My DH and I have the opportunity to get away from Friday-sunday in sept...we will have to fly and drive as well. We are leaving all 3 with my MIL and SIL for the whole time...I have this horrible guilt/worry about if something were to happen with us...Should I just stay home and let my DH go?? I'm so torn. I feel like I'm a bad parent for leaving them especially when both of us will be gone..I guess with the flying and 2 hour drive I worry that if something were to happen they would be without 2 parents! I'm a nervous wreck about this.
Being nervous is totally normal, especially if it's the first time you've done it. :hug: When me and my husband went away for four days in July, I felt EXACTLY like you. I was so worried (no guilt though :blush: ) that something would happen to us and they'd be left parentless. :cry: BUT then I started to think that any day something could happen to both or one of us, but we don't stop living and sitting in the house because of it. :hug: I know it's not the best example but it helped me out. Plus, I knew it was something that would greatly benefit our relationship and the chances of something happening were small, but the benefits would be greater. :good: I hope that helps some and you go and enjoy with your husband. :wub:
when ours were 17 mos old we left them with my parents to go to Hawaii - what made me feel more comfortable was doing our will at that time (which needed to be done anyway) as well as a power of attorney - that way my parents could get medical care for the twins while we were gone and if anything DID happen to us my parents would be appointed guardians... I'm a firm believer that when your time is up it doesn't matter where you are - if you're with your DH or still home with the kids - if it's your time to go - well its your time to go...
our wills are done but I still hate to think I was being irresponsible and increasing our chances of something like that happening by going on this trip
Go and enjoy! But I know what you're feeling. Next July my cousin is getting married in California, and DH and I are going. MIL will watch the girls. As excited as I am, I too have a little of the "What if something happens to both of us?" fear. Our wills/trust is done and things are all in order. It will be out first time away from the girls together for a long stretch of time, 5 days. But I know we need the time....and deserve it. As do you!
No, you are not being irresponsible. I know it is nerve wracking to leave them, but I think it does your marriage good to get away with your spouse every now and again. I think it is totally natural to have a little worry, but I don't think you should feel guilty about it. Go & have fun! Would it be possible for you and DH to take seperate flights? That might make you feel a little better anyways. My SIL & BIL do that all the up at their destination. It works for them.
You would be irresponsible if you didn't have a will and the folks watching your kids couldn't get medical care for them in an emergency, and if you were not reachable by phone or some other method while away. Otherwise, no, you're not being irresponsible
No, you're not being irresponsible. Have you and DH ever gone on a date and left the kids with a sitter? You could get in a car accident, or both get food poisoning and die from the restaurant food. If it's really going to bother and worry you to the point that you won't have a good time, then don't go.
GO Go go!!! They'll be fine and it'll be good for them!!!!! no way are you irresponsible. I agree about the will - but other than that - you two need some time to yourselves. Plus, it's so fun to come home to them!!!! And you're leaving them w/ family you trust!! GO GO GO!
I understand your concern but I don't think you're irresponsible at all. I would jump at the chance for a vacation alone with my DP. We have legal paperwork in place, and if something happens, you have to trust that you've done the best you can and that's all you have control over. There are always "what if's" in life but the chances are that everything will be fine. I could drop dead tomorrow from any of 1 million reasonably safe things that I might be doing (crossing the street, driving my car, eating, drinking water, who knows what!), but the chances are, I won't... and you won't either. If you decide to go, I hope you have a great time!
I'm not worried about leaving them for that long as long as they are with someone i trust. I oct before their b-day i'll be gone for around that time