Are the Boys on Target

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by aandax246, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    I know children should never be compared. Both my daughters were so verbal, could speak, sing, string together words for sentences, etc. at a very young age. My girls were full term babies and the boys were born at 32 weeks. The boys began with the typical baby words just before a year and now they are 14 months old. They can say the typical momma, dadda, paw paw, nana, bye bye, baby, thank you. They can say fish, hot dog, tractor, truck, car, cow, cat, dog, turtle, they each can say their name, outside, sky, tree, grass, blast off (courtesy of Einsteins). They can say Peter Rabbit (their favorite book so they learned that one to ask me to read), Spot (from Where's Spot). They can say choo choo, what's that?, etc. The hardest word I think that M knows is catapillar and it's not really plain. I'm thinking they can say somewhere around 50-60 words (M a few more than G) and know what they are and say them plain enough that anyone can understand. They can ask for juice, water, milk, call the dog and imitate almost any sound. They can click, cluck, blow bubbles, try to whistle, pucker, grimmace, scrunch their nose, hum, clap cheer, say yeah, dance etc. They can solve small puzzles, they've walked since 10 months old, they have excellent coordination. Am I keeping them where they should be on level or am I missing something. My nephew has a granddaughter who is two months older and if I say the boys are doing something, he says that his granddaughter did that so much earlier. I'm not sure whether he's just bragging or if I am not working with the boys enough. I think they are doing fine and where they should be, but my nephew and his wife go on and on about how much more advanced Rilee is than the boys. Well being a doting grandmother those are "fightin" words. I want the boys to be well rounded. I make sure they have nutritious meals but I'm lightening up some and as paw paw has said, we need to spoil them a little too so we're doing Happy Meals and Milk Shakes every Friday. I've tried to read up on what to do for happy healthy babies. Back in the day I had my girls there was nothing but Dr. Spock and no internet to research. While I incorporate some of my "old school" techniques I am seriously trying to keep up with the modern times. I don't want to pressure the boys, but I don't want to neglect what I should be doing either. Again, I think they are doing great, especially to have been two months premature, but when someone just keeps on and on about how much more their grandchild is doing, it makes me wonder if I am slacking. I have no doubt in the boys capabilities, but I wonder if I should be doing more. I don't want them slighted and behind because I don't do something I should. Are they where they should be at this age? Should I adjust what they do by the two months of prematurity. I've never taken that into consideration, but I've read on here age versus adjusted age. Our pediatrician has never said anything about adjusted age and they seem to be about the size of a typical 14 month old. After we got them home, they caught up size wise very quickly so for that reason I guess I never take into consideration just how early and tiny they were. I'd appreciate any input, but right now have a stinky - that's another thing - I can ask them who as a stinky and the culprit will come to me straight away for a diaper change. Again, thanks for any input.
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(aandax246 @ Apr 30 2008, 02:00 PM) [snapback]747706[/snapback]
    I know children should never be compared. Both my daughters were so verbal, could speak, sing, string together words for sentences, etc. at a very young age. My girls were full term babies and the boys were born at 32 weeks. The boys began with the typical baby words just before a year and now they are 14 months old. They can say the typical momma, dadda, paw paw, nana, bye bye, baby, thank you. They can say fish, hot dog, tractor, truck, car, cow, cat, dog, turtle, they each can say their name, outside, sky, tree, grass, blast off (courtesy of Einsteins). They can say Peter Rabbit (their favorite book so they learned that one to ask me to read), Spot (from Where's Spot). They can say choo choo, what's that?, etc. The hardest word I think that M knows is catapillar and it's not really plain. I'm thinking they can say somewhere around 50-60 words (M a few more than G) and know what they are and say them plain enough that anyone can understand. They can ask for juice, water, milk, call the dog and imitate almost any sound. They can click, cluck, blow bubbles, try to whistle, pucker, grimmace, scrunch their nose, hum, clap cheer, say yeah, dance etc. They can solve small puzzles, they've walked since 10 months old, they have excellent coordination. Am I keeping them where they should be on level or am I missing something.

    All I can say is WOW. At 14 months mine could say about 3-4 words. I dont think they are missing a thing.
  3. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(DATJMom @ Apr 30 2008, 05:46 PM) [snapback]748243[/snapback]
    All I can say is WOW. At 14 months mine could say about 3-4 words. I dont think they are missing a thing.

