Are they ready?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Leighann, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    One of my DDs (Ana) has displayed signs of PT readiness for a long time, but I wanted to wait until the weather was warm so we could train outside. She knows when she has to pee/poop, she can pull down her pants, she pees on the potty, etc etc. So I figured I would put her in a dress without undies and see what happens.

    I figured I would train Ana first and then maybe Meara would be ready by the end of summer/fall-ish. Well for the last week, Meara has been telling me when she pees and she's been telling me she is going to go poop for a long time. When that started I asked if she wanted to sit on the potty, but she said no and I didn't want to push it.

    Also both are staying dry a lot longer... and Ana usually wakes up dry after naps and bedtime, but Meara doesn't.

    Then this morning Ana said "Mommy I don't want you to change my diapers ANYMORE!" So I talked to her about underware and big girls going pee on the potty every time, but then she said "Mommy I not a big girl. I don't have breasts." Which led into a discussion of big girls vs. women and I don't know that they get that distinction.

    Soooooo... sorry for the rambling post, do they seem ready? Do I just pick a day and start? They are at the sitter's house every day this week from Mon-Thurs, so maybe I should start on Friday? I have undies and pull-up and potties.... I'm so nervous!!
  2. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    They sound ready to me!! When they start telling you and showing you they are interested in the potty, then you start doing it.
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yes, Leighann go for it. Give them lots and lots to drink and get them going on that potty. Then they can make the connection of how it feels to have to go potty and then get it into the pot. I thought I would train Derek first and then do Tyler, but Tyler wanted in on it as well. So be prepared that best laid plans... but Derek is trained and Tyler is pretty much day trained. It is an awesome feeling and accomplishment. GL!
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    "Mommy I not a big girl. I don't have breasts."

    Don't ask me about the potty training, but this is hilarious! :laughing:
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I have to tell you that it sounds like they are ready. I know you don't want to "push it" BUT...I found I had to do that with my girls and we had great success. Mother's instinct told me it was a bit of a control issue for my little Miss Independent and if I didn't push through that stubbron wall, she might have worn diapers until kindergarten. With her squawking in her sister's ear all the time about how she didn't like it, we were getting nowhere fast with both of them.

    The first few days were a bit of a battle because they were resistant but once I talked to them and turned it around so it made it seem like they were in control of the situation, it really seemed to click.

    From many of your prior posts, it seems like we have a gaggle of very headstrong little girls on our hands. :wacko:

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Jun 29 2009, 01:10 PM) [snapback]1373795[/snapback]
    Then this morning Ana said "Mommy I don't want you to change my diapers ANYMORE!" So I talked to her about underware and big girls going pee on the potty every time, but then she said "Mommy I not a big girl. I don't have breasts." Which led into a discussion of big girls vs. women and I don't know that they get that distinction.

    Okay seriously? That is a riot!! :rofl:
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :laughing: about the "no breasts" comment! :rotflmbo:

    I definately say give it a go! :good: Worst case after a few days they aren't going with it, you stop and start up later... but it really does sound like they get it. Push away momma!! Good luck!
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Ok everyone, I think you've given me enough courage to give it a go. I already told DH that Friday we are starting to train Ana. We'll see if Meara is interested too, but it would be nice to do one at a time.

    Sooooo another question (or five!)...... they are still in cribs. I've read that once you start training, you should just train them and not put them back in diapers ever. Do any of you still use overnight diapers though? Are any of your kids still in cribs? I'd like to do one transition at a time... and if I wasn't ready to PT them, I'm certainly not ready for them to be out of their cribs!
  8. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :clapping: You can do it!! Woohoo, you can definitely do this. I had all mine day trained before 2 years old. And with each one, I kept them in diapers until they had a week or so of dryness at night. I usually put them in pull-ups and told them they were paper panties so they would try to keep them dry. Plus, they are easier to pull down for those middle of the night wake-ups to go potty. And, I did it when they were still in cribs as well (well, with my last two, anyway).
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Jun 30 2009, 10:11 AM) [snapback]1375340[/snapback]
    Sooooo another question (or five!)...... they are still in cribs. I've read that once you start training, you should just train them and not put them back in diapers ever. Do any of you still use overnight diapers though? Are any of your kids still in cribs? I'd like to do one transition at a time... and if I wasn't ready to PT them, I'm certainly not ready for them to be out of their cribs!

    Mine are still in cribs and only go in diapers for nap and bedtime. :good: They have been very good about understanding that diapers are only for when they sleep. :good: I, personally, wouldn't do both PT'ing and transitioning to big beds... but that's just me.

    Good luck... and don't forget to give them a treat for doing a great job. :good: (If you want to over course ;) )
  10. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(HRE @ Jun 30 2009, 10:28 AM) [snapback]1375365[/snapback]
    And with each one, I kept them in diapers until they had a week or so of dryness at night. I usually put them in pull-ups and told them they were paper panties so they would try to keep them dry. Plus, they are easier to pull down for those middle of the night wake-ups to go potty.

    Same here. Derek is dry after his naps now so we went to undies with him. And for the past 2 mornings has been dry as well as having 5am wake up for a potty break. Tyler is still wet in the morning. We do Pull Ups at night (the extra absorbant ones). GL! :banana:
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