Anyone use the Moby wrap to wear twins?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by browneyedgirl, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. browneyedgirl

    browneyedgirl Well-Known Member

    I need to start wearing at least one baby, they both want to be held all day, and I need a free hand for my older DS. I saw that you can do the twin carry with the moby. Just curious how possible that actually is.
  2. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    It is very possible but not terribly practical. I found that it worked well for things like walks, watering plants, etc but not for helping the older kids or working in the kitchen. It was wonderful for those few fussy evening/nights when they both needed to sleep but *I* just couldn't nurse anymore. I'd wrap them up and walk around the yard outside enjoying the peace (and pretending I couldn't hear the chaos in the house!) I know that I felt much better when I was able to get one baby on my back in the ergo/mei tai and could just "forget" about her. The ergo was a lifesaver with twins.
  3. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I have a ring sling that I still wear one or the other in when they get extra fussy. A carrier does come in handy. I put one in the carrier and usually carry the other one on the other hip.
  4. rkokinda

    rkokinda Well-Known Member

    I did when they were really, really, really tiny, but when they hit about 8 pounds each, they were just too big to both fit in there comfortably.
  5. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I used a homemade moby wrap ALL the time to wear one baby. I never was brave enough to try weearing two babies at once, however, there is another twin mom on this site who wore her two babies simultaneously. I did a lot of searching of this site, but in the end had to resort to a google search (which is usually more accurate that the site's search engine). Anyway, I don't think the original poster, E&Msmom, would mind me posting this link because she has been very helpful in posting it several times herself in the past to help new moms inquiring about the moby. As for how she wrapped the moby to hold two babies, I think she said some of those she just made up herself, LOL. GL!
  6. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    We used the moby wrap for wearing one twin at a time and it was a lifesaver during those early months when they were very fussy. I know that there is a user on TS that used a moby (or homemade moby) to wear both her twins at the same time for quite a while and she posted pics but for the life of me I can't remember who it was. Mods - any chance you guys know who I'm talking about??

    Just saw your post - thanks for searching and posting the link!!! That's who I was trying to remember.
  7. ~Toni~

    ~Toni~ Member

    I used my moby wrap for both my girls when they were just a couple months old, I tried a few times but I really didn't like it. I felt like I either wrapped it too tight or not tight enough. I had a hard time finding the perfect wrap. I felt I could only use it for a very short amount of time. When I took them out they would be all scrunched and have lines indented on them from the wrap. I had a baby bjorn from my oldest and I purchased another and I still used double baby bjorns all the time! I carry both girls on the front of me side by side, forward and rear facing. I love them. They are almost 20 lbs. each, 10 1/2 months old and they still fit in the bjorns. I would highly recommend them over the moby wrap.
  8. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    We had 2 bjorns as well but I never tried to wear both babies at once with two bjorns. Once our babies hit about 15 lbs the bjorn always cut into my shoulders and hurt my back with just one baby. But an Ergo was wonderful as far as not hurting my shoulders or back! It distributes their weight across your hips and not just your shoulders. And a mother of triplets in my MOMs group said she had 2 Ergos which she LOVED and she often times wore one in an Ergo on her back and one baby in an Ergo on the front. Granted, your babies would have to be bigger than a month old to wear on the back, but its something to consider down the road.
  9. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I wore my twins for the whole first year! HERE are some pictures :)
  10. MyMayBabies

    MyMayBabies Well-Known Member

    How do you wear 2 Bjorns at a time in front? I've never heard of doing it that way!

    Great pics!

    I've worn my girls together in the Moby but just for a short while. They got very heavy & hot in it! What do you call the wrap with both of them on your hip? I'll have to try that when they get older.
  11. NaturallyBaby

    NaturallyBaby Well-Known Member

  12. browneyedgirl

    browneyedgirl Well-Known Member

    so awesome! thank you!

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