Anyone Using Avent Anway...?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by gina_leigh, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I've been obsessing about all this BPA stuff for weeks now...since I started formula feeding exclusively. We were doing EMB for the first 6 weeks. While doing that, I was using the Playtex dropins because I could pump straight into them and add whatever formula- if any depending on the feeding- I needed to.

    Well, now that we are just using formula I am sick of buying all those stupid liners and guessing on how much they are eating. I've been trying all the BPA-free bottles I can find and spending so much money in the process.

    What I've found is that my two really only like the Playtex or Avent bottles. And I'm tired of fighting them on it. So what I was thinking was using the Nuby bottles I got for storage and warming (I use the microwave...) and then pouring the formula in the Avent bottles.

    I don't want to feel guilty over 'poisoning' the babies, but they really do best with these bottles. Less gas, easier feedings.

    I'm wondering if there are any other moms using bottles on the ban list too...
  2. Lynner405

    Lynner405 Well-Known Member

    Me me me!!! I used Avent bottles with DS and was all ready to use them with these two until I read all about BPA. I went out and bought a ton of Gerber bottles. The twins did horrible with the gerber nipples....formula leaked contantly out of the nipple and it never seemed to fit in their mouth correctly. Plus they were so gassy and I wondered if it was the bottles, so I switched back to the Avent ones. Needless to say feedings times are much easier and both babies seem to do much better with the Avent bottles and nipples. I just always wash my bottles by hand and since I am using powdered formula I don't heat the bottles when I make them.
  3. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    i'm using them. honestly i am not sure how dangerous the actual bottles are. obviously BPA is dangerous but is it really leaching into the food that is in the bottle for less than an hour - i doubt it. unless you are heating the formula in the bottle in the microwave, i think its fine. if it was well tested and found to really be dangerous the FDA would pull these bottles off the shelves.
  4. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    did you try born-free? They are $$$ but they work great and have a nipple that looks similar to the free Advent one we tossed due to BPA. Then again I feel the research is pretty clear on the danger of BPA for all people not just babies so we are choosing to avoid it whenever we can. Did you know it is in the liner in canned goods - so you really can't avoid it completely.
  5. Chase&Parker's Mommy

    Chase&Parker's Mommy Well-Known Member

    I use them too - I hand wash only and we formula feed exclusively so I don't feel like there's any danger in using them. We also don't heat up the formula, just warm tap water. I've tried everything under the sun (except for the Doc Brown's) including heating up nursery water and find that my boys do the best on the Avent bottles and tap water.
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We don't heat ours either so we use everything! I bought one of each kind (except Dr. Brown) and they have gotten used to them all. As long as you don't boil or microwave them, there should be no problem. When we did heat ours (for about a week before realizing they don't mind it cold) we just microwaved water and then put the bottle in to warm it.
  7. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    My DD loves the Avent bottles, although her boys will pretty much take any kind of bottle. She's never made bottles ahead of time, just used warm tap water to mix as they use it, so there's not a concern with microwaving. An advantage to this method is that she usually knows when a baby needs a full bottle or just a few ounces to tide him over, so she doesn't waste as much formula.
  8. Tracy623

    Tracy623 Well-Known Member

    I chose to buy the MAM bottles for Mia (on-line only) because they are are BPA free and are affordable! I did hear that if you hand wash vs dishwasher and don't heat the bottles that they are "safe" from the BPA leeching into the milk. If you were pumping with Medela the small bottles you pump into are BPA free and I know Mia loves the nipple on those as well as the MAM bottles. But, whatever works for you and your babies is the best answer. My twins ate EBM exclusively from Avent bottles and "seem to be fine". They are 3.5 years old so who knows what is "normal" :p

    I just saw something on the news saying that they want to pass a law banning the chemical in all baby products. It will be interesting to see what happens.

  9. shelley79

    shelley79 Well-Known Member

    We use the Avent drop-ins. For me it is the best of both worlds. No BPA and much less to clean. The Avent drop-ins have measurements that are easy to read and are very accurate. My babies love the Avent nipples, and there are several levels. With the Playtex, it was either too fast or too slow. I love our bottles.
  10. jodyclemens

    jodyclemens Member

  11. rensejk

    rensejk Well-Known Member

    I feel completely sick after reading those two links in the PP. We have been using Avent since day 1. Usually we feed EBM or formula at room temperature. But I must have washed and re-used each bottle at least 500 times. We also only put them through the dishwasher about once a week (never again). They seem like they are in good shape, not cracked or discolored or anything.

    And the formula cans are lined with it too. Ugh.
  12. sophia2

    sophia2 New Member

    Oh my gosh! I'm sick too. We use Avent AND I put them in the dishwasher AND I microwave (very briefly) their formula in them :( ... I feel horrible. I guess I should look into other bottles or at least start handwashing and not microwaving!
  13. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried the Gerber Gentle Flow, which is BPA-free? I've only found it at Walgreens, but it looks exactly like an Avent bottle, and in fact, you can use the Avent nipples (which is recommended, since I think the Gerber one isn't so good). Look:

    Gerber Gentle Flow

    I used Dr. Brown's when my munchkins were tiny, because DS had a major feeding difficulty, and we had to do everything we could to make eating easier for him -- and, he did well with those bottles. As he improved, though, I did switch to some BPA-free ones, and just used the Dr. Brown nipple. It wasn't ideal, and the nipple kept collapsing, but we got used to it.
  14. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

  15. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I used the dishwasher and microwaved the Avent bottles...but that was two to three years ago before all this info was out there. Oh well...
  16. prairiemom3

    prairiemom3 Well-Known Member

    I guess I am not replying to the right post as I'm not using the Avent anymore. After watching the news last night I went online and ordered the Born Free bottles. It was 57.99 for 6 - 9oz bottles plus a trainer cup which is pretty expensive, but then the shipping to Canada was 35.44 on top! they might as well be made of gold. My DD got her perios shortly after turning 11 so it kind of freaks me out. I'd just feel better being on the safe side.
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