Anyone with Gall Bladder problems while pregnant?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Aurie, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    I have continued to have pain in my upper right abdomin that is also directly behind it into my back. I finally told my doc today and he thinks it could be gall bladder. He said if the pain gets worse, he will refer me.

    I was just wondering if anyone else had these issues? What exactly was the problem? And what was done for you during or after the pregnancy?

  2. pgwithtwins

    pgwithtwins Well-Known Member

    well...I know that gall bladder problems are not uncommon in pregnancy. When I was pg with DD I had some tummy stuff....they thought it might be gall bladder but that checked out. I ended up having my appendix taken out at about 5 months. I know this is not Gall bladder but I thought that i would share with you I had my appendix removed at that point and baby is and was fine. It turned out that I had some unnamed infection, they never actually figured out for sure what was wrong because the appendix was ok.

    ok..I am rambling but just thought that I would share if they take it out not to worry too much. Good luck to you!
  3. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    I had my gb out at 16 wks -- mid-December 2006. I was pretty sick, though, pain, vomiting, weight loss (not much, but you look at pictures and my cheeks were getting sunken). There were no stones, but just dysfunction of the gb. I couldn't eat anything with more than a couple grams of fat at a sitting without extreme pain under the right ribs, going into my back, under my right shoulder blade.

    Good luck!

  4. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I just posted about this last week. I had an attack back in february and some off and on discomfort since then. I ran it by my ob and she blew me I figured that I won't get an u/s until I have a ton of pain... with you being further along I'm surprised your ob didn't just order an u/s since you've been having such severe pain. If I had another attack I would take myself into the ER or urgent care center to demand an u/s... I tend to be slow about getting myself checked out...but I've read enough about gb issues to know that if I do have another attack I need to deal with it and get an u/s. In the meantime obviously limit your fat and grease... I've also read that eating more olive oil is good for cleaning out the gall bladder..but you don't want to go too overboard...if you have a major stone in there the last thing you want to do is really dislodge it b/c it can cause other major issues... But if you are just having sporadic off and on pain after meals then you can try eating more olive oil. I put it on pasta and salad to try to get a little more in my diet. It's also really great for your liver and your whole intestinal tract and your bladder... it's good stuff. The other thing is that you might be having pain up there from severe heart burn..that happened to me in my second trimester with the twins.... it was really hard to eat anything.
  5. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I don't want to tell you that it's not your gall bladder, but I had pain in that area for weeks and weeks. I was convinced it was my gb. It was probably one of my worst pregnancy symptoms. It was probably at about 19-20 weeks and I was at the peri, I told him during my u/s about the pain and he said "Well lets take a look" He checked my gall bladder and there were no stones but aparently I needed a lot more fiber in my diet if you know what I mean. Also my organs were being pushed up into that area and it took a long time for my body to adjust. He suggested eating 2 granny smith apples every day and anything else with more fiber. Little by little it started working, and the pain eventually stopped. I didn't think I was having a problem with constipation but apparently I was :FIFblush: Maybe that will help, I would push for the u/s just to rule out any other problems.
  6. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    I had gallbladder problems after pregnancy and it was horrible. I do suggest if it continues you head in to get checked out at either L&D or at your doctors office. Stones can get lose and cause pancreatitis, which is a whole other horrible pain and that is ALOT worse than gallstones. Another question for you happen to know what your blood pressure has been like? Are you swelling really bad? Headache? Blurred vision? Not trying to scare you but the pain that comes with pre-eclampsia/HELLP syndrome feels just like a gallbladder attack. If you do have any of the other symptoms you need to be checked out now and not later, you would need labs and a 24 hour urine done.
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