Anyone with late or no crawlers at all

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by brandycaviness, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    L&M will be 9 months old in a week or so and they still aren't crawling. I am not worried too much b/c I know some babies don't crawl at all, but whenever people ask me if they are and I say no, they give me this funny look. :blink:
    I know what you are all going to say, that each babe is different and they all do stuff at different times, but I was just wondering if any of you had any late crawlers or better yet babies that went straight to walking.
    Now that I think of it, this may be best in the Parents Board. Mods could you link it? :icon_biggrin:
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I won't say not to worry because I am guilty of that myself! :blush: My ds didn't start crawling until he was 9mo 2weeks and dd a week later. I practiced alot with them, and ds is in pt so they did too, but really I think it was a matter of them just being ready to do it. I get those :huh: looks from people too. Are they walking? Talking? Eating table food? Good Lord people, LEAVE ME ALONE! is what I want to say, but I just smile and say no. :rolleyes: I have heard alot of babies go straight to walking, so your two could be in that catergory. Either way, please don't stress it too much! :friends:
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Ditto what Liz said!

    We aren't able to link anymore with this software...sorry! :(
  4. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Jack started crawling about 10.5 months and Sophie 11.5 months. Both of my friends babies didnt crawl they went straight to walking at 9 months and 10 months. Dont listen to anyone else, all babies are different some do it quickly and some take a bit longer. Anyways your 2 might go straight to walking and not crawl at all. Try not to worry to much about it, i bet they will be crawling / walking in no time and you will be pulling your hair out like me!! x
  5. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    No crawling here - the girls had their 9 month appt yesterday and it felt so sad telling the pedi that they weren't moving at all. Not even army crawling or scooting. We have been practicing and I guess we'll see what happens. It is annoying because my friend's son who is 6.5 months started army crawling last week.

    Oh well - I guess we should enjoy the non-movement...soon we won't be able to take our eyes off them for a second!
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jessy was close to a year before she crawled, I think 11 months, and then she didn't walk till 16 months.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of mine crawled at 10.5 months. Don't worry yet, I know easier said then done! :)
  8. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I get that question too. So much in fact that it is shocking. Mine are not crawling either.
  9. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    My Zoe isn't crawling yet, and she'll be a year old next week! She's getting referred to EI, though, for possible sensory issues. Johnny didn't crawl till he was 9 mos, though. I get the weird looks too, and it is hard. I'd say just watch him & see how he's doing in other's true that every baby does things in their own time, especially crawling. A lot of the experts don't even consider it a milestone anymore. I think you, as a mom, are the best judge to know when to worry and when not to.
  10. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    My girls are 14 months actual age, 12.5 months adjusted age. One is army crawling and the other isn't moving yet. Although Bella, the one who isn't moving, was born with dislocated hips and clubbed feet, so we aren't concerned that she isn't moving yet. Josie didn't start army crawling until she was about 13 months actual age - it was about a week after her original due date. She's getting so fast I don't know if she'll bother crawling on her hands and knees!

    Most kids crawl between 6 and 10 months, so I wouldn't worry yet. :)
  11. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    H just started crawling (and only the army crawl) at 9 months, A at 9-1/2, and now they both only do the army crawl! I know it's hard not to, but I wouldn't worry.
  12. LNC20

    LNC20 Well-Known Member

    Mine aren't crawling yet either....I'm still waiting too!
  13. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    No crawlers here . . . they do twist and turn to get where they want to go. I imagine they'll crawl when they're ready!
  14. astralweeks

    astralweeks Well-Known Member

    My girls turned 10 months old Sunday and are still not crawling. They can do hands and knees kinda now, and Elizabeth is scooting and trying (though not really succeeding) to pull up on things. I'm still worried, too. :/
  15. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Brandy, I wouldn't worry yet either. :) I know tons of babies who didn't start crawling til 12 months and walking at 15... so plenty of time. :hug99: Don't worry, you are doing a great job!
  16. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    One of mine crawled at 9 and one at 12.........It'll happen don't worry.
  17. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Results from my study:

    5 Months - 1 child was crawling
    6 Months - 5 children were crawling
    7 Months - 15 children were crawling
    8 Months - 15 children were crawling
    9 Months - 6 children were crawling
    10 Months - 6 children were crawling
    11 Months - 6 children were crawling
    12 Months - 1 child was crawling

    *So most can crawl by 7 months, and can begin as early as 5 months, or begin as late as 12 months.

    Don't give up yet!! You know they could skip crawling all together!!
  18. 4boysandme

    4boysandme Well-Known Member

    My boys aren't crawling yet either. Isaac is trying his hardest but can't seem to figure it out. Evan is pretty content to roll around and or sit. It is frustrating to watch them get frustrated because they can't go where they want to all the time but I am somewhat grateful for that right now. I can only imagine how crazy things will become when they do start crawling! :) I would agree with the pps and say that they will surely crawl when they are good and ready and then watch out! :eek:
  19. Maytwinsmom

    Maytwinsmom Well-Known Member

    My DS started at 10 months and my DD on the day that they they turned 11 months, so it has actually only been about 2 weeks since they have both been crawling. I was really woried too and I hated those looks that people give when I would tell them they weren't crawling yet. Now they give me those looks because they are walking yet !!! Don't worry, they will do it when they are ready, and then you have to chase them in different directions :lol:
  20. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Ainsley didn't crawl until like 14 months or so. Before that, she scooted on her bottom, and she started doing that at 11 months. The important thing that they look for developmentally is that the baby is making some attempt, be it crawling, scooting, or rolling, to move himself to a destination by 12 months. I would give it till then, and if you are still concerned, talk to your ped about EI. Don't worry, every baby does these things in his or her own time.
  21. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I soooooo wouldn't worry. Dd was crawling at 8.5 months and ds just started, I didn't feel it was late for them to be doing it at all. So hard not to compare, but if twins should show us anything it is not to compare our kids to each other or to other children :)
  22. AmyD

    AmyD Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(seamusnicholas @ Apr 18 2007, 02:36 PM) [snapback]225144[/snapback]
    I get that question too. So much in fact that it is shocking. Mine are not crawling either.

    Mine aren't crawling either, and I get the question all the time too.

    seamusnicholas - OMG - Your boys are precious!! Ours are 2 days apart, and I've seen you post for a while, so I'm so glad to finally be able to see a picture of your cuties!
  23. Inlowtwins

    Inlowtwins Well-Known Member

    My twins starting crawling at 11 months and my oldest full term DD didn't crawl until late into her 9th month. I'm sure yours will be crawling in no time and then you will be all over the place!!
  24. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine were born 9 weeks early. Lily crawled pretty much on the 9 month mark. Grace just started crawling just after she turned one. I got that question about Grace all the time, and I always said "she's working on it" - which she was!
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