Appetite? Where are you?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kellmcguire, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. kellmcguire

    kellmcguire Well-Known Member

    I have no appetite -- no desire to eat and no cravings. I eat my three meals a day, but I'm not snacking a ton. And if I eat a regular size meal, I'm totally full.

    When I was pregnant with DD, I was ravenous -- I would get this deep hunger that I had to eat a snack immediately. Not this time. I started overweight, and I haven't really gained any weight yet, but my belly is bigger, so I know they are growing. It's just weird that I don't have any desire to eat!

    Anyone else not hungry?
  2. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    I was the same way you are now, however it all changed few weeks ago. Now I am hungry every 2 hrs if I don't eat I am shaking like crazy. I even started craving some foods but thankfully its fruit. Just try to remember to eat small frequent meals.
  3. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    Yeah, no, i'm not terribly hungry nor have I been. I actually can't cook right now otherwise I won't eat it. So....Melissa has taken to cooking and I eat. I'm beyond STUFFED even after drinking a glass of water! So, my meals are small and frequent. I have an english muffin in the am, grapes/granola bar for a snack, a sandwich for lunch (nothing else with it or I will explode!), maybe some more fruit/veggies/cookies for an afternoon snack and then half of a dinner....but i'm not hungry. I just know that I have to eat more often to keep these guys going! And myself!
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I was the exact same way, even lost 3lbs the last month. My appetite has come back full force the last 2-3 days. I will be 17 weeks tomorrow. I think its normal the no appetite thing.
  5. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    I went through that to begin with also. I just had to get some small stuff to work on like granola bars, bananas, carrots, or just easy carry or healthy finger food.
    Many ladies here used the Ensure from the start I believe.

    Now I'm dealing appetite loss again at 30 weeks. My tummy is just too full of babys. Food is the last thing I want and I get p*ssy about it. I am so sick of everyone pushing me to eat and the Dr's do it too.
    I was told to start the Ensure or that stuff last visit. Five meals a day and still drink a gallon of water. I do it for the twins, but I'm having a hard time choking down food period. Starting to feel sick at the thought, smell, sight of food again just out of spite. Before I loved eating veggies, steak, and good stuff.
  6. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Same for me until just about 17 weeks and now my appetite is definitely back! Not in an insane way, but I'm ready to eat every few hours (that seems to include middle of the night!) and luckily I mostly crave fresh fruit and other healthy options although sometimes yesterday I had a 10 piece mcnuggets meal with a chocolate shake for dinner lol
  7. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    k2daho - that sounds good!!!

    I forgot to mention, i'm currently 18 weeks and I have an appetite...just don't want to cook myself!
  8. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Robynsegg - It was really good! In that McDonald's "makes you feel guilty and slightly gross after you eat it but you'd do it all again" kind of way haha. I'd eaten healthy all day so I figure it's a trade off! Plus even with that grease fest consumed, according to Barbara Luke's book with the 3500 calorie a day intake I was still under for the day!
  9. zetta

    zetta Well-Known Member

    Similar experience for me, too -- with DS I was starving all the time, this time no appetite. I've discovered that when I'm having a peak in heartburn I must actually be hungry because eating a big meal (not a small one) makes the heartburn better!
  10. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt stress too much about it. I cant imagine putting away 3500 calories per day (and my OB would have a fit if I even tried -- no way would he sign off on that). I probably barely manage half of that. My appetite has been practically nonexistent during this pregnancy but I eat what I can manage when I can manage and my babies are growing just fine. Remember that babies are strong, parasitic little people and they will get what they need from you.

    You're doing great, Mama.

    IVF TWINS Well-Known Member

    I was the same way until last week. I'm still down 8lbs though. This last week I've been eating more but I still get full pretty fast. I'm trying soooo hard to gain but I just cant seem to. I was also overweight to start so my OB isnt to worried....yet.
  12. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    I'm almost 27 weeks and I don't know how many calories I really take in each day, but I'm positive it's way under 3500. Pre-pregnancy never consumed the 2200 recommended either though. I started off weighing 115 and I think I just finally reached 130. I just eat when I'm hungry. Some days it seems like I can go the whole day and only eat once, then the next day it seems like I'm eating every other hour. None of my doctors seem concerned at all.
  13. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Yeah the 3500 is a pretty insane number honestly. I started around the high end of average "normal" weight for my height so I'm usually getting in 2500 calories a day or a little more sometimes if I remember to eat little bits all day long and then I do let myself indulge in Haagen Dazs pretty much any day that I feel like it. Most of my meals include fresh fruits and veggies, protein, and I'm trying to make sure to get enough whole grains/carbs in there as well. Oh yes and I've started drinking a big glass of milk with dinner daily which I'm actually really enjoying. It reminds me of being a kid lol.

    My babies also seem to be growing fine and I've only gained a bit more then 5 pounds at 18 weeks. It feels like it's mostly in my belly and boobs though to be honest.
  14. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    I just eat when I'm hungry. Regular meal times and snacks throughout the day. A treat here and there but mostly healthy stuff. I have no idea how may calories I am intaking. My babies are good weights and the Dr. seems happy with my weight gain so I figure I'm doing ok. I think you can go crazy if you try to eat as much as the books say. Besides I think it depends on your starting weight.

    I was watching one of those baby story shows where a woman had quadruplets and she was encouraged to gain at leat 100 lbs. The hospital where she was on bedrest had done studies that the more weight gain led to longer term and healthier birth wieghts. I couldn't imagine!
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