Anyone with two sets of twins?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bighairwoman, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. bighairwoman

    bighairwoman Well-Known Member

    hello again
    Just wondering - is there many/any mothers on here with 2 or more sets of twins? how did you react when you found out you were having another pair?
    Does anyone know the odds of having twins again? If I could tell my husband some stats (with high odds of more twins!) then there may be a chance he will been keen for another baby.... (id like another set of twins!)

  2. rensejk

    rensejk Well-Known Member

    You are brave! :) It is the very thought of having twins again that keeps me from wanting to try again. I've heard that your odds increase with each set of twins, but the odds are fairly small to begin with, so... I have no idea.
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    There is a friend of mine from my twin group that is on this site. I don't know how often she frequents twinstuff these days as she is so busy and exhausted taking care of her twin almost three year old daughters and is due to give birth to b/g twins in about 8 weeks or so. It is truly a miracle in my mind. To get pregnant with a set of twins in itself are usually against the odds but to get pg a second time with twins is just unbelievable. I believe her TS name is CutiesXtwo or something like that.
  4. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    The stats of getting pregnant with IDENTICAL twins twice is 1 in 70,000.

    fraternal twin stats are constantly changing - because of fertility meds and fertility treatments.
    fraternal twins do also run in some families. If your mom's family has fraternal twins, then you have an increased chance.

    I only know of a few families with 2 sets of twins. Most have 2 sets and a singleton.

    But from experience I can tell you that the odds don't really matter. No one thought I would get pregnant with ID twins twice and that BOTH pregnancies would be impacted by TTTS. I am done with pregnancy. The fear of another twin pregnancy is too great for me given the risks I had. (apparently, in some rare cases (like mine) - I'm more likely to have IDs. they think my eggs like to split. it's weird and rare).
  5. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Are your twins ID or frat?

    ID is random, but if you tend to be an overachiever in the ovulation department, I'd think you'd have higher chances...
  6. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    I REALLY want to know where the stats are coming from...not because I don't believe any of them, but because I see them quoted on here so much, and are always so different. I saw on another post a few days ago where someone said the chances of conceiving frats again was 1 in 5. I, myself, had researched at gotten something like 4x's higher from one place...another place said something like 1 in 350 or 1 in 3500, but I really can't remember now.
  7. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I think it really depends if you are on fertility meds or not. Of course if you are, your odds are going to be a lot higher then the general public, even the ovulation overachievers! LOL Then, it would depend on WHY you are taking fertility meds. Me, for example, I have PCOS, so fertility meds for me seriously overstimulates me, so my chances for another set of twins is like 20fold.... but if you have another reason for fertility meds (male factor) then you might be abl to get by with a lower dose of meds and not have that high a chance for another set..

    So many factors to consider, no wonder everyone keeps coming up with different numbers! :)
  8. kymbahlee

    kymbahlee Well-Known Member

    I know of a woman with 4 sets of twins and 2 singletons. And no fertility drugs, she just has a genetic predisposition to ovulate more than one egg.
  9. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JenniferTwinMomMinneapolis @ Jan 23 2009, 11:28 AM) [snapback]1158913[/snapback]
    You are brave! :) It is the very thought of having twins again that keeps me from wanting to try again. I've heard that your odds increase with each set of twins, but the odds are fairly small to begin with, so... I have no idea.

    I second this....I can't imagine! :huh:
  10. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kymbahlee @ Jan 23 2009, 05:57 PM) [snapback]1159514[/snapback]
    I know of a woman with 4 sets of twins and 2 singletons. And no fertility drugs, she just has a genetic predisposition to ovulate more than one egg.

    OMG!!!!! :eek: This is crazy and with my luck will happen to me when we decide to have more! :lol:
  11. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    I'm a twin from my mother's second set of twins. :)
  12. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    QUOTE(ladybenz @ Jan 23 2009, 06:19 PM) [snapback]1159694[/snapback]
    I'm a twin from my mother's second set of twins. :)

    How COOL!
  13. TornadoAlleyTwins

    TornadoAlleyTwins Well-Known Member

    I have two sets. :) One is ID and one is frat, though, so I'm not sure what that does to our odds. We've been talking about TTC again, and, if we decide to do it, we'll be fully prepared for twins. Judging by our kids, our odds appear to be 50%. Having a 3rd set actually doesn't scare me at all. Of course, according to my shrink, I'm crazy. :p

    I wonder if having two sets of twins raises your odds of having triplets . . .
  14. kymbahlee

    kymbahlee Well-Known Member

    I think the 1 in 70,000 for a chance of ID twins comes from 1 in 240 (the chance of having ID twins) squared (eg 240x240) Sorry no calculator to check and I might have just made that stat up!
    However that is for someone who has never had twins before ie the chance of a random woman from the whole of the general population having 1 set, then another set.
    We have had a set, so already 'passed' the first 1 in 240 chance. So we still have the same 1 in 240 chance that any other woman has of conceiving a set of ID twins. (and possibly higher is they could prove there is a genetic link)
    Of course, frats is a whole other ball game. I think it is an absolute miracle to have one set, let alone 2!
    MSB maybe the stats are different because one is talking about the chance of any woman and one is talking about if you have already had a set of twins? I don't know, just supposing.
    Eg my daughter has never had children (she is 3 after all!). Her chances of having 2 sets of frats is 60 squared (60x60 = 1 in 3600) (supposing 1 in 60 chance for having twin pregnancy)
    But a friend who has already had a set of frats might be as high as 1 in 5 as she has shown she has the predisposition to have frats.
    Does that make sense?
  15. 2xtwins

    2xtwins Well-Known Member

    The big question is if your twins are identical or not. Both of my sets are identical and conceived naturally. I have no other children. I would like more but this husband is done!! I also heard the stat. of 1 in 70,000 for 2 identical sets.
    Luke and Logan 4
    Lauren and Leah 2
  16. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kymbahlee @ Jan 25 2009, 05:06 AM) [snapback]1161139[/snapback]
    I think the 1 in 70,000 for a chance of ID twins comes from 1 in 240 (the chance of having ID twins) squared (eg 240x240) Sorry no calculator to check and I might have just made that stat up!
    However that is for someone who has never had twins before ie the chance of a random woman from the whole of the general population having 1 set, then another set.
    We have had a set, so already 'passed' the first 1 in 240 chance. So we still have the same 1 in 240 chance that any other woman has of conceiving a set of ID twins. (and possibly higher is they could prove there is a genetic link)
    Of course, frats is a whole other ball game. I think it is an absolute miracle to have one set, let alone 2!
    MSB maybe the stats are different because one is talking about the chance of any woman and one is talking about if you have already had a set of twins? I don't know, just supposing.
    Eg my daughter has never had children (she is 3 after all!). Her chances of having 2 sets of frats is 60 squared (60x60 = 1 in 3600) (supposing 1 in 60 chance for having twin pregnancy)
    But a friend who has already had a set of frats might be as high as 1 in 5 as she has shown she has the predisposition to have frats.
    Does that make sense?

    huh?? :huh: lol, just kidding...

    Seriously, I've heard that if you have twins once, not with meds, that your chance of having twins again doubles...or was it quadruples? Either way, given that and that twins run in my family and my age...I'm SCARED to death to try again...although, a girl would be nice...ONE girl that is! :lol:

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