Anyone Tear or Pull their ROUND LIGAMENT?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by minivanmama, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. minivanmama

    minivanmama Well-Known Member

    Last night I pushed a box with my right foot. It wasn't overly heavy, but that movement sent an exruciating pain through my lower abdomen in the area of the utuerus. I couldn't even move for a few minutes.

    I slept OK, but it hurts today...a lot. I'm OK if I'm sitting, but moving around and walking is challenging. I called my OB and since the pain isn't constant, accompanied by cramps or bleeding and I still feel the babies they weren't concerned. They think I've torn my round ligament and have instructed me to stay off my feet and see how it feels. I'm to go in if anything gets worse or changes.

    I guess what I am wondering is if this sounds similar to anyone and how long it took to heal?
  2. lisachalf

    lisachalf Well-Known Member

    I've done something similar and it felt better within a couple of days.
  3. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    I tore mine when I was 16 weeks. I thought my world was coming to an end :D But a little tylenol and some rest and it became something that I lived with...sorry for your discomfort...
  4. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I've done it and it took about a week to feel better. Today, it started hurting again on the car ride home and I thought I was going to die.
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I had such excruciating pain post-partum, but it was ONLY during intercourse (specifically, excuse the TMI, during deep penetration). I just assumed it was all part of 'having babies' and my body changing and didn't seek medical attention for it until the boys were 10m. They couldn't find anything wrong with me on any of the tests.

    I ended up having round-ligament laparoscopy (but not until the boys were 18m and they couldn't figure out what else was wrong). They told me going into it that they couldn't promise it would even help, but there were no other explanations for my pain. Basically the stress of the pregnancy stretched them out (like a rubber band) and they just never ended up being able to shrink back up, therefore they weren't properly holding up my uterus and it was flopping over.

    The laparoscopy did the trick...which is great, b/c I just was so depressed about not enjoying sex/feeling so anxious about the potential pain that sex sucked. I wish I hadn't taken so long to get the ball rolling, I could have avoided a lot of unnecessary discomfort otherwise.

    Anyhow, I recognize you're not likely needing surgery if you have a minor pull, but wanted to share in case you're susceptible to round ligament issues...don't wait as long as I did if you find yourself in pain post-partum.

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