Are my toddlers the only children out there...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Lougood, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    It was AWFUL! We took the girls in today for DD's follow-up for the broken collar bone (healing nicely) and wanted to have him look at DD2 b/c she's a little congested. All was fine in the waiting room but the minute we got called back and walked through the door the screaming started and didn't stop until we left!! :eek: It's progressively getting worse too. Before we could calm them but now it's impossible. They just cry and say 'all done' and 'we go'. The pedi wasn't concerned at all (I asked him if there was anything to do and he said 'turn 3'...then he blew bubbles). So are my two the only ones?! Any advice? Aside from becoming a Dr. myself, I'm stumped! :huh:
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Nope, your twinks are not the only ones! Anthony acts as if we are torturing him the minute he sees the doctor come in and there is no stopping him when he starts. The more the visit goes on the louder and sadder the cry/scream gets! Angie starts crying when they touch her and then immediately stops when they leave her alone! Anthony cries all the way to the car! So I have no suggestions, just wanted you to know your two aren't the only ones. B)
  3. Stacy1976

    Stacy1976 Well-Known Member


    I cant write too much right now. I have been taking Owen to see a therapist for this very thing. I will send lots of tips and tricks your way. I have a million things to do before I go to bed, so I will post tomorrow.
  4. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    Actually, glad to find others in the same boat! I don't even know WHAT or WHY they have started this. We don't go that often but they HATE for the dr. to look at them. Like you said, once they start, they don't stop until we leave.
    I reeeeeaaaallly don't like it when the nurses or techs come in to see if they can do anything...give stickers, suckers, etc. I'm thinking....just GET THE DR. and let us get out of here!
    Can't wait to see what others post and what has worked for others!
    This too shall pass......RIGHT?

  5. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    Ha, Dr.Anxiety isnt even the word for what these two have. I think it partilly has to do with going to the hospital for their surgeryies so much but we have it. In the waiting room, we're fine, once we get into the room, as long as they're occupied, we're fine. At the peds office, once he walks in, you might as well think we're torturing them - hanging them by toes or something b/c the screaming and crying starts. At the hospital for their surgeries - we cant even get off the exit ramp and go over the rumble strips on the ramp without them freaking out. We get to the hospital and go into the parking deck and it's like they wait to see if that's really where we are. If there's a nurse or Dr. that rides the elavator with us, we're doomed. The crying starts then. IF not, we're lucky and get quiet happy boys until we get into the actual hospital room. All down hill from there. Crying and everything until they're distracted. When the nurses check temp, oxygen, heart beats and all that, it's over, forget it - they push them away and everything. It's gotten so bad now that after the surgeries, Brenden wont eat or drink anything until the IV is removed and the Oxygen sensor is off of his toe. Cant have a bandaid on the IV spot either. Sad thing is is that to get the IV removed, he has to eat or drink something first. Luckily the nurses know him now and will remove them first. If not, he'll sit and pull at them and cry every time he sees it and throw the snack and drinks. response to your question - no you arent the only one out there dealing with this. Our pediatirition said that at about a year or so, it starts and it'll taper off down the road. Good luck with it, i'm justnot sure of anything to so - i think it's more of a comfort level where they know you and not the doctor but he's touching them odd. ya understand what i mean?

    Edited to add: We cant even put bandaids on them at home or they cry. Brenden found an open one laying on the table that I had layed there until i got up to throw it away and he picked it up with a pincher grasp in his thumb and pointer finger and carried it over to me holding it as far from him as he could and not looking at it - although he had a look of disqust on his face the whole time. He brings us stuff to throw away and he wanted that outta here. We've even tried the "tattoo" bandaids. Nothing - nadda....we're doomed.

  6. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Yep, both my girls cry and scream. Not only for themselves but for each other. When one sees the other crying and being touched by the dr., she starts sympathy crying. I have been doing all the ped appts by myself and it is a good 45 of pure he&$%!

    But the dr ALWAYS reassures me that it is totally normal and to expect them to act that way until they are about 2.5-3 years old when they understand a little more. It always makes me feel much better when he acknowledges that this behavior is normal and expected.
  7. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Mine love the doctor. They HATE the! Unfortunately the pedi is right, only time will help. Kids start getting some long term memory right about that age and they aren't stupid, they know when they see the dr they are going to get an ouchy shot. It is cause and effect for them. About the time they are 3 they have had enough appointments without getting shots (usually the last one is about 18mos or 2yr), that they have calmed down. Even now I have to assure them that it is Brandon getting a shot, not them when we go. DD found out about getting her 5yr shots before K started and she freaked out the whole way to and during the appointment and she had never reacted that way before. Shots are a painful thing and they aren't ones to forget the experience.
  8. gracyngarrett0905

    gracyngarrett0905 Well-Known Member

    Your kids are not the only ones that act like that. I work for a pediatrician and a huge majority of the kids start crying as soon as you lay them on the scales. They just remember things that you wouldn't think that they would remember such as the shots or if they had a bad experience. It is just a phase and they will grow out of it. I always like to remind the older kids how they used to act when they were younger they think it is funny that they used to cry over something minor like weighing them. The one thing that I would like to tell all parents is to be honest with your children. If they are coming to the doctor to get a shot tell them that before they get there I know that you may think that it will be hard to get them there. But in the long run it makes it easier on them. That way they know what to expect. Yesterday a mom said "my daughter needs to ask you something"
    the little girl said " am I getting a shot ?" I had to tell her yes because she was. But that is not my responsibility to tell her that, her mother should have talked to her about it before she got there.
    Anyway back to your question.....a WHOLE lot of kids act like that at the doctors office. Even mine act like that and I work there.
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I think we may already be outgrowing it. They threw major screaming fits at their 15, 18, and 24 month appointments with the 18 month being the worst. When I took them a couple weeks ago for their flu shot, they didn't even cry getting the shot! They marched back there like they owned the place and were so excited over their "special sticker" (bandaid) that all else was forgiven.

