Appetite change

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by janicecris, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. janicecris

    janicecris Active Member

    My twins are now 8 mos and my DS had always been a good eater. But lately, he lost his appetite. He used to drink around 35 oz offormula a day but now jusy averages around 25-30 oz. It takes forever for him to feed because he spits it out or turn his head. He is teething, his bottom tooth has started to come out but not quite all the way. Could it be the reason? He is eating his solids 2x a day still, can be tricky but he does better on it.
  2. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    DS does this too when he is teething. 25-30 ounces is still a good amount especially since he is on solids. If he doesn't have a history of growth problems, I wouldn't worry and maybe just offer him more solids/finger foods. He may also be ready to drop a bottle if his solids intake has increased.
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    It could definitely be the teething - for some kids that really throws off their appetite. In our case, Michael ALWAYS eats, but Gabriel is more sensitive to the teething and for a bit before he gets a tooth he does a lot like what you are saying - takes a bit, then turns his head, lets some run out of his mouth, etc. It sounds like your DS is still getting plenty though - the doctor told me they need 24-32 oz. of formula at that age. Our guys are getting 26 (Gabe) and 27.5 (Mike) plus solids three times a day. Gabe is 75th percentile for height and weight and Mike is 90th percentile for height and weight, so I figure they are doing okay! (not to mention wearing 12 month clothes at not even 9 months yet - they are big boys!)
  4. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    It could be teething but actually this is going to happen around certain ages for some kids, and between now and the next few months a lot will fluctuate eating wise. Mine have ebbed and flowed. This week is an "eating" week. Those moms who are lucky to have the kids that will shovel it in no matter what it is (I wish) have no idea what I am talking about...heh heh. I think your formula intake is still great! As they start to get more and more aware of themselves and the world around them they are going to become independently-minded, especially with eating. When they are hungry, they will eat. The best advice a mom gave me around this age was the same thing my pedi later said. They won't let themselves starve, but it will drive you crazy. I thankfully have one that eats well about 90% of the time. The other is very picky, and I dread mealtimes. You may have to offer food more frequently. Good luck mama. :)
  5. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    By 9 months mine had no more than 30 oz of formula. I was also told by my doctor that not to "drain" them in milk since they should start having more solids so assuming you babies are growing well and are normal weight they are doing very well.

    As for being "picky", I find it changes all the time. One eats well while the other refuses and then next week they switch. Again, as long as they are growing, they should be fine I think although it definitely adds stress to feedings so sure.
  6. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Teething could definitely be a factor, and I agree with all the PP's that their habits just start to change after they get established on solids. As long as they're growing well there's no need to worry... they know what they need!
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