Anyone's 4 year old still not toilet trained?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by monie rose, May 12, 2010.

  1. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    My boys will use the toilet all day long even poop in there, but they cannot stay dry. I put them in underwear and they are wet almost instantly even if they just went potty in the toilet. I should mention they haven't pooped in their pants for months now. It's all pee. Any suggestions on how I can keep them from going pee in their underwear? I'd rather they use them during the day as training pants are getting expensive. TIA!
  2. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Are they in underwear all the time or are they switching betweem underwear and pullups? I know your boys are older than mine but here's my two cents. My boys would go potty while wearing pull ups but they would also wet. They did this too anytime we put underwear on them. The week before they turned three I talked to them all the time about big boy underwear and how special it was. How you don't like being wet, etc, etc. I also bought underwear that I knew they would be particularly fond of (spongebob) and didn't want to pee on. I also had to be vigilante the first few weeks. I asked every hour if they needed to go...if they did not go by an hour and a half, we went to the potty. That worked for us, but not sure if you are beyond that point with yours or not. I also found outside peeing helped alot...they enjoy peeing on things outside. Not sure if that will work for you.

    Wishing you luck though...I know buying pullups and diapers all at the same time can get pricey!
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Are you certain there isn't a medical issue? When you say that you put them on the potty, they pee, then pee almost immediately in their underwear, it sounds like either there's a mental block or a medical reason. I'd personally rather rule out a medical issue. . .Can they concentrate their urine at all?
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I have one 4 yr old that is not PT, but as PP said---it is a medical reason.

    She has 'low-tone/capacity' bladder and severe constipation. She takes medication to help control both problems- but is still not trained night or day. We are working with her DR about it.

    Her twin is totally PT day and night- and has been for over a year.

    I would consult your Dr and see if they can do some tests. Constant peeing can be a sign of a low grade kidney/bladder infection (with little pain) or diabetes (they would most likely be thirsty as well). If they pee when they laugh/cough etc they could have some bladder muscle imbalances or weaknesses (many women get this after childbirth or with age).

    It is highly unusual for a 4 yr old to be not PT for non-medical reasons.
  5. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    If the is no medical problems then I would get rid of the pull ups. Going back and forth between underwear and pullups is where I think the problem lies.
    Definitely make sure to rule out any medical reasons though.
  6. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad you wrote this, I don't feel so alone. We're going to be 3 1/2 soon and there is no sign of improvement w/ 1 of mine after months of training. He is always wet and doesn't care. Not soaked with a puddle on the floor, but wet a little through the pants. I'm almost ready to explore it being a medical issue as well. We only use pull ups at night.
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