Anyone want to join the "MY kids aren't napping!" Club

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kaysyd, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    I have posted, and have seen others posting how their little ones are not napping and after a week or so of bad naps- one kid or the other- I thought it be warranted to start a "My kids aren't napping club!" I know I have seen many others posting their thoughts and frustrations and I am totally understanding and can sympathize!
    What a 1 hour- or heck, a 30 minute nap can do for us mommies, right?

    This is what I have to say to bad napping: [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    I will join!

    I can't say my kids aren't napping but I can say they nap when they want, where they want, how they want and for how long they want. It seems I can't Make them do anything. Some days they nap 3 hours (rare), sometimes I work to get them down and they stay for only 15 mins (how depressing). They rarely sleep at the same time which can sometimes be good (alone time with each one) but sometimes it's bad (if I just need a rest). They are only 7 months so I hope it will get better.
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I'll join! It's only one of them here, but it still sucks. Today they fell asleep in the car so I drove around for an hour. I know that means I'll probably be back to square one again with Ainsley, but I couldn't bear to wake them up.
  4. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    I've done the drive around thing many times!
  5. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    I'll join, too! DD is back on her "I don't need a nap" kick -- and then is a total grump in the evening. I feel lucky that DS still naps.
  6. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    Ah, geez, count me in!

    My 'used to be' 3-4 hour napper totally disregards his bedroom in the middle of the day. [​IMG]

    The other one WILL take a nap, only IF you lay there with him, and IF his brother is nowhere near to distract. So basically, no naps except on weekends when daddy is home [​IMG]

    I have found that a trip down the road about nap time will produce two nodding heads in the back seat! LOL
  7. AmyDeanna

    AmyDeanna Well-Known Member

    I wish I didn't have to join, but unfortunately my 2 year olds fall into this category. They used to be the best sleepers, taking 2-3 hour naps. Now I have one who won't nap at all and keeps the other one up. Neither one is well rested and they are acting horribly! I'm losing my patience quickly!

  8. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Me, Oh me... Sign me up! [​IMG] We had a few weeks of good naps and are now back to no naps. I'm still putting them in there, but they're just up there pooping in their diapers (2-3x per nap! [​IMG]) and having a party. I am at the end of my rope [​IMG] Early bedtime again tonight I guess...
  9. Faith_Pasc

    Faith_Pasc Well-Known Member

    We are having the same issue as Melissa--naptime means poop time. I was going to try and let them play for awhile between lunch and nap (usually it's straight to the cribs after lunch) but they were both so tired so I put them right in. They did their usual chatting for 30 minutes and then both were hysterical. Sure enough, both had pooped. DD went to sleep after the diaper change, albeit with some hysterics, but DS still has not taken a nap today. I think he's teething something fierce.

    Maybe there's something in the air that's affecting napping in the TS community? [​IMG]

  10. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    No thank you.

    I do sympathize though. BTDT too many times. I hope you all catch a break soon!
  11. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    The girls just turned 3 at the beginning of February and just this past naps!! It is going on 2 weeks! I do put them down for one but they usually end up getting books out and reading instead. So at least I get 1.5 hours of a break. But I am used to 2 and without intervention.
  12. toddlertwins

    toddlertwins Well-Known Member

    We go back and forth! Hang in there and keep consistant. They'll snap out of it. I had to seperate mine at naptime and it's worked so far.

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