Are there any teachers here?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by j08w, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. j08w

    j08w Well-Known Member

    I feel like I am just doing a "C" job at being a teacher and a mom. I was so close to tears yesterday. I have five preps and don't know how to get my work done. When I am home there is no time for work until after 7pm and I am exhausted. There are so many melt downs here at home with the boys.How do you do it?
  2. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Yeah. I can relate. I have 6 preps and a part-time gig as technology coach for the district. It's a struggle. I can say that it has been better this year than last year. I also have a wonderfully supportive husband. I wouldn't be surviving all the demands of parenthood without him. I use weekend naps for school work. I know what you mean about being tired in the evening. It's really hard, but I think the thing that helps me the most is making sure I get 8 hours of sleep (although I'm always up at least once a night with someone) each night.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I can totally relate as well. My first year with the girls was my first year of teaching, I had three preps, taught 7th and 8th grade, and was trying to finish my internship in which I had to do soooo many hours of after school meetings and such. It really was a nightmare. Even now, most of my work is done after the girls go to bed. I find myself up until 11:00 most nights just to get things done. I rarely get to work on things when they are up. I do try to get as much done as possible during the day so I have nothing to do at night, but like tonight I have 120 tests and 120 open responses to grade, so I will be grading for the next few nights. Then it will settle down for a week or so, then the whole thing starts all over again. Fun stuff :crazy: I have pretty much gotten to the point, however, if things have to be left undone (school stuff) so be it. I am only one person and I am not super woman. The kids will survive, the parents will survive, and I most certainly will survive if I don't get all of my stuff finished within the week. It used to really bother me, but now, that's just the way it is until they get older. Luckily, I have a very understanding principal and asst. principal that is very family oriented.
  4. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    Oh yes I can totally relate. I teach special ed, I have a high caseload and a lot of paperwork. :( I too work at night and during weekend husband tries to help but the kids are very clingy to me ever since he was gone to korea for a year when they were 6 mo to 16 mo old when I was here alone with the twins teaching and taking care of them. So you can do it. It is hard, everyday I wish I could give 100% to both being a mom and a teacher. But I can't. I used to before the kid came and I'm sure I will eventually again but it's too hard to do it right now when they are still so young and needy. Most people do understand. Especially when they find out one of the twins has special needs. I beat myself up about it everyday wishing I could do more but I can't. Hang in there and know you are not alone!

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