anyone using Liquid prenatal insted of the pill?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by hot2trottt4u, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    cant swallow the large prenatals so i switched to the chewable ones and they have such a bag after taste i end up getting sick every time i take one :bad: .
    so that defeats the whole purpose.
    i was reading online about a liquid prenatal and wondering if anyone used it or has any infor on it.
    also read that people were just taking 2 flinstone chewables insted?
    anyway just wondering.
    thanks :D
  2. melthoreson

    melthoreson Well-Known Member

    I haven't used the liquid type, but my OB did recommend that I take 2 flintstones (I take the gummies) plus additional folic acid. It has worked for me... I tried many different prenatals and NONE of them worked for me!
  3. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I had a small multivitamin (those little one a day types), folic acid, a regular pre-natal.... so depending on the day I would choose what I was able to handle. I tried to make sure I at least took the small folic acid tablet. I have heard of the fintstone option too... what about a liquid drink like Ensure for some extra vitamins ? Cold, or with banana it might taste better...
  4. HurleyBeeGurlie

    HurleyBeeGurlie Well-Known Member

    I actually took the gummy vitamins. 2 gummies = 1 vitamin so I took 4 gummies. They didnt even taste like vitamins. They are soo good. My daughter LOVES them too.
  5. 2twins07

    2twins07 Well-Known Member

    I took 2 Centrum 1 a day chewables. They were orange flavored. There is also a blueberry flavored chewable, but I forget the brand. They actually tasted fine. You should be able to handle them both if you can take the flintstones fruity tastes. Best of luck finding something that works for you!
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