither one was walking, they had a tooth a piece, we did baths once a week if they were lucky, they only self-fed finger foods (they still don't really use utensils very well), we were nursing so we didn't have to worry about the bottle transition but i know lots of moms here who gave bottles up to 18 months or longer, tantrums were par for the course & they didn't do any signs at all. so based on that, your girls are running circles around my girls at that age! ;)
  3. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    That sounds right to me. For twins, they don't always speak words as quickly as singletons do because they can talk to each other and understand their language. They don't need to talk to anyone else ;). Mine didn't say much at that stage. They said Mama and Dada, but it was babble and not directed at anyone. Mine didn't start growing teeth at all until I believe 15 months? At that age, mine didn't feed themselves. I had to feed them. Finger foods, ok, but nothing less. Even now they are just learning to feed themselves with a spoon and fork. They are also just learning how to drink out of a cup. They were switched to a sippy cup around 12 months, but there are plenty of other moms that have their babies on bottles at 16 months. Mine take 3 sippy cups of milk. They were on formula until they were 18 months. Cameron was not a good walker until about 13-14 months. Kiefer was a little better at that and started around 12-13 months. They do signs too, More and blowing kisses, but they are confused at what I was teaching them when I was telling them who I am. Now they go to each other and put their hands on the others chest and say Mama. LOL Silly. They are learning though. Mine only started tantrums recently. Kiefer is great at them, but they don't last long at all!

    Your twins sound like they are where they should be :)
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Your two sound good to me. Remember that all babies develop at a different pace :hug:
    At 13 months: my two mainly spoke jibberish, DD was walking, DS was standing, could take a couple of steps but preferred to crawl, had 3 bottles a day, they did have all of their teeth but the one year molars & incisors, and that was when the tantrum phase was really gearing up.
    Forgot to add: they could self feed finger food, we still cut up all of their food into tiny pieces at that age.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I think your girls sound fine! :) Remember, that signs "count" as words, and so do animal sounds ("woof" for dog) as long as they use them consistently.
  6. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    I would say sounds like a typical day with twins:rotflmbo: your doing great and they dont seem behind to me:ibiggrin:

  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    you're doing great, to just keep up with daily life with twins!

    we had very few if any words at 15 months... 18 months there were about 3 to 5 or so...and now at 21 months we are finally getting lots of words, I need to write them all down!

    give it some time, its hard, but all kids develop at different times. a lot of the stuff you mentioned is what they look for at 15 months, you've got plenty of time. bottles, we breastfeed, and had 1 time a day that it was easier to give them a bottle, I think it was close to 15 mo. when we got sippies to work for ours, as for bf'ing, we still do that 3x a day. all kids are different. good luck!
  8. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you are doing great! My girls didn't start walking consistenly until 13ish months and they had NO teeth until 9 months and only 4 teeth at a year (now they have 12 each), words were minimal at that age and now they have at least 60+. Try not to worry Momma!
  9. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Sounds normal to me. Mine are 13.5 months. They each have about 3 words. They are not walking, just cruising and standing alone. They are still nursing. I keep hearing about these babies that walked at 9 months and mine still aren't there yet.
  10. kminott

    kminott Member

    Thanks for posting this, my boys are the at the same rate of development pretty much. Hearing everyone's stories makes me feel better, I have been particularly worried about their speech.
  11. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Mine are the exact same age as yours! Our answers:

    -no real words yet (not even mama or dada) but lots of jibberish [Same! Alex has been signing "milk" for a few months, but that's it. We also think Alex is starting to say "dada" with meaning and that Will might be trying to say "All done." That's just in the past week though.]
    -one walks great, one walks on her knees but is starting to take more steps [Will has taken as many as 10-20 independent steps at a time but usually he'll only take 3-5 at a time and is still mostly crawling. Alex is crawling and cruising; he hasn't even stood unassisted yet.]
    -one has 7 teeth, one has 4. I rarely remember to brush their teeth [We do brush their teeth 1-2x/day. Otherwise their breath starts to stink! ;) Alex has 10 teeth and Will has 5 or 6; he has one that's been on the verge of popping through, not sure if it has yet.]
    -we do actual baths about once a week, or if they get really dirty. Otherwise, sponge baths [We do twice a week.]
    -they don't self-feed, except for finger foods [We haven't given them utensils yet either.]
    -they still take 3 bottles per day [Ours have been on straw sippies for about a month; we switched from bottles cold-turkey. They each drink 16-20 oz of milk most days and 4-8 oz of water/juice.]
    -tantrums are a regular occurance; throwing themselves on the floor to cry, trying to bite whoever is in reach [Mine are kind of in a pre-tantrum phase. They'll get very frustrated and screech but no real tantrums yet.]
    -they do some signs (more, all done, I love you (like blowing kisses)) [Other than Alex signing "milk," no signs yet.]
  12. Melissatwins84

    Melissatwins84 Well-Known Member

    I think that sounds about right, but remember all children develop differently. I know that gets old to hear, because I am still concerned about my DS and DD's speech. At that age My kids were:
    -they said dada, and that's probably it! Maybe "Da - woo woo" for dog. They are almost 2 and still don't say that much. Lot's of twinease and I like to call it, they still don't say Mama. It hurts my feelings.
    -My daughter started walking at 11 months. My son didn't start walking until he was 15 months.
    -I don't remember how many teeth they had, but that sounds about right!
    - We do baths every other day here, sometimes we skip a bath day. We've been on that schedule for some time now.
    -My kids did self feed, not w/ utensils (they are just now getting good with them, they would use their hands. Of course I would cut it into tiny pieces.
    - Mine were off of bottles at 12 months. We quit cold turkey and the transition was easy for us. We did have to use straw sippy cups though because they wouldn't drink out of any other spout cup. We drink whole milk with breakfast and dinner now, but at that age, they were drinking milk at every meal. I would give them ice water just to have around the house.
    - Tantrums - that didn't start until later for my kids. Thank goodness. Now my son slams his head to the floor and kicks and screams. I always told myself pre-children that I wouldn't have one of "those kids". Now I do. Go figure.
    - My children never learned signs.

    Sounds like you are right on track. :)
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