Are MOMS more likely to develop PPD

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kumphort, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    Just wondering if there is any info out there if Moms of multiples are more likely candidate for PPD? I would think with all the hormone changes, extra energy needed to care for 2 of them, that PPD would be more common among MOMS.
  2. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    In my twins books it does say that moms of multiples are more at risk for PPD. You have a higher raise of hormones so the drop is more drastic. I have already talked to my husband and told him what to watch for. Also, I have found at least one woman that I know suffered from it so I can talk to her if I need it.
  3. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    that's not good to hear. i've got a long history with depression so i'm already at a high risk for PPD. :(
  4. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    Yes, statistics and personal experience prove it is more likely. Sorry. I too struggle with depression and got hit on 2 out of 3 of my first years (I only didn't get it with my second daughter)

    I would recommend the following:

    Seek out a counselor with experience in PPD and have them ready in case you have it. Then you know where you can turn.

    Consider increasing your meds (or getting on some)(or at least talk to your doctor before hand about your fears.)

    Have a close friend promise to check up on you frequently just to ask how you are feeling. (Ever day for first month, every week after that.) Others can recognize the signs better than we can if she knows your pre-disposition.

    Have regular, sceduled time off. Even if it is expensive, it's the best money you will ever spend. Yes, even if they are premies, yes, even if you are breastfeeding, yes, yes, yes. And if you feel you CAN'T do this after they are born, THAT may be a sign you are struggling.

    Most of all, know they will grow up, get easier, and you WILL SURVIVE!

    PM me if you want.

    Hope that helps!
  5. sv2001302

    sv2001302 Well-Known Member

    i can see the whole more hormones, more likely to get PPD, but honestly i had it horribly with my DD and was scared to death that i would get it after the twins. But i never did and i think part of it was due to me already being very sure of myself as a parent. I had already been through taking care of one child that quite frankly was a tough kid to deal with, but also the fact that i had her early also made me very sure that i could do it with twins no problem. I think that having my daughter early, nothing was ready for her (had my baby shower two days earlier), not really knowing how to take care of a baby, etc made my post partum worst. When i brought Parker home (yes, i know i didn't have two to take home and deal with at once) i was bored out of my mind. I had help set up for the first month i would of been home with the twins, but i ended up not even really needing the help. It was just so much different because i had gone through the motions and knew exactly what to expect.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I believe statistically they are. I certainly had it and I didn't consider myself to be at risk (no history of or tendency towards depression). For me, I'm sure it was partly hormonal, but it also had a lot to do with the circumstances. I feel that I'd be a lot less likely to have it on subsequent children (not that I plan to have any), for the reasons the last poster described. Being a mom to newborns was such a shock to me, and having twins just made it worse. Now at least I know that they do grow -- I literally thought I would be stuck on my couch with spit-up on my shoulder for the rest of my life.
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