Anyone's twins have separate rooms?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by andgoody, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. andgoody

    andgoody Well-Known Member

    The girls are 7 months old and there is always one of them who will decide they want to sing for an hour at night, scream for attention, etc, etc. This leaves the other baby miserable. I don't think they are very heavy sleepers. Is this silly to split them up move a crib to another room? Has anyone else done this?
  2. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    I don't see why you could not split them if they are keeping each other awake. My two sleep through each others hysterics, luckily. It probably tugs on your heart strings to separate them but, you have to remember they are two separate people with different needs. If putting them in separate rooms means happier babes then that means a happier mom and dad. If it seems that it has not helped then you can always reverse the situation.
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We did CIO at 7.5 months and kept them in the same room. However, they learned how to sleep through the crying since they alternated hours of crying. Since that isn't the case for you, you may want to try it. Do you have the room? We could turn our guest bedroom into another room for them, but we will be moving within the year and they may have to share a room at the next house so we wanted to keep them used to it. Just something to think about, if you may have to move to a smaller house in the near future.
  4. andgoody

    andgoody Well-Known Member

    I also wanted to add that they are terrible nappers. I'm lucky if it goes past 30 minutes! Just also made me wonder if the girl who wakes up first sort of disturbed the other one awake as well, or is she naturally waking up as well. Sometimes I rush into to grab the awake/upset one, but it seems as though the other girl is already awake too. I never know if she was ready to be up or not. And honestly, I don't think either one of them are ready to get up sometimes, but me calming the one down to try to get her to catch a few more min of sleep usually winds up waking up the other. KNow what i mean?? Sorry if that was a confusing jumbled mess!
  5. andgoody

    andgoody Well-Known Member

    You bring up a good point. We are waiting to hear within the month if my husband will be getting a new job, paying more, and likely allowing us to move into another 3 bedroom home.We actually just met with our realtor about what we'd need to do to get this one on the market. If we are lucky, maybe we will find a 4 bedroom home. Right now we do have a little computer room, but we'd have to take a crib apart to get the thing out and into it...and in that computer room, we will be replacing the flooring if we are going to sell. LOL. Chaos! Also, with the possible new house... if it IS only a 3br again, there is a chance the girls would have to get used to sharing again. I went thru IVF to have them and have 1 embryo left that we will prob try next fall. So I wonder how hard that would be to have to get them used to sleeping together again!?!?
  6. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    If you want/need them to share a bedroom then they will have to adjust. Perhaps it is your sleeping schedule that needs to be tweeked a bit?
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two have been in separate rooms since they were 6 months old. We have a 3 bedroom home but our two bedrooms are not big enough to hold two cribs, so once they outgrew being able to share one crib, we separated them. At my parents house, the kids do share a room and they might keep each other up a little longer and wake up a little earlier but overall they sleep pretty decent there. It really depends on what works best for you and your family.
  8. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Yes, we just gave my girls their own rooms a few days ago and it's been a miracle for their naps!!! When they were 8 months old they started keeping each other up by singing, laughing, talking...they weren't crying, but just keeping each other up, so CIO wouldn't have really worked. ;) So for two months they were miserable because they weren't getting enough sleep during the day and you can imagine how cranky that made me.

    When we separated them it was like magic. They fall right asleep now. I felt a little guilty at first, but now I know that's what they really needed.
  9. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    To separate our boys would require me giving up our upstairs guest room, and that ain't gonna happen cuz that's where I'm able to escape DH's snoring! LOL Our LO's do nap in separate rooms during the day though (one in the nursery, and one in the mini-crib in our bedroom). They seem to mostly just take 30-45 minute naps these days and if they both napped in the nursery then it would be even less. So separating them for naps works well for us. But I'm hoping they can continue sharing a nursery at night for at least a 2 or 3 more years.
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Luke & Lila have always been together & would throw a fit if I tried to separate them, but if you think they would sleep better & logistically you can do it, it might be worth a try. But I also think that if you need them to share a room, they will eventually adjust to each other & learn to sleep through the fussing.
  11. Miss Conception

    Miss Conception Well-Known Member

    Our babies have their own rooms and have since we transitioned them to their cribs at two months. Our son had colic so badly that he screamed nearly all the time and we didn't want to sacrifice our daughter's great sleep habits, so we separated them. It has worked very well for us. They never really slept together, as we had them in separate bassinets from the beginning and since our son spent time in the NICU, but our daughter didn't.
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