    ETA: I very much agree with the pp about telling them where they are going. I also told them in advance they would get one poke each and a sticker. I emphasized that it was all to keep them from getting sick.
  10. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    My doc said the 15 mo and 18 mo appts are the worst, and they were awful, the doc and I could barely hear each other. By 2 yrs, they were much more subdued, and now at 2.5 yrs they almost look forward to it.

    My suggestions, get a picture of the doctor and put it up where the kids can see it. Talk to them about the nice Dr. XYZ and how he just wants to help them feel better, etc. Talk about it often. Get the fisher price (or any brand) doctors kit and let the kids learn how to use the instruments and what they are for. Let them practice on you and each other (if the other will sit still long enough). Take the kit with you to the doctor and show them the same tools the doctor uses are in their kits. Make it fun for them. Tell them about the sticker/lollipop they will get at the end (but I wouldn't suggest making it a reward for not crying, just let them know there is something fun to look forward to.)

    They will outgrow this, but it is embarassing while it lasts. Even tho every other mother has had to go thru it!
  11. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    You are DEFINITELY not the only one. I went last week with Sarah {MMR reaction} and Gabriel {cold} and I told the dr to look at "Gabriel first b/c once Screamy starts there's no stopping her." He laughed, but sure enough...she screamed from the exam room ALL THE WAY home! Talk about a drama queen :rolleyes:
  12. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone! I feel a little better knowing we're not alone. What gets me though is it's as SOON as they see a nurse. Unfortunately it's the nurse who calls us back and once they see her it's OVER. No stopping it anymore. I'm hoping to get them a medical kit for Christmas so we'll play with that idea. I talk to them about the doctor every time we go (before we go) and they even remembered he blew bubbles last time (they would say 'doctor bubbles') so I think they are OK with him. It's the nurses that set them off. We go back in Dec for their 18 month (a month late) so we'll see how it goes. I do appreciate any tips and ideas! Thanks again!
  13. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    This might not make you feel better (sorry): my girls are three and they still act that way. Total doctor anxiety!

    I work at a med school and the girls have started asking me, "Mommy, are you a librarian?" (they think it's funny for some reason) and I say, "Yes, but not a kid's librarian, I'm a doctor librarian." Jade: "Oh. I don't like doctors." And I think: "Me neither on many days." ;)
  14. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry sweetie - mine actually run up to the doctor poke him in the leg and laugh at him! Not sure where this came from though...
  15. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Sorry, no advice -- I keep waiting for mine to get scared of the doctor, but they're not, even after getting several shots. They only get scared if they see the needles, but then they're OK as soon as the shot is over. (They do HATE being weighed, but I think that's because they feel insecure on the scale.)

    But I just had to say that I love your avatar picture. :icon_biggrin:
  16. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    Your not alone! I had to take my 13y to the drs because he had a bad cough and sore throat and I took my twins. As soon as the nurse called us and I started pushing them in to the hallway they started screaming and they got worse when the door of the room closed behind us. I had to hold both twins and reassure them they were not being seen. I really can't blame them because it was only last month that they had to get 6 shots.
  17. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Minette @ Nov 7 2007, 11:23 AM) [snapback]485766[/snapback]
    Sorry, no advice -- I keep waiting for mine to get scared of the doctor, but they're not, even after getting several shots. They only get scared if they see the needles, but then they're OK as soon as the shot is over. (They do HATE being weighed, but I think that's because they feel insecure on the scale.)

    So far we have not had any issues as well. Mine don't seem to mind the doctor and miss Kateyn likes to flirt with him more than anything!! LOL
  18. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    Mine did that until the doctor started giving them popicles (sp) and talking to them before he touches them.

    What about getting something that they like and right before they go back give it to the nurse in secret (so they see it) and have the doctor give it to them. I think they will start liking them after a couple of times.

  19. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Minette @ Nov 7 2007, 01:23 PM) [snapback]485766[/snapback]
    But I just had to say that I love your avatar picture. :icon_biggrin:

    :D Thanks!

    And thanks to everyone for all the good ideas! I'm going to try a few next month (hopefully we don't have to go again until then) and tell you how it goes! ;)
  20. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Lou-Emilie used to scream every time we went to the ped, even if it was Trevor getting scene and not her. When we went in on Monday was the first time, she stepped up on the scale and let the dr. do anything to her without screaming, it was a very nice surprise. Trevor, on the other hand, from the get go would let the dr. do anything and just sit there.
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