    Ditto...Mine were evaluated for a speech delay because they only had about 3-5 words at 15 months. They were found to have a little bit of a delay (nothing that warranted therapy) with expression, but were right where they should be with comprehension, so no if anything I would think that your boys are way ahead! Sounds like a case of a proud poppa that likes to brag! And FWIW, it is common for twins to have a speech delay, but it doesn't sound like yours do at all!
  4. denzel

    denzel Well-Known Member

    Are your boys 14 months adjusted or actual? I'm astounded at all they can say. My girls just turned 15 months actual (14 months adjusted) and we had an appointment with a developmental pediatrician (because of issues one of my daughters had at birth) yesterday. She said both girls are right on track in all areas. When I pointed out that my "A" only says about 4 words but "B" says about 15, the pediatrician looked at me and said, "well you know that "A's" verbal skills are right on track for this age and that "B's" 15 words is more than normal at this age so don't worry about "A" by comparing her to "B"! I wasn't really worried as about 4 words seems to be the norm in this age group in our Mom & Baby group. No need to worry Mama your boys sound like they are doing great!!!
  5. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    Gosh, it sounds like they're doing great and are progressing just fine! Keep up the great work.
  6. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(denzel @ Apr 30 2008, 06:20 PM) [snapback]748359[/snapback]
    Are your boys 14 months adjusted or actual? I'm astounded at all they can say. My girls just turned 15 months actual (14 months adjusted) and we had an appointment with a developmental pediatrician (because of issues one of my daughters had at birth) yesterday. She said both girls are right on track in all areas. When I pointed out that my "A" only says about 4 words but "B" says about 15, the pediatrician looked at me and said, "well you know that "A's" verbal skills are right on track for this age and that "B's" 15 words is more than normal at this age so don't worry about "A" by comparing her to "B"! I wasn't really worried as about 4 words seems to be the norm in this age group in our Mom & Baby group. No need to worry Mama your boys sound like they are doing great!!!

    They're 14 actual age. They would be 12 months adjusted. Both of my daughters talked extremely young and had an extensive vocab - but my nephew just keeps going on and on about how much more advanced Rilee (his granddaughter) is than the boys. She's 16 months old and she was actually a week overdue before they induced. Of course she weighed more than twice what the boys weighed. In fact she was a good 3 pounds heavier than their combined weight. I even asked my brother who is around my nephew more than I if Rilee really was talking and doing that much. He said she could definitely talk, but wasn't sure when she started. But my nephew goes on and on and on and it makes me feel like maybe I'm not doing something I should, but I've been very proud of the progress the boys make. M will mimic and try to say anything you say in front of him and he gets it pretty right on. The words I mentioned - both can say except G can't say catepillar - that one is not plain at all, but we know what it is because he picks up the book and says it and points. He gets pretty close but not great. I retired to stay home and keep the boys and in all honesty I never leave the room without them. We sit and talk and play all day. If I go to the bathroom they walk along with me. They stand with me when I make their meals and the computer is in their playroom so while I'm here typing, they are on the floor playing right along beside me. I just like to stay right with them, so I talk to them and have since they were born just like they understand everything I say and eventually they did. They'll respond to commands and if I walk out of the room and M comes along and G doesn't, M will tell G Go! I'm proud of them, but my nephew makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. Thanks for all the support.
  7. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Whoa. They sound very advanced to me! At 14 months, Nadia said only "uh-oh" -- that's it. And, she had just started signing at that age, so only had a few signs. She's a totally normal, bright 4-year-old now, so I really don't think you need to worry about your guys.
  8. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry - my response is - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

    I don't think there is anything wrong with my two and they say only a couple of words if that.

    I would say your two are beyond advanced.

    okay - now I AM panicking.
  9. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Stinkpea @ Apr 30 2008, 01:49 PM) [snapback]748792[/snapback]
    I'm sorry - my response is - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

    That's what I was thinking! At our 15 month checkup, they wanted to know if the boys said at least 3 words. We started listing, and once we got to 3 (which is about it!), they were happy.
  10. pink and blue mom

    pink and blue mom Well-Known Member

    Wow is what I am saying too. Mine are almost 16 months old and DD says a lot now but DS only says Ma Ma and Da Da.
  11. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    Off topic, but when I read this title - I kept thinking it was about Target (you know, the store :lol:)

    I think your boys are doing awesome. Mine turned 2 at the end of December and yours say more than them already!
  12. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Stinkpea @ Apr 30 2008, 08:49 PM) [snapback]748792[/snapback]
    I'm sorry - my response is - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

    I don't think there is anything wrong with my two and they say only a couple of words if that.

    I would say your two are beyond advanced.

    okay - now I AM panicking.

    Ditto here!
  13. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Wow! Mine are no where near that nor are they even walking yet (close...taking about 6-8 steps). Jonas says more than Lucas but even that's not that much. Mainly, mama, dada, bub (for bubba...i think), bye-bye, hi, tank-tank (thank you), no, and uh-oh. That's it...max!

    Now you've got me worried about mine!
  14. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    As their grandmother I know I brag on the boys. They are my heart and soul and to be honest, I really thought they were somewhat advanced especially considering their prematurity, but my nephew keeps on and on and more or less belittles what they do. I am delighted that Rilee is doing so well. I don't want to belittle anything she does, but my nephew does so with the boys in such a condescending manner. It wasn't the boys I was doubting because they will attempt or try anything I try to teach them. It was me I doubted. I thought I might be hindering them. I think all babies will learn at their own pace. I feel like you each know your children and they are right on par and never ever doubt that they are right where they should be. Please don't doubt your children or press them because of this thread. You all take time and nurture and love your babies and they are doing just fine. The boys mother was extremely gifted. She talked at a very young age. She potty trained herself at 14 months old and never had an accident afterwards. I can't take any credit. I worked and she stayed with her aunt who was probably the most intelligent person I have ever met. She could carry on an adult conversation by age two and could spell and write her first, middle and last name at two as well as recite and write her ABC's in order. Before she ever entered pre-K she could read and did so voraciously. She would read the newspaper each morning and ask questions by age four. She would read magazines, etc. She could carry on adult conversations about anything. The boys take after their mother. She began her college at a very young age. To be honest, I didn't know enough about raising such a gifted child to allow her to reach her potential. I can see flashes of that with the boys and I don't want to screw this up. I know that their mother will work with them to bring out their full potential, but since she is away at work most of the day, that leaves the boys with me for a good portion of their waking hours. I don't want to drop the ball, but again, please don't think your children are not right where they should be. In my heart I feel the boys are advanced, but I let someone make me doubt that I was doing what I should. I guess because I didn't really know what to do with my daughter. Thankfully, our aunt was a blessing. She knew how to bring out the best in our daughter and it's she that deserves the credit. Yall are all doing a great job and I have no doubt that your children are right where they should be. You are all so on top of things. I know I learn so much from here and from you young mothers. You have so much more going for you and are so much more on the ball than I was at your age. I take so much from this forum - I've learned so much about the importance of nutrition and learning, environment, playtime, etc. You guys have taught me a lot. I've come to depend so much on this forum while helping to raise the boys. Each of you deserves a ton of credit!
  15. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Wow, Kathy, your little guys are doing AWESOME!!! They sound like geniuses to me!

    I just returned from spending a week with my DD and her boys. I was concerned because the boys don't try to talk at all. They do babble somewhat (they mainly just shriek, lol), and they obviously understand tons of words, but they only occasionally say MaMa or DaDa or the word no. And actually even those are more like Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma, Da-Da-Da-Da-Da, and no-no-no-no-no.

    I kind of think they'd be saying a lot more if DD had more time to work with them. In just a week with them I could tell they were trying hard to imitate me making animal sounds, etc. My DD just doesn't spend as much time working with them on this sort of thing; she's working full time and their evenings are short and the nighttime routine is hectic, and of course their weekends are full and busy as well. Their in-home daycare provider doesn't seem to do much with them other than stick them in front of the television, one of DD's many complaints about her. Fortunately she is not watching the boys anymore after last week, which is a good thing.

    I do feel better about my grandsons' development after reading other's responses about how much a 12-month-old should be saying. Our guys are totally on track developmentally otherwise. And actually, in retrospect, my DD didn't talk at 12 months either, although my son was very advanced by one year old. All kids are different!

    Sounds like yours are doing phenomenal, and I'm sure it's because their grandmother takes such good care of them! Keep up the good work!

    Hope your DD is feeling well and her pregnancy has been easy for her. We're anxiously awaiting Grandbaby #3, just 19 days away now! :) My DD is so ready for this new baby to GET OUT, lol!